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  1. seaice

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    The Quartet remote could include at least volume buttons for Dave and other Chord DACs. The Volume buttons are the only ones that I need for Dave when using it with the M-Scaler. All my digital sources are connected to the M-Scaler, so I switch the M-Scaler inputs and on/off the Video mode via...
  2. seaice

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    Also, it is possible to transfer more than 768 kHz via USB, but that would require a change in the USB reception of Chord DACs.
  3. seaice

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    QMS + UltimaDac. No compromises, it is time to sell our houses.
  4. seaice

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    A comparison with the current M-Scaler would be great.
  5. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Thanks, that is a good info. Let us see what the final version will be :)
  6. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Yes, I agree entirely that a good power supply can substantially affect the sound quality. I have bought multiple power conditioners and other power-related devices to learn this. But I have the Opto DX optically isolating my M-Scaler and Dave, and my M-Scaler is completely electrically isolated...
  7. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    And is there any reason? I want the new M-Scaler without the extra power source, which will probably add (too much) to the price, I guess.
  8. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    If one of these boxes is a dedicated power supply, is it for the new M-Scaler, or for Dave, or for both? I have already invested in the Opto-DX and have my M-Scaler power source isolated in a different power circuit, so improving the M-Scaler power source does probably not make any sense in my...
  9. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    In the TT2 manual (page 21), it is said: "Please do not connect both XLR & RCA to amplifiers simultaneously, this will damage TT 2" What exactly does it mean? I think there are at least two possible interpretations: Interpretation one: "... do not connect both XLR & RCA to two amplifiers...
  10. seaice


    Please, Chord, do not let us speculate too long. A Choral Scaler for Dave and Ultima Dac with an integrated Ultima Scaler? Or Hugo2 MiniScaler or Mojo Scaler? I want it all! Whatever it will be, the future is hopefully nice.
  11. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I happily use Susvara directly from the headphone output of TT2 with high gain. I am not sure I have ever tried the TT2 headphone output's low gain with Susvara. However, if you have an external amp, e.g. SMSL SP400, then low gain from TT2 XLR outputs to your external amp is enough (at least in...
  12. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    +1. And I would reuse your post by saying:
  13. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    My power amp has no earth, either. It is Topping LA-90. I initially tried it out of curiosity and compared it with a couple of my long-term owned power amps (multiple more pricey A-class Classé amps, Purifi-based D-Class amps, massive A-class monos, etc.). The Topping is the cleanest sounding...
  14. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Thanks! That looks ideal if someone has the same needs as you. I do not use the headphone output of my Dave anymore. I now use Dave in my main speaker setup, so I need to connect an external power amp to it via analogue cables. Dave, the power amp and the iFi Power Elite (for the Opto DX...
  15. seaice

    A master DAC killer, SMSL SU-X

    Topping should release a successor of their LA-90 amp: LA-X Please :beerchug: So we can get an end-game setup: SU-X > LA-X ______________________________________ EDIT: This is pure naming fun. I generally like SMSL and Topping for their efforts and results. I even own some of their products.
  16. seaice

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I have gone a different route than a battery with good results: Optical isolation via Opto DX and electrical isolation using different power circuits. - I have one dedicated electrical circuit/outlet for audio. My Dave and amps are connected to this audio circuit/outlet only. - My M-Scaler and...
  17. seaice


    griff500: You can find the firmware upgrade mentioned in this thread multiple times. E.g. And a confirmation from RW: My...
  18. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Welcome to the club of happily emptied pockets! I want to add that the experience I described in the post you cited was with Dave. I started with Dave, then MS, and then I bought TT2 with my second M-Scaler for my second setup... Perhaps the effects of M-Scaler are more immediately obvious with...
  19. seaice

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Unfortunately, I do not have the skills :frowning2: But I have already found some local company to do it for me. The local Hifiman service told me they could not repair my cable because they could not get the 2.5mm connectors, and they do not have Susvara cables with 2.5mm connectors any more...
  20. seaice

    HiFiMan Susvara

    tdx should be served first, but I would like to get the original cables then if anyone is willing to sell them (for my first version of Susvara with 2.5mm connectors). Thx! I accidentally destroyed one of them :( I do not wish to buy anything else to change the tonality. I am happy with the...
  21. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Tried it only once for a very short time (probably just a couple of minutes), so do not take this as a final and reliable judgment. Also, there was a technical limitation when connecting M-Scaler to the other DACs (Schiit, Audio-GD; max. 192k input via coax), so M-Scaler was not working fully: I...
  22. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Difficult to put it in words: Better soundstage, naturality, three-dimensionality... After I switched the m-scaler off after listening to it for a long time, I thought everything was so digital, and the soundstage somehow collapsed into a less-dimensional experience; some naturality disappeared...
  23. seaice

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    It is an improvement, but some people need time to get us to and appreciate M-Scaler. But it is impossible to live without it after you are used to it.
  24. seaice

    Insanity level Amplifier you have never heard!

    Any specifications, tests or measurements? So far, I have not found any technical details.