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  1. jlangholzj

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

        Ignoring the chassis, you've got quite a bit of capacity just in the fins. I'm out on the road now but once I get back from this trip, I might have to napkin math the P,diss and guesstimate what kind of action the sinks are seeing. Assuming a stright-fin arrangement it would be...
  2. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

        Same for spotify premium. I have it for the convenience of being on phone + multiple computers, downloading stuff for when I'm out of cell range, and just usability and discovery of music. I use it mostly in environments where I'm not going to be focused on the music (work, play...
  3. jlangholzj


      Open as in "as they come". Vs covering them with a dab of silicone or a piece of tape. The latter brings down the bass but it sounded much more compressed to me. The number of tracks where its like "WHOAH" that's too much bass vs living with a compressed sound just wasn't worth leaving the...
  4. jlangholzj


    Been a few months now with mine, only a couple additions:   There's some plastic stops in the cans that keep them from over-rotating when not on your nogin (as in the actual ear pieces rotating downwards and out. I had one come off and start to rattle around for a bit, so being the person I am...
  5. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

      I run into the same issue. At home I've got original pressings of 2,3,4,Hoh (an RL master at that), and PG along with the re-released masters for 1,2,3. Those all get played on a dual table with an AT cart. Nothing fancy but it does pretty well. In comparison to at work I've got both a...
  6. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    @Jason Stoddard, You'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge on the matter but why does it *have* to (in terms of your opinion) be a relay for output muting? From what I remember/have found is that they (muting relays in DAC's) are used primarily because when the data stream gets interrupted...
  7. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

      These were the WORST. Some of the stuff I supported at my previous job started to go over to QFN.I can remember helping test/dev with multiple chips. Get the ole heatgun out and flow the damn heatsink pad before doing all the legs. In the end though it was cheaper to pay an eng in training to...
  8. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    This is always an argument that will be found in any popular "community". I might get lynched here but I think the guys that want the "quick and easy" mods like swapping caps...etc...are a lot like the guys that put "cold air intakes" on their vehicles and then walk the walk. There's a...
  9. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

    ...moments. As with most audio equipment the first few stages (tube) are going to dictate more of the tonal shaping than the output. Note i I said *more* not all....OTL tube is a whole nother bear in itself but you'll notice there's not a whole many of them around....for a reason...they...
  10. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread the business of promoting schiit, I'll leave that to Jason. I'm sticking around because I'm going to plan on getting one here in the next year and am around for who's getting what for tubes so I buy only one or two (cause *******it I spent enough on a matched quad of 7355's for my other...
  11. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

    ...a seeming hard-on for the starlight I decided to look it up.   1) Its ugly. Even their aluminum "chassis" is just a couple plates on stand-offs. *shrug* I mean hey even ugly girls need loving too so if it still gets the job done then I'll not hold it against it. Just was my first impression...
  12. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

      Not to try and derail Jason's thread....My experience from using a CT or a virtual CT on filament supply for elevating them primarily was to stay under the V,h-k rating. I guess in most of my stuff I've always had to elevate the heaters one way or another so I'm not entirely sure how positive...
  13. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

    ...amplifier so long as you've got a quality set of cans. Usually this (distortion/clipping/whathaveyou) comes from overdriving a gain stage somewhere *or* you've got a wonky bias point. The REAL bonus nachos is having a dynamic, well rounded signal at lower volumes. This is going to be...
  14. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

        Absolutely some tubes are going to be more susceptible to noise than others. Even in the world of noisy 12ax7's there's several 'LPS' versions that have a lower noise floor than others.   Additionally, I'd expect high-gain mode on low-Z cans to reveal some noise. I'm (obviously) not 100%...
  15. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

      Any reason for the flip-flopping? I don't mean that in a negative way but (as you're probably aware) this is ALWAYS a topic of discussion. On one side you've got the guys saying AC filaments will NEVER be quiet and on the other side, of course guys saying that they're (ac filaments) just...
  16. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

      It's quite literally just finding iterations of the same family of tube that were manufacture with...well...longer plates. Some examples.
  17. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

      Some guys say that yes, longer plates will give you more treble and a bit more "airy" sound along with a little more presence. I've not done an A-B myself so I can't say with 100% certainty but I've heard it around a few watercoolers.
  18. jlangholzj


    ...with 1) yes that really is a heartbeat now....not a muffled mess and 2) there's a LOT of quieter less imposing sounds in the background that are *suddenly* magically there. Around the same era, you've got John Paul Jones doing his magic with Zeppelin. Seriously, every time I listen to the...
  19. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

      Tis true. In my initial flury of head-scratching about tubes that could work I overlooked that fact. Still looks like a fun little preamp tube for the $5 you find em for, I'll just buy the poor sod a case of beer and use the 5670's somewhere along the way.
  20. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    ...12ax7 has absolutely HORRID drive capabilities (but we've already expressed our hate for that damn thing. (looks in upper left corner at avatar) *sigh*   Quote:   HOLY SMOKES those prices for the 20B I guess to find a non-chineese 300B or 20B though you're not paying cheap prices to...
  21. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

        Can't say anything on stock tube vs otherwise but as far as rolling gets dangerous :p   You are correct that the noval (9-pin) tube that works in the vali2 is a twin triode (not a dual, those can be different triodes in the same tube). So now where the "difference" comes in...
  22. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

      The big thing is that you have a source connected. Make that voltage swing. The process just kind of cleans off the plates and gets its bias point to settle in well. The theory is that by applying a source and getting it to swing through its max range of output, you're just covering more of...
  23. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

    ...per-say but the rest of my tube gear has all exhibited this. Nothing super dramatic like "omg this is the best toob evar" or "god it sounds like ***** now" but there will be an audible difference. A few designs that I've done I really didn't like at first but really came around after I gave...
  24. jlangholzj

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

      You want an R2R? ya...punk?  
  25. jlangholzj

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

     The difference between "good girls" and "bad girls" is that good girls choose who they're bad with......   On that note, I did in fact scrounge together a list of possible candidates. Some of which I'm not 100% on. This is just kind of a random musing from my end of things that might be worth...