Sennheiser HD-535 questions
Mar 20, 2023 at 2:15 PM Post #16 of 18
What would you accept for a pair of those 535's (if looking to unload)? I want to give mine to my autistic son but the adjustment mechanism on mine doesn't work anymore so the earcups just kind of dangle.
Sorry, but I'm not actually looking to sell them as they form part of a collection that has taken quite a number of years to complete.
However, you could also consider any of the other models mentioned as a much better alternative and these can be found in the usual places if you look hard enough.
Good luck.
Sep 6, 2023 at 8:39 PM Post #17 of 18
Occasionally these HD535s pop on on Ebay or at some used electronic store, so I also felt compelled to say something about them.

I got mine in the mid 90s after listening to a slew of headphones in various stores, like Circuit City, Fry's Electronics, and Best Buy, and one other small privately owned place I can't recall the name of. I did have a price limit, but after listening to a lot of headphones the HD535 sounded the best, in fact, better than headphones costing $100 more, and a $100 back then was more money than today, a hundred dollars back then is two hundred today, so in today's dollars those HD535s would have sounded better than $200 headphones today. Having said that, everyone has different ears, and what may sound good to me may not sound good to someone else, but I don't like colored music, or muffled sounding music like a lot of headphones today sound like, the HD535 have a flat neutral sound, reproduces sound accurately without adding or taking away anything, some people don't like that, but music can be played loud without distortion or vibration, and every sound is crystal clear.

Did I hear better headphones? sure did, but they cost 3 times more!

The only problem I had with them didn't occur for about 20 years when crackling started in one of the channels, I replaced the wires and it stopped crackling. Now I need to replace the headband cushion and ear pads, but the drivers still sound great after all these years. I thought about buying a new pair of cans, but instead I'll just restore these.

At the time I got mine from Circuit City there was a promotion going on, buy the headphones and get a free Sennheiser DSP360 surround sound thing that you plug the headphones into and put interconnect cables to tape 2 inputs and outputs, but the darn thing sounded like crap, not sure what the device did but it wasn't surround sound that's for sure, more like all it did was put the headphones out of phase. Even if I put it on bypass, it still introduced floor noise into the headphones. Pure junk.
Feb 7, 2024 at 12:56 AM Post #18 of 18
I have a pair of these and I love them. I just wanted to add, if you are handy, you can fix the short problem. Disassemble them and there are two wire coils where the pins of the cable enter. This is what holds them and makes a connection. if you squeeze the coil with tweezers so the coils are tighter in the middle you can fix the short because it makes a tighter connection.

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