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  1. mverscho

    Any trick to avoid ER4-p's microphonics ?

    Try some electrical tape, double about 1/2 inch back on itself, lay the wires in the non-sticky section, and roll into a tube to snugly fit the two wires, and use that as an adjustable slider to bring the wires to rest just under your chin, or against your neck (looks kinda funny though) as you...
  2. mverscho

    RMAA measurements for HeadRoom MicroDAC / MicroAmp?

    Quote: Thanks, Kevin. I'll mention this link to our engineer, Joe W. I'd be interested to know what Joe or yourself thinks of this program (O.K., useless, etc.) for amp and/or headphone testing. It seems to be the standard around here, and tests similar parameters (FR, THD) to those...
  3. mverscho

    sell my DT770-80's for another amp?

    Hi, Just a thought; if you still like your DT770s, why not get or make a 75 Ohm adapter to reduce the gain from your amp? If 75 Ohm changes the sound sig. too much, perhaps a lower resistance adapter may work... Cheers, Mark
  4. mverscho

    Tri-flange mods

    I'll describe the reasons why I modded my triflanges... I started off with the triflanges at first, but found them to be too uncomfortable. When I switched to the foamies, I found that although the isolation was a bit better, the highs were more peircing than with the triflanges, and the bass...
  5. mverscho

    My Beyer DT770-80 has no

    Hi blackreplica, It sounds to me like you have defective cans. The 80-ohm are relatively easy to drive, but apparently do require an amp (even a small one will work - I think your MINT should be enough) to sound their best. Burn-in is supposed to tame the high end and make the bass less boomy...
  6. mverscho

    Inserting Ety's in the wrong direction

    Quote: Originally Posted by RonTheMan I find the reaching over the ear method to be cumbersome and have since evolved to just shoving the Ety in and giving it a few twists to obtain a good fit. I'll second that method. I've had my ER4-Ps for 10 months now, and have never bothered...
  7. mverscho

    Keeping it REAL with A/B Switch Boxes to compare amps

    Just something else to consider; could the percieved differences detected in amplifiers at low vs. high listening volumes not also be a function of the Fletcher-Munson equal loudness curves? At lower listening volumes, the bass perception is reduced moreso than at the higher frequencies, and...
  8. mverscho

    Any Canucks still waiting for thier Porta Corda MKII (Group Buy)?

    Well, I've tried to get hold of TrevorNetwork on May 11th and again at the beginning of this week, and still no reply... I've been negotiating with him since March 8th to have my amp shipped out: March 19: Claimed to not have my mailing address, will ship via Xpresspost "first thing"...
  9. mverscho

    The ELECTRONIC music headphones

    moth: Just an idea; since you have a decent sound card, why not use audio test tones (from NCH Tone Generator or similar) to determine equalization (best to use cut rather than boost) to set your existing phones for a *percieved* even response with a software-based equalizer (such as...
  10. mverscho

    'Nuts' about a ER-4P to S converter

    LOL! That *is* nuts - "P to S converter, Woodied". I'll probably build a similar "compact converter" out of Rat Shack parts when I get 'round to it...
  11. mverscho

    Finally got my new ear molds for ER-4s

    XBTed, How far would you say the ends of the transducers (filters) are recessed into the opening hole of your molds (ie. are the the phones embedded the maximum amount into the molds)? Also, do you find occlusion effects (esp. breathing noise) reduced with your custom inserts vs. the...
  12. mverscho

    Headphones youve seen in movies or TV series

    In the last scene of Jade, the cop is doing surveillence with Etys
  13. mverscho

    Meier Audio Porta Corda MkII Group Buys (One for U.S., One for Europe)

    CAN/1 & Paid via Paypal Thanks Trevor for the quick reply...