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  • Users: GAD
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  1. GAD

    Stupid Toshiba Free HD-DVDs...

    Out of the six free HD-DVDs I listed, I got two that were my choices, and one of them they sent two copies! Why on Earth would they send two copies of the same movie? I know they're just sending what's available, but man what a letdown. GAD
  2. GAD

    Ratchet and Crank

    Got a PS3 For Christmas (mostly for the BlueRay), and it came with this video game. I put it in just to see what it looked like, and now two days later I'm still hooked. Anyone else play this? I haven't had this much fun with a video game in years! GAD
  3. GAD

    WooHoo! Going Dual Format!

    I've had an HD-DVD player for about a month, and now for Christmas we're getting ourselves a PS-3, so I'll have Blue Ray too. Bring it on format wars! GAD
  4. GAD

    iPod Speaker Dock Recommendations?

    My Father in law has requested an iPod speaker dock for the holidays. Are any of them worth a damn? GAD
  5. GAD

    I Are Supremus! Fear Me!

    Bwaaahahahaha.... So when do I get the keys to the private Head-fi jet? GAD
  6. GAD

    FS/FT Rant

    Feel free to ignore me. I'm cranky. I've listed quite a few things here and in other places. I've had bad experiences shipping oversees and to other countries, so I just don't do it anymore. I put in my ads, CONUS ONLY. If I get 20 inquiries, 18 of then are "will you ship to my...
  7. GAD

    DIY Kits?

    I love to build things, and I love to solder. Don't know why. I'd love to build my own amp - especially like a Millet Hybrid Max, but I'm not really interested in tracking down all the parts and what-not. Are there any high-end kits out there that come with all the parts already...
  8. GAD

    Anyone else lose interest?

    With head-fi down for as long as it was, I had to occupy myself with other hobbies and interests. I find that it's hard to get back into the gear-lust, conversations and what-not here on head-fi. Anyone else seem to be losing interest, or is it just that my attention span is about two weeks...
  9. GAD


    Had a Solaris (hardware really, so I guess Sun) catastrophe, so I'm rebuilding a server using Linux. I was really into RedHat back in the day, but for a couple of reasons moved to Solaris (when v8 was king). It's been a while, so decided to see what was new and exciting. Downloaded Ubuntu...
  10. GAD

    Woo WA6 - Sometimes Weak

    When I listen to well recorded CDs from the time before excessive volume, I find that the WA6 (no mods) just doesn't push my HD-650s enough, even on high gain. While I can adjust my DAC, I've never had this problem with my other amps. Anyone else find this? Would different tubes help or is...
  11. GAD

    iTouch - Initial Impressions

    I love iPods. I'll admit it. I have; 3rd 30G gen iPod, 2nd gen 8G Nano, 5.5 gen 80G iPod and now the 16G iTouch. These are my initial impressions, and my further impressions may change with use. The UI is simply fantastic. I'm a huge believer in good UI, and I rarely find one that I...
  12. GAD

    Sometimes owning a home sucks...

    My well pump was short cycling (off/on/off/on/off/on/etc.), which is really bad for the pump. The culprit? A clogged pressure switch. All this junk is in a little crawlspace under the stairs in my house, so I spent a couple hours cramped under there replacing the switch (PITA!) and the gauge...
  13. GAD

    Ordered me an iTouch

    I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted an iTouch since before they even announced the iPhone. So I finally bought one. 16G. Can't wait! I'm realizing that though having my 80G let's me carry almost all my music, I listen to maybe 5% of it regularly and another 5% far less often. Here's hoping...
  14. GAD

    Hey Souperman

    I love your avatar. That is all. GAD
  15. GAD

    Vintage Caluculator-fi

    Old nerds speak up! (This means you Ingwe!). How about this gem! I had one of these when I was a kid: GAD
  16. GAD

    never mind

    Wrong forum - sorry
  17. GAD

    Tell me your funny IT stories it doesn't get you banned or the thread locked. I'll start. I once worked with a guy that, back in the Internet's infancy, ordered some **** DVDs online. The only problem was that he left the printed receipt in the printer. The next day he came in to find copies on every pegboard...
  18. GAD

    RSA Hornet and iTouch - Anyone have this combo?

    I'm thinking of getting either an iTouch or the 3G Nano. I like them each for different reasons. I went to my local Apple store and they didn't have any iTouch, but they did have iPhones. I don't think the iTouch would be a good usable portable DAC with the Hornet since the iTouch is so much...
  19. GAD

    What's your favorite power tool?

    I purposely wrote "power tool" and not just "tool" to hopefully side-step sophomoric replies. I know - I failed. I just used the power-washer on my deck (long story), and I have to say it's the best tool I've ever purchased. The chainsaw might be more fun, but the power washer gets used more...
  20. GAD

    Alternative to Ebay?

    I need to raise some cash and I've got a pile of stuff to sell. Anyone know of an alternative to Ebay? I'm *really* tired of their nonsense and fees... GAD
  21. GAD

    Losing our dog

    Our beloved Newfoundland Daisy is very sick. Chances are we'll be taking her to the vet this weekend for her final visit. I went through this a year and a half ago with Cozy, our other Newf. We've had them both since before we had kids. Daisy is twelve and a half, which is very old for a...
  22. GAD

    Gratuitous Post #1000

    Look at me - I'm special. I posted 1000 times! GAD
  23. GAD

    ER4P/S Owners - How often do you change filters?

    I've owned mine for about a year and I don't think they need to be changed yet. The tool looks like they ruin old ones, so I don't want to try. How often do you find that the filters need to be changed? Thanks, GAD
  24. GAD

    Anyone ever use PICK?

    There are a lot of computer people here. Anyone ever use an OS called PICK? I'm amazed how many people I meet in the field who have. Here's the Wikipedia entry for the curious: Oh, and it was invented by a guy named "Dick Pick"...
  25. GAD

    XM4 Reborn!

    Following the advice of people here, I took an AD8620 Opamp I had for my Pimeta and put it into my XM4. What a difference! I highly recommend this mod for anyone with an XM4. It's a totally new amp. Thanks Head-fi! I'm sorry about my wallet too. GAD