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  1. DarkSpoon

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    i'm in college and use my safari with converter everyday for notes(Visconti Blue for whoever was wondering about a good ink). i fill it once a week or so and it takes no time at all. it takes probably less time than if you were replacing the cartridge. if you are worried about running out of ink...
  2. DarkSpoon

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    just grab a converter with it and use whatever ink you want.
  3. DarkSpoon


    we had a cat drop it's week old kittens off at our house and disappear. we brought them in for a bit until we found them a home.  Sascha went crazy with excitement but was so gentle with them.      
  4. DarkSpoon


    ah heck you don't even have to treat it right.
  5. DarkSpoon


    Quote: i love that bag. my dog chewed off the top handle a week after i got it but other than that it's been going strong.
  6. DarkSpoon


    i personally dont use a screen protector either but some people at work were talking about the zagg stuff when we were distributing all the Evo's we got in.
  7. NuForce Icon uDAC-2 (Black) USB DAC (24bit/96kHz) and Headphone Amplifier

    NuForce Icon uDAC-2 (Black) USB DAC (24bit/96kHz) and Headphone Amplifier

    ...exemplary flexibility -- analog RCA, digital coaxial, and high-performance headphone outputs -- is bound to satisfy the needs of the most critical music lover. ***** The highly successful uDAC has been upgraded with improved headphone amp, 24bit resolution and higher quality volume control *****
  8. DarkSpoon


    i've heard good things about this invisihield stuff. they apply them for you at the malls in this area. i dont know if they have them at your malls.
  9. DarkSpoon


    Quote: the performance hit hasn't been too bad from what i've used but then again its hard to tell because im not physically on the machine. for windows 7 you can use any of the RDP(remote desktop protocol) clients. i recommend iTap RDP or for free you can try RDP Lite and it works pretty...
  10. DarkSpoon


    here is a list of iPad compatible cydia apps for those interested:
  11. DarkSpoon


    not really sure why i'm being called a troll for stating a problem i had with the device. overall, it's a neat device but, like every device, it has some drawbacks.
  12. DarkSpoon


      Quote:   i guess a large portion of ipad users are...
  13. DarkSpoon


    Quote: you're just embarrassing yourself now.  
  14. DarkSpoon


    again, i didnt say it was difficult to pick up or hold at all. it's size and weight just make it awkward and uncomfortable to hold for extended periods(hours at a time). but you seem sort of dense so i dont know if stating it a 3rd time is even going to sink in. plus all this clicking and typing...
  15. DarkSpoon


    ok, don't get all butt hurt because someone doesn't like something you do. yes 1.5lbs is heavy if your holding it for extended periods of time. i dont mean heavy like im going to drop it or something, heavy like its annoying and awkward. i have the same complaint of my other tablet. the reason a...
  16. DarkSpoon


    tacomn, i feel the exact same way about everything you mentioned.
  17. DarkSpoon


    the lack of tactile feedback drives me nuts. not specifically an iPad issue but an issue with all touch screens. only reason i have it is because my job bought 3 of them for the IT department to test out and report back if we think it would be a useful tool for the sales staff. i enjoy my iPhone...
  18. DarkSpoon

    Sneaker-Fi (or Shoe-Fi)

    Quote: my sister has a pair and they seem kinda cheeply made and i personally find them pretty ugly. it's nice of them to send a pair to someone who needs them though.
  19. DarkSpoon


    Quote: i've got one and neither do i lol. i basically only use it when im too lazy to get my laptop out of my bag. then it ends up driving me nuts trying to browse the web so i go get my laptop. people keep assuring me it's the greatest thing ever though. to each their own i suppose.
  20. DarkSpoon


    they already have a thread going a little ways down the page.
  21. DarkSpoon

    Phone Fi

    iPhone 3g for now. my next phone will probably be an Android phone. I'll see whats out next year when my contract is up.
  22. DarkSpoon


    Quote: ****** SLAYER!
  23. DarkSpoon

    The Jeans-fi thread

    Does Levi's make a STF for women? my girlfriend likes mine and was wondering. we didn't see any at the stores in our area though.
  24. DarkSpoon


    i prefer using a glass eyedropper to put the hoppes on my brushes. that way i dont have to worry about spilling it everywhere as i have done on a few occasions. just fill the dropper up and put the top back on the bottle.
  25. DarkSpoon


    Quote: i still use my kindle for reading. aside from the massive screen difference, i find the ipad too heavy and cumbersome for reading a book.  i think the price difference was more b&n trying to undercut amazon to boost sales just to be undercut by amazon.