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  1. xmokshax

    Westone UM1 repair question

    my UM1 cable caught on something the other day while the phones were connected to my ipod and wrapped around my neck. disastrously, the headphone wires ripped right out of the Y-split. i'm planning on re-soldering and heat shrinking the Y-split to repair the headphones, but i don't know which...
  2. xmokshax

    Suggestions for a good DIY subwoofer amp?

    thanks for the replies. i'd been thinking that perhaps one of the 41hz amps would be a good fit. i have one of their amp10 kits sitting around waiting to be built, so maybe i'll give one of the more powerful ones a go once i finish the amp10. class D and class "T" (this is what Tripath calls its...
  3. xmokshax

    Suggestions for a good DIY subwoofer amp?

    this isn't strictly HEAD-fi, but i'm wondering if anyone can recommend a DIY power amp that's suitable for use with a subwoofer (actually, it will be used with an enclosure that contains TWO 12" woofers, 4R impedance). i realize this is quite a tough load to drive well, but if anyone's dealt...
  4. xmokshax

    Just finished my first CMoy...

    the best advice i can give you if you need to reflow and/or desolder joints is to get some flux paste. this is readily available at rat shack (here's a direct link), and although i haven't used their flux paste, i would imagine it'll work fine. all you need to do is apply a small amount of paste...
  5. xmokshax

    How hot can they go?

    ...delicate work like this much easier. If your finger was on them the whole time, and never got burnt you are good to go. Skin burns at like 105*f, most transistors can handle a few seconds WAY beyond that temperature. i agree wholeheartedly with the temperature-controlled iron...
  6. xmokshax

    Jambo DAC

    jambo, i might be interested in a kit as well, pending the final details. add me to the list, please!
  7. xmokshax

    heatsink question

    lemme guess... amp10b? if so, i had the same issue when sourcing parts for my amp10. i ended up getting a sink intended for a DC/DC converter, from Mouser (P/N: 567-547-24AB). like you suggest, i was planning on drilling holes in the appropriate spots. since i haven't yet built my amp10, i...
  8. xmokshax

    Where Do I Buy A HAWT Cmoy Kit?

    Quote: Originally Posted by joneeboi Try JDS Labs for a PCB and documentation. it looks like he makes a fine cMoy, but some of Mr. Seaber's commentary glorifying his cMoyBB v2 is pretty funny, and sometimes ridiculous (it's still just a cMoy, after all). for instance, "The amp...
  9. xmokshax

    Why I think Digikey rocks

    Quote: Originally Posted by Nebby I agree...though the $20 min order charge simply gets me to buy more stuff sounds like it's having the desired effect, from DigiKey's perspective however, i will say that Mouser was quite happy to add parts to my most recent order, part of...
  10. xmokshax

    Strange LED operation

    ^^ yep. (and in much more detail than i would have been able to give.) i ran into an example of this the other day - the larger, L-shaped piece within the LED's head was attached to the longer lead. as error401 suggests, and as it sounds like was the case for you, the lead length was a better...
  11. xmokshax

    Defluxer/cleaner recommendation

    Quote: Originally Posted by user18 you can also check Safeway. I bought a bottle of 99% isopropyl alcohol there. !! that's quite a find. i've only ever seen 70% and 91% in drugstores/grocery stores.
  12. xmokshax

    Surface Mount Soldering Practice

    just to throw my opinion in regarding 936-12 tips, i too think that the stock tip works pretty well for most SMD stuff. i also bought a very fine conical tip when i bought my 936-12, but i like the chisel tip so much better that the conical never even gets used. it just doesn't have the surface...
  13. xmokshax

    YAFirstTimeDIYerT: CMoy panasonic pot only plays on left channel

    i haven't used the OPA2228P/A, but it sounds like it might be a bit more ornery than the old standbys, the OPA2132 and 2227. why not start with an op-amp that's easy to work with, then tweak your circuit later if you want to? nothing will be more frustrating than to have to do a bunch of...
  14. xmokshax

    where can i buy a cmoy kit?

    forum members Zigis and Joshatdot have had their own PCB layouts professionally printed, and i know that Zigis was selling kits a little while ago. don't remember whether or not Joshatdot was selling complete kits, or just PCBs.
  15. xmokshax

    Alien DAC PCBs Wanted

    dumbears: jeff rossel (, Glass Jar Audio) sells Alien DAC kits and bare PCBs as well. he's a nice guy and a pleasure to deal with. shoot him an e-mail, and he'll send back an Alien DAC order form (an Excel spreadsheet) on which you can specify the components you want...
  16. xmokshax

    Mini³ extended runtime quiescent current draw to high?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigcat39 I most heartily agree with Nate. I'm a metrologist, and I'm here to tell ya, you get what you pay for with cheap DMM's People, these things are cheap for a REASON. Actually a bunch of reasons. so for measurements on the order of 10mA, a cheap...
  17. xmokshax

    Need some help with a non working alien dac

    Quote: Originally Posted by FallenAngel So you're getting 0V from 5V and 3.3V to ground? How are you powering this thing? Take a photo of the board and post it, it'll help determine if something is obviously wrong. +1 - this is definitely the best way for us to tell if it's a...
  18. xmokshax

    Updated - How I WIRED my first LOD or How I refreshed my vocabulary with every curse word known to man

    i've only built a single line-out adapter using fordgtlover's directions, but it worked quite well for me using the A/E connector type. it sounds like you've had some different experiences from me in terms of the connector's resilience and robustness, but all i did to avoid bridging (my...
  19. xmokshax

    Need some help with a non working alien dac

    if you're actually plugging a SPEAKER (rather than headphones) directly into the output of the Alien, that's bad news in the first place. the Alien is definitely not designed to see an input impedance of <1000 ohms at the least. even most headphones are pushing the current output capabilities of...
  20. xmokshax

    Alien DAC v1.1 Construction Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by johnanderson I'm considering ordering jeff's kit and building it myself but I'm wary of smd soldering. Has anyone compared the alien to the headphonia dac cable found here? USB Cable 50'' (125cm) They're pretty much the same price and for the cable I...
  21. xmokshax

    Do 'new' Hakko 936-12's come pre-used/tinned?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Joshatdot Whats the best way to keep the tip clean? I know it comes with sponge...but with my old 15w $8 Rat Shack iron I used a Copper Brillow pad to keep the tip clean. i use one of these to keep my 936's tip clean. i still use the sponge to clear...
  22. xmokshax

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    cetoole and tomb: i haven't grounded the pot yet. i know that the buzzing sound i hear when i touch the pot's shaft is from lack of grounding, but didn't realize that the scratchiness might be caused by the same thing. i'll install the ground wire and see if it goes away. EDIT: ok, minimal DC...
  23. xmokshax

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    colin: i hear scratchiness only when i turn the shaft of the pot. i wasn't terribly specific about this in my initial post. is this still a symptom that would be consistent with DC on the input? i've only used an iPod as the source thus far, and i've measured very little DC on its output in the...
  24. xmokshax

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    slowpogo: thanks. i think i have most or all of those parts lying around. i'll also have the pcb in the bottom slot (Jeff's kit with the big tall KZs and 1.5" sinks), so what you've described will work perfectly. much appreciated. tom: thanks for the explanations. i haven't logged any serious...
  25. xmokshax

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    just thought i'd let everyone know that, after a misdiagnosed non-problem, my MAX is indeed alive and sounding excellent! everything's up and running, DBs biased to 100mV... just needs to be cased up. i do have a couple of questions, though - perhaps someone can answer them for me. first...