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  1. knights

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    My second pair.   gearporn? Follow me on IG. ;) @iam_jaytana
  2. knights

    Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Sound Quality

    Did Samsung stripped the USB-Audio feature in Lollipop?
  3. knights

    Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Sound Quality

    Anyone tried USB audio after Lolli update? D-zero mk2 doesnt seem to work with my Note4.
  4. knights

    NEW! iBasso D-Zero Mk2

    Cant make it work with Note 4 (5.0.1) :(
  5. knights

    Brand Spanking New A&K AK120II and AK100II

    AK100ii as transport, gets the job done... SE-out is so-so. IMO
  6. knights

    Brand Spanking New A&K AK120II and AK100II

    Can we expect a balanced-out comparison between 240, 120ii and 100ii? Thanks anyway ;)
  7. knights

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Cant compare since we only have 1 AK240 in the show. Hoping to have you in our next event Rudi :D
  8. knights

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

      Not mine;) but i took the photo. hehehehehe   AK240 Gold and Sony PCM-D100
  9. knights

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

      Tit... Tit... Tit.... Boom... hehehehhe ... Nice rig and photo Bry :D
  10. knights

    Rooth LS8+ Appreciation Thread

    I search the board and found no dedicated thread for LS8+. Just got mine this morning. 
  11. knights

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Ibasso DX90 Rooth LS8+
  12. knights

    Android phones and USB DACs

    Anyone knows if Poweramp can interwork with UAPP? I really dont like the UI of UAPP.   im using SGS5 btw.
  13. knights

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    DX90 and Friend's RE600
  14. knights

    ALO International+ Thread

    Hi... im also waiting for more user impressions before pulling the trigger... ehehehehhe... still on the fence at this moment:)
  15. knights

    ALO International+ Thread

    Please share your impressions here guys...
  16. knights

    Need DAC/Amp that doesnt draw much power from a mobile phone.

    Up:) Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
  17. knights

    Chord Hugo

    Anyone tried to pair this with smartphone via OTG cable? Does it work without any issues? Will it need a powered usb cable or can be plugged straight to a smartphone like E18? Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
  18. knights

    Need DAC/Amp that doesnt draw much power from a mobile phone.

    Fiio E18 is able to function as DAC/Amp without any issues... I have a Sony Z2 and having some issues lately with my D42 and XD01. Sometimes, these 2 amps are accepted by Z2 without usb power prompt but most of the time; failed. Anyone tried ADL X1, ADL A1, ALO International, Theorem 720 with...