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  1. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Lol! that's him alright. Like I said, I am incredibly happy with my amp. Similar price point. Mine is the H33M. It had a short on arrival and he replaced it, no additional charge. I know a lot of people like their H5s, but I also see a lot of people selling them off recently. I'm glad I upgraded...
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    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    If you're not going to drive low impedence planars, do you need the h22m? If you change headphones a lot, I would consider it. Wieslaw talked me up to a better amp, and I don't regret it, but I have a lot of headphones and I want more. Preamp function is fantastic, too.
  3. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    You're lucky. I didn't have any spares when my amp had a problem and I had to order them from Ukraine and wait a month. Didn't fix it.👍💯
  4. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    I have the H33m and can confirm it is dual mono. It is a dual mono offshoot of the H20, but overpowered.
  5. X

    Sennheiser HD-535 questions

    I have a pair of these and I love them. I just wanted to add, if you are handy, you can fix the short problem. Disassemble them and there are two wire coils where the pins of the cable enter. This is what holds them and makes a connection. if you squeeze the coil with tweezers so the coils are...
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    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    that's interesting to know. I didn't think there were any equivalents. I also asked Wieslaw about rolling 6BQ7As for the 691Ps, but he hadn't heard of it. Things I've read say they wouldn't be better, though.
  7. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    I don't have any power or distortion figures for it, but it uses 1X 6N1P and 3X 6S19P tubes per channel. I believe it has 1 transformer and at least 3 noise chokes per channel. I haven't had to push it past 11 o'clock yet.
  8. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    My 8 tube monster is finally here! I ordered it last March for my birthday. I went in looking to get an H5 Miflex and Wieslaw pitched this with 6 tubes dual mono. Halfway through the first one he decided it needed more tubes and more chokes! First one had a problem right out of the gate...
  9. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Can you direct me to any good information on building external output transformer houses? I'm learning electronics as I go, mostly simple repair jobs and it's something I think I'd want to take a stab at as a project.
  10. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    I'm itching so hard to plug in my K240DFs. The new amp should be shipping this week. Wieslaw also agreed to add dual volume pots for me. If you remember, I ordered in March, so it's been quite the trip. I also have some hard to drive Yamaha YH-3s. Anyone have experience with those old Orthos and...
  11. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    well, it does have metal copper rods💯
  12. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Have you no shame?! That's beautiful How do you like the Geshellis? I've been eyeing them but I have a good hybrid already. With the swappable dac versions I could sell my Modi 3 and always be able to upgrade. I think I remember they will let you try one out. Is that right?
  13. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    real odd. You'd think you'd notice it in only one ear and it'd be more obvious. Maybe someone modded them badly. Definitely doesn't sound like they're how they should be, then.
  14. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Sounds like you may just prefer brighter headphones. Do you like Grados or Beyerdynamics? 6xx is well known to be on the warm side and have "the veil". OTL is supposed to help with some of that, but I like mine for cozier sessions.
  15. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    It looks solid, electrically. But, crude, yes.
  16. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    That's something I forgot to mention about my request for a balanced output. Though it isn't balanced, he did add the extra output for no charge, along with other small requests. On pcbs; there's nothing wrong with a good PCB and Wieslaw's are some of the cleanest I've ever seen. If you do have...
  17. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    I had asked for a balanced output on my amp. He added a 4 pin xlr like I asked, but when I took the meter to it I saw that what should be two negatives were one shared ground. While it worked it sounded great and had plenty of power, so I don't really feel bad about it not being a true balanced...
  18. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    anyone here running 6N1P tubes? Wondering what rolling them to ECC88 would do. Lot's of nice dutch tubes out there.
  19. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Wieslaw sent me Svetlana 6s19p tubes and when I was troubleshooting I ordered another batch from the early 60s. I'll let y'all know how they sound when I get the new amp.
  20. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    As a woodworker, if a piece I made was damaged like that in the shop, I'd put a roundover on the whole top edge and call it a day. If you taped it off we'll, you wouldn't even need to disassemble it.
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    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    I'm in the US and mine was in customs over a week.
  22. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    They help increase the size and duration of your headroom until you finish😏
  23. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Anyway, heard back today. WW3 averted and work continues. I'm probably the one who's tense. So, you couldn't solve the hum, huh?
  24. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    exactly. remind me never to play poker with Putin
  25. X

    Eufonika (Valve amps from Poland)

    Belarus has been massing Wagner Company troops on Poland's border. Mercenaries for Russia. I guess they have been flying helicopters over the border. They're taunting NATO. Pretty tense, I'm sure.