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  • Users: ag8908
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  1. ag8908

    Survey - What is your definition of "treble" ? (please listen to this website before voting)

    Prompted by comments about how certain headphones have excess or rolled off treble -- at what frequency on this website does "treble" begin, according to your ears i.e. in your opinion?   I don't think this works in internet explorer by...
  2. ag8908

    Has anyone started a thread with disturbing, frightening sounds/music? (but not overtly so, i.e. no scary speech/screaming etc.)

    Has anyone started a thread with disturbing, frightening sounds/music? (but not overtly so, i.e. no mp3s of a person talking in a scary manner or screaming etc. more like stuff that shouldn't necessarily be disturbing/frightening sounding, but is)   For example, I always found bagpipes to be...
  3. ag8908

    If you only listen to spotify, is there any benefit (harm?) to setting Windows audio sample rate to 32bit/192khz?

    I'm using a Burson Conductor DAC/amp.   I'm pretty sure that if I'm just listening to CDs, there is no benefit to setting the sampling rate to anything other than 16 bit 44.1khz. So what about Spotify? I listen to "extreme" quality on Spotify, which should be 320kbps.   Digression, fyi...
  4. ag8908

    Can any electrical /physics folks explain this?

    I have the Burson Conductor and I've been experimenting with it to get it to sound warmer/bassier. Well I think I might have found a solution, but I don't understand why.   Specs:  ...
  5. ag8908

    Survey - how much money would you pay for a headphone setup that is guaranteed to be the best out there, for all types of music

    Survey - how much money would you pay for a headphone setup that is guaranteed to be the best out there, for all types of music, i.e. a system where you would never have any doubt that there is no other set up out there that will sound better to your ears?   Keep in mind this is a system...
  6. ag8908

    Experiment I just did may objectively explain why headphones, and especially IEMs, sound crappy relative to live music/speakers

    I think this might possibly explain why live instruments/speakers sound better than headphones, which in turn sound better than IEMs.   Try this experiment.   1. Plug a Y splitter into your headphone jack, so that a single headphone jack has been converted into two headphone jacks. 2. Plug...
  7. ag8908

    Why are some people so against vacuum tubes?

    ...tubes? Some of us like that sound. Feels more human, less cold. every time I google about tubes i see a ton of links describing how they're lies, ******** blah blah (here's just one of probably thousands )   I think I even saw a car...
  8. ag8908

    If you could only buy one, Westone W60 ($999), Shure SE846 ($999) or WH Audio Roxanne universal ($1,299)?

    Help people stepping into the high-end universal IEM market. If you could only buy one, Westone W60 ($999), Shure SE846 ($999) or WH Audio Roxanne universal ($1,299)?   Edit: WH Audio should say JH Audio.   Shure...
  9. ag8908

    Why are there sites streaming 1080p HD video, but no sites streaming lossless wav music?!

    I'm pretty sure I can hear a slight improvement when listening to my ripped wav files, relative to 320kpbs mp3s. So why not just stream wavs? It's really not that much band width. I think it's only about 0.2 megabytes per second.
  10. ag8908

    Which of the two DACs is being used if you use the coaxial i.e. SPDIF out of your DAC to connect to the SPDIF/coax in of your 5.1 A/V receiver?

    Which of the two DACs is being used if you use the coaxial i.e. SPDIF out of your DAC (DAC1) to connect to the SPDIF/coax input of your 5.1 A/V receiver, which has its own DAC (DAC2), and then connect your headphone to the receiver? Are you hearing DAC1 or DAC2?   Additional information, the...
  11. ag8908

    Is there any medical science supporting this theory?    
  12. ag8908

    Is it sacrilege to turn on the "loudness equalization" setting in windows?

    I know that's going to kill a lot of a good system's imaging and dynamics, but sometimes it just sounds better. Does anyone turn it on sometimes?
  13. ag8908

    Just checking -- is it widely accepted that a $1,000 speaker system will sound better than a $1,500 headphone?

