Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 9, 2016 at 4:52 PM Post #12,091 of 155,067
  Haha...I think I should get some credit here for unearthing a new species, the "Streaming Geezer".  It would be a great profile badge to add to the forum...
I shall continue to quietly observe these new creatures from afar in their natural habitat and study their evolution.

All in all, we're a pretty grumpy group. So wise to remain "afar" not to mention health hazards associated with our "natural habitat".  

Aug 9, 2016 at 6:57 PM Post #12,092 of 155,067
Of course you all know there are levels of geezerdom…
We have the n00b Geezer, aka lightweight Geezer.
Then there is the Obstreperous Geezer.
Then comes the Cantankerous Geezer.
And then the pinnacle of Geezerdom, the Grandaddy Geezer.
This last stage of Geezerdom is the much sought after level as it confers a degree of independence and disconnection between behaviors and responsibility.
And once we attain this status, it allows us Geezers free reign to do as we please with almost no consequences, since we are not held responsible for our actions.
This is the level we all secretly aspire to, where we can do almost anything and get away with it, free and clear. 

Aug 9, 2016 at 7:17 PM Post #12,093 of 155,067
And the pervasive retro Geezer, who refuses to let go of last century's technology.  My continuing devotion to my CD collection makes me only slightly more progressive than the vinyl crowd.  And Mike manages to make me appear credible in this.  So El Megaburrito es muy bueno, y muchas gracias.
That last stage of Geezerdom sounds suspiciously like 2nd (or 3rd) childhood, and skirts dangerously close to senile dementia or Alzheimer's.  Pick your poison, but wizened transcendental clarity is... mystical? 
Aug 9, 2016 at 8:46 PM Post #12,094 of 155,067
  And the pervasive retro Geezer, who refuses to let go of last century's technology.  My continuing devotion to my CD collection makes me only slightly more progressive than the vinyl crowd.  And Mike manages to make me appear credible in this.  So viva El Megaburrito, y muchas gracias.
That last stage of Geezerdom sounds suspiciously like 2nd (or 3rd) childhood, and skirts dangerously close to senile dementia or Alzheimer's.  Pick your poison, but wizened transcendental clarity is... mystical

Is that the final stage where you finally listen exclusively to HD Tidal ???  

Aug 9, 2016 at 9:05 PM Post #12,095 of 155,067
Yeah that Grandaddy Geezer status can all to easily slippery slope its way into over the edge status.
But by then who cares?
I mean that's where Geezerdom is heading anyway, towards 'who cares what anyone else thinks', and to a certain extent any Geezer at any level of attainment can more fully appreciate attaining this level of freedom sooner rather than later.
Sorta like the 'pick up the ball and run with it' perspective.
And of course when there is a twinkle in the eyes, then you know the status as Geezer has been fully internalized and is fully functional, aka a force to be reckoned with. 

Which reminds me of the saying 'Youthful enthusiasm will always succumb to old age and treachery. 

Aug 9, 2016 at 11:51 PM Post #12,099 of 155,067
Ok, since this page it's all about asking...
I'd like a Wyrd based on tubes and nothing more than tubes, so the digital signals not only end being more clean & perfect but also... warmer.
There you have a game changer product.
You're welcome!
Aug 10, 2016 at 12:59 AM Post #12,100 of 155,067
  Ok, since this page it's all about asking...
I'd like a Wyrd based on tubes and nothing more than tubes, so the digital signals not only end being more clean & perfect but also... warmer.
There you have a game changer product.
You're welcome!

Logical disconnect, right there.   

Aug 10, 2016 at 1:03 AM Post #12,101 of 155,067
And of course when there is a twinkle in the eyes, then you know the status as Geezer has been fully internalized and is fully functional, aka a force to be reckoned with. 

Which reminds me of the saying 'Youthful enthusiasm will always succumb to old age and treachery. 


I'm a Geezer Luddite of sorts.
I have my CD's and have ripped them into a 1.5TB hard drive in WAV format.
How lossless can you get...?    
Don't answer that....!!!!!!
Aug 10, 2016 at 1:45 AM Post #12,102 of 155,067
  I'm a Geezer Luddite of sorts.
I have my CD's and have ripped them into a 1.5TB hard drive in WAV format.
How lossless can you get...?    
Don't answer that....!!!!!!

That way you won't lossy them?

Aug 10, 2016 at 2:15 PM Post #12,103 of 155,067
Streaming Geezer here as well. Enough things in life I have to control. I have a decent library of music files, but I sure like Tidal's click and enjoy ease of use. Sound quality is definitely fine for my needs.

Same for spotify premium. I have it for the convenience of being on phone + multiple computers, downloading stuff for when I'm out of cell range, and just usability and discovery of music. I use it mostly in environments where I'm not going to be focused on the music (work, play, pleasure) so likewise, sound quality is sufficient for me. When I DO want to sit and listen, the the FLAC's and vinyl come out.
So the HD-600s live at work now, with a Fulla, where the ventilation noise from the building washes out any of the Fulla's "warts"  (I like the Fulla -- it has its place in Schiit's lineup, and filled a niche I needed it for.)

Agree on the washing out of any of the 'warts'. I've got some HP-2's that serve as work duty with the Fulla. Although rather recently I upgraded my home setup from the MoBo audio to an asgaard+bifrost. Having the Fulla at work kind of pushed me a bit to upgrade what I used at home:

For time being I've got the AKG240's plugged in, just needed a little EQ on the bottom to bring them up. They're not a terrible set for listening but I've got some others on the way that should be a bit better. I will say however, that after the switch all the game audio I was used to hearing through headsets for years was like What WHAT IS THIS. Just bummed I didn't make the switch sooner. Another happy schiit story for sure.
Which, leads me to jump on the hype train for the new pile of schiit that's in the pipes. While working on the hifi stuff is fun and whatnot, admittedly I'd love to have what I've experienced from schiit in the headphone world full scaled to a power amp (so i don't have to keep tinkering with my stuff). This discussions been had before though so I'll just eagerly await.....

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