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  • Users: GAD
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  1. GAD

    Ten Best Post-Apocalyptic Survival Vehicles

    Quote: Originally Posted by jmmtn4aj If you're within range of the EMP wave, then I think you'd have a lot more to worry about than whether your vehicle can start or not Whether you'd die within 24 hours from the high radiation dose for one.. Don't you watch movies? Happens...
  2. GAD

    Absolute worst viral or bacterial disease?

    The Marburg (sp?) virus. Like Ebola, but less "popular". GAD
  3. GAD

    Ten Best Post-Apocalyptic Survival Vehicles

    Well if the apocalypse had anything to do with EMPs most of these things won't run. If we're talking disease, well then carry on. GAD
  4. GAD

    Why do most online stores have such crappy service?

    Because you use online stores with crappy service? Seriously, I only use stores like B&H photo, 6th ave. etc. and I've had excellent service. GAD
  5. GAD

    Who is/was your favourite Late-Night TV Talk Show Host: Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, ......?

    Carson - hands down. I rarely find Conan funny. I like Leno, but he's no Carson. GAD
  6. GAD

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericj This may come as a shock to some, but truth doesn't make a story better or more enjoyable. All generalizations are false. The original statement was "the movie is kindof a downer because the story is believably harsh.". I was merely pointing...
  7. GAD

    Rebel XT or D40 or Other?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Arainach Go into a store and hold both. Buy whichever feels better in your hand; they're both excellent systems. Exactly GAD
  8. GAD

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    The Pianist. 9/10. A little slow in parts, but I think many of the slow parts accurately reflected the main character's boredom. GAD
  9. GAD

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericj The Persuit of Happiness - 6.5/10. the fresh prince made this one with his actual son. tells the story of a man struggling to get ahead while staying with his son. the movie is kindof a downer because the story is believably harsh. Are you aware...
  10. GAD

    Is HD-DVD Dead?

    Toshiba should release HD-DVD to the open source community. That would make things interesting. GAD
  11. GAD

    Digital Photography How Much More Can It Advance?

    Quote: Originally Posted by OverlordXenu Digital cameras that come close to touching medium-format are upwards of $20,000. There is no digital equivalent to large format. That's a matter of opinion. Many of the billboards in time square were shot with digital cameras. There are...
  12. GAD

    Shocking new portable in town: the iTaser

    Not in NJ I won't.... ggrrrr..... GAD
  13. GAD

    Digital Photography How Much More Can It Advance?

    posted at the same time. GAD
  14. GAD

    Digital Photography How Much More Can It Advance?

    Sigma is already doing it: Sigma DP1 official statement: Digital Photography Review We'll see if it sells, but for someone like me that want's quality in a small package, this is an exciting development. GAD
  15. GAD

    Need some small for notes

    I've owned way too many gadgets. From Sharp Zaurus (old full keyboard models) to iPaq to whatever. I still have them all. I use a Molskine. GAD
  16. GAD

    Digital Photography How Much More Can It Advance?

    Increases I'd like to see: Increased dynamic range Full sized sensors in P&S cameras Higher ISO without over-plastic-looking effects For the record I have about 10 cameras. My main rig is a Canon 1DsM2. I see little reason to upgrade it to a 1DsM3. The dust features, bigger screen and...
  17. GAD

    So I want to buy an electric guitar, no idea what to get!

    Quote: And last but not least, most of the sound is in the fingers. Only Santana sounds like Santana. Amen to that. I agree with most posters above - buy a guitar that feels good. I have a $350 Ibanez Artcore semi-acoustic that I absolutely love. I thought it would be a toy when I...
  18. GAD

    CD-R and DVD-R Litescribe discs

    ...done the lightscribe thing? I don't know if they improved it at all, but I was floored how long it takes to burn the lightscribe side. I was *WAY* into this technology when it was announced and eagerly pounced on a laptop with a lightscribe drive. I quickly found that it just wasn't worth my...
  19. GAD

    Show us your dog!

    Cozy. Gone now two years. I still miss her terribly. GAD
  20. GAD

    Lifespan of a CD

    Has anyone actually had a CD-R "go bad" with age? I have 10 year old CD-Rs burned with one of the first commercially available CD-R drives that still work just fine. I've done nothing to take care of them, and in fact they were probably "stored" in a stack of naked CDs. I think it's all...
  21. GAD

    Netflix dumps HD-DVD

    Wow - I was convinced Sony would be crushed again. Gotta find me some cheap HD-DVD movies now! GAD
  22. GAD

    HDMI and Toslink switching

    Nice! I just upgraded my beloved Yamaha to a 3700 to get HDMI and true-HD sound. GAD
  23. GAD

    FAQ Proposal

    First we penalize newcomers for not having enough posts, then we lambaste them for posting without searching. I can see why they're frustrated. GAD
  24. GAD

    Getting into the Star Wars series, what do I need to know?

    They're fun. Sit back and watch them all. The originals are looking a little dated these days, but they're still great fun. It's not the same though. I saw them all when they were released in theaters. Spending years speculating what would happen in eps 5 and 6 is part of what made them so...
  25. GAD

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    The Matrix - HD-DVD. 10/10 I love this movie. I've seen it easily 30 times, and I still can't stop watching. GAD