Aug 7, 2010 at 2:57 PM Post #466 of 623

Yeah that Brenthaven case looks nice, but doesn;t do what I want.  I want a case that I never have to remove the iPad from, and that can be used as a stand and works to help prop up in my lap.  Ergonomically, the Apple case is absolutely perfect - I just wish it looked a little nicer.

Agree, Skylab. When I first opened the case, I thought, "Ugh, this looks cheesy. I'm taking it back." But after using it and looking at alternatives, I really like the functionality and the fact that it doesn't bulk up the iPad more than necessary. It also has the benefit of being easily cleaned if you get something on it. 

So for me, the functionality has trumped and I'm still using it.
Aug 7, 2010 at 3:30 PM Post #468 of 623
I tried getting one of those, and it was a royal pain in the butt.  I finally cancelled (which was a process) after being lied to a few times about shipping dates by the owner.  Maybe he has caught up by now but I would be weary.

Yeah it took a long time to get, I think there were some production issues. I believe they have caught up, and they are offering free shipping now. At least they took the time to get the product right and didn't ship out the bad version. I almost canceled myself but am glad I didn't.
Aug 7, 2010 at 6:22 PM Post #470 of 623
Aug 7, 2010 at 7:22 PM Post #472 of 623
LOL! That's true (and technically mine was a 2Move).
Aug 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM Post #473 of 623
What I don't get, it the purpose of 'screen protectors' for an iPad - really?? 
It's a touch screen for heaven's sake and is meant to be touched and
fingerprinted. I just take a soft cloth or towel and give it a quick wipe
when done.  I see no need for something that is meaningless and simply
gets in the way, reduces resolution and wrinkles and folds and peels.
Aug 8, 2010 at 9:33 PM Post #474 of 623
Screen protectors noticeably reduce screen resolution? I know the matte ones add some noise, but never noticed much with the glare types.
Application must be a pain though, in the USA it's always DIY... around here the shop sales puts it on for you and they're usually quite good at it, no folds or creases. A good one usually lasts years in my experience, though it depends.
Aug 8, 2010 at 9:44 PM Post #475 of 623

Screen protectors noticeably reduce screen resolution? I know the matte ones add some noise, but never noticed much with the glare types.
Application must be a pain though, in the USA it's always DIY... around here the shop sales puts it on for you and they're usually quite good at it, no folds or creases. A good one usually lasts years in my experience, though it depends.

Man that's soooo nice. I bought a Power Support Anti Glare and had a hellaish time getting it on.
It did noticeably change the image quality. It wasn't as bright and crisp, but only by a very small amount, but enough for me to notice. I bought it mainly to reduce friction between the glass and my finger and while it did that, I ended up realizing that I like the glass better and took it off. Since I've managed to get used to sliding around with my finger and don't really notice the friction that much, maybe that I've changed how I put my finger on the screen so there is less friction? I don't know.
Aug 10, 2010 at 5:15 AM Post #477 of 623
I use a anti glare on my iPad, because without it it would be nigh impossible to use it outside in bright light. Though it takes away some of the "goodness" of the screen it's worth it.
Aug 10, 2010 at 10:46 AM Post #478 of 623
I am not really worried about finger prints, that is an easy fix.  What got me to use one was the reports of the screen scratching.  For a device that is getting thrown around, and put in bags its a worthy trade off for me.
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:37 AM Post #479 of 623
I bought one and asked my gf to put it on the iPad for me (she put on my iPhone screen protector without a problem), but she gave it back with about a million bubbles.  I tried using the little cardboard cutout to get them out, but it was hopeless.  I tried a credit card and it was putting small indentions in the protector... I gave up and threw out the protector.  If anyone knows of a protector that is easy to put on, or has a technique that works, I would be interested. 
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:47 AM Post #480 of 623
i've heard good things about this invisihield stuff. they apply them for you at the malls in this area. i dont know if they have them at your malls.

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