    I've spent many hours now listening to both (a) my speaker system (total cost, receiver + 6 speakers/subwoofer  of about $1,000 [edit: I purchased the set for $1,000 in a sale over 10 years ago, not sure what a modern equivalent would cost, possibly much much less due to technological...
  14. ag8908

    How to find a low priced Chinese version of any super expensive DAC?

    Edit: DO NOT TRY THIS. See my experience here   As I understand, perhaps the most important determinant of how a DAC sounds is its chip. Higher end DACs have very fancy chips, 32 bit 384k etc. Lower end DACs don't. Each chip...
  15. ag8908

    Can an expert please comment on whether this is a terribly error ridden and inappropriate way to measure dbA output of headphones/IEMs?

    Can an expert please confirm if this is a not a terribly error ridden and inappropriate way to measure dbA output of headphones/IEMs?   I am trying to measure the dbA of sound going into your ear canal, whether by way of an IEM or headphone. I'm also trying to figure out at what volume level...
  16. ag8908

    Is there a newsletter or society for people who believe that headphone amplifiers are largely redundant scam products?

    . . . redundant scam products?   I completely get why buying a $1,500 headphone makes things sound better.   I understand why a better DAC makes things sound better.   However, unless your headphone jack is unusually underpowered, you're using an electrostatic headphone, or you have...
  17. ag8908

    When using an amp (Objective 2) connected to laptop, should you set amp's volume to max and the laptop's volume low? Or . . .

    When using an amp (Objective 2) connected to laptop, should you set amp's volume to max and the computer's volume to a low level. Or should you, say, set the amp's volume to mid and set the laptop's volume to a higher level? Does it make any difference?   Thanks. Just curious how experts do...
  18. ag8908

    experiment I just did re: hearing damage and IEMs

    Just an FYI to people about the amount of noise coming out of your IEM. If I did this experiment incorrectly please let me know because my results are surprising and might serve as a caution regarding IEMs and hearing loss.   I used a decibel meter to measure the dbA (slow) entering the ears...
  19. ag8908

    Question about hearing loss -- ability to hear details vs. ability to hear a low decibel sound

    This test measures your hearing not by testing the lowest decibel of sound you can hear, but rather by measuring whether you can spot details in a sound played at your usual decibel level.   Are these two abilities directly correlated, i.e...
  20. ag8908

    Two good home hearing tests if you would like to confirm that you haven't been playing headphones too loudly   Apparently, the quality of your hearing is not measured by the lowest decibel you can hear, but rather the amount of detail you can hear.
  21. ag8908

    What volume level do you set your IEM to?

    I have a samsung galaxy phone and shure se425, and I keep the volume at 1 or 2 bars (meaning that from no volume, I only click the rocker volume one or two times maximum). I'm worried about hearing loss from IEMs so I don't blast them too loud. I'd be interested in knowing what volume level...
  22. ag8908

    Does anyone prefer IEMs to similarly priced over the ear headphones?

    I just purchased the shure SE425 (my third expensive headphone in a month, sigh) and I was expecting something in the vicinity of a $300 over the ear headphone. But the SE425s aren't even in the same zip code. No problems with seating either, I played with it for 30 minutes using all sleeves to...
  23. ag8908

    Hi, Can't find the thread explaining sound effect of different IEM tips

    Playing around with an Shure SE425. Tried the yellow foam tips, the black spongy tips, and now the christmas tree shaped white tips (I'm not going to try the gray rubber tips as those seem like they won't do well). The best sound is from the black spongy tips. Has anyone analyzed this question...
  24. ag8908

    Can anyone explain this biological aspect of hearing?

    Why is it that sometimes you will temporarily diminish your hearing, for an hour or maybe a few hours, after listening to slightly (but no where ear damaging levels of) loud music, but then your hearing will come back perfectly after, say, a night's rest?