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  1. MGLDyson

    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Well, at least I'm not alone.   I had the same thing happen as others...  Placed an order, got the 'Oops' screen... rinse, repeat.   Ended up with three successful orders that I thought were actually failures.  I sent a couple of emails but haven't heard anything back, yet.  I've not been...
  2. MGLDyson

    Explain your avatar

    Mine is a cropped version of this image, which I painted:     I painted it for a show in at the Piranha Shop in Seattle, WA.  It's called "The Greeter".  Clive Barker, Wayne Barlow, and Zdzislaw Beksinski are some pretty big influences.   In my signature, I've got some other places to...
  3. MGLDyson

    What book are you reading right now?

    I've been trying to finish "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" for about three years, now.  I just keep picking it up for a few pages and then putting it away for months on end :)  The movie of the same name is really lyrical and a great slow-burn and is the reason I...
  4. MGLDyson

    How do the JHAudio 13/16 compare to the Sennheiser 650HD?

    I'm looking into a custom IEM and am eagerly researching the JH Audio 13/16s.  I can only afford one and would like to buy the one that would be most similar to the Sennheiser 650HD in sound signature.   I love my 650s but don't want to take them abroad with me.  They're too large and I want...
  5. MGLDyson

    Does anyone own the Wyred4sound DAC 2?

    I've only had the DAC-2 for a couple of days, now.  But, the difference in SQ was immediately appreciable when I had it replace a Channel Islands (CI) VDA2/VAC1 combo.    Mostly, I've noticed better transparency.  Vocals and instruments are more clearly perceived and accurately placed in the...
  6. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Def like the Complys better than the Sony Hybrids.  The isolation is about the same, to me and I can't really distinguish enough of a difference in the sound for that to make a difference.  The Complys are just more comfotable.
  7. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Just got some hybrids, today... will update on my impressions vs. the complys.
  8. MGLDyson

    New cartirdge for Dual 721 TT...

    So I was just given a "broken" Dual 721. I just had it fixed for 40 USD. Now I need a new cartidge. So what's a good one around 50 USD? Grado? Ortofon?
  9. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mnagali just curious which tips you've settled on? I have been using the Comply 400 (grey) tips. I have not tried the Sony Hybrids, yet. Would they offer more isolation? The isolation with the Complys and no music playing really is sh'tae. But that may...
  10. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Well, I've been listening to the TFPs prety extensively in different situations and from different sources. Here's a few notes: - Concerning the muddiness... it seems that my brain has acclimated to the sound signature of these phones. I don't think they are muddy anymore. I noticed the...
  11. MGLDyson

    Amp & DAC Under $1200

    Well, you know what my vote goes for... the CI Audio option. I wish I could give you comparisons to the other setups you've listed. But the CI gear is the first and only I've owned. Best of luck with your decision. I bet you're going to like whatever you get. Give us your thoughts once you...
  12. MGLDyson

    Looking for some final input before purchasing a WA6SE

    DAC first, cables last x2 I'll go ahead and plug the Channel Islands DAC, the VDA-2, since I have one... It's actually well regarded against pricier DACs like the Benchmark DAC1 (or at least it was a year or two ago when there were only, like, one or two Benchamark DAC1s). I like it for...
  13. MGLDyson

    Amp and DAC Upgrade?

    What about Channel Islands products? DAC: CIAudio VDA-2 (599 USD) + VAC-1 PSU (179 USD) Amp: CIAudio VHP-2 (399 USD) + VAC-1 PSU (179 USD) The DAC has two digital inputs and two sets of analog outputs. And, it can output a balanced signal. AND!!!! If you decide to get another VHP-2...
  14. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Thanks dj nellie! I've yet to come across an earphone that exhibits as bad sibilance as people exhibit :P Though, my experience is quite limited in that regards... with earphones, I mean. Thanks for the answer in regards to the different tips, too.
  15. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    I've been listening to the TFPs a lot since delivery (last Thursday) and have grown to like them, for the most part. This may be due to "brain burn-in". For example, I especially noticed the "mud" in Thom Yorke's voice. I don't notice it so much anymore... though things are still a bit warm with...
  16. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Well, I've got some Etymotic ER-4Ss on the way... I'll have a little shootout and see which one I like better. The TF10s are growing on me, but Thom Yorke's voice still sounds like he's singing from behind a blanket.
  17. MGLDyson

    Blackberry Curve to Corda Move possible?

    Yeah, it doesn't work just hooking it up USB port to USB port. I wish someone would write an app to bypass the DAC.
  18. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Dobber65: Recessed mids compared to the 580s may be it. I was flipping between the TFPs and the 580s after I posted, last night, and when I went back to the 580s, they sounded kinda' bright... like my brain was acclimating to the sound of the TFPs. jaibautista: These are the first IEMs I have...
  19. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    Cool... As I said, too... I tried them with my CDP to DAC to WA6 and they still sound humped in the bass region. After looking at the HeadRoom audio signal chart, it looks like I may be hearing what it shows, too. :P @intoflatlines: I will try what you say and see what happens Also...
  20. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    sorry, it's posted in the right one, now
  21. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    So I just got a pair of TF 10s, today... I've listened to them through my Corda Move (source = Blackberry) and then through my WA6 via the sources listed in my signature. Compared to my 580s the TF 10s sound bloated as hell (even my Promedias have more crisp highs). I mean, the top end...
  22. MGLDyson

    Are 10 Pros supposed to be muddy?

    So I just got a pair of TF 10s, today... I've listened to them through my Corda Move (source = Blackberry) and then through my WA6 via the sources listed in my signature. Compared to my 580s the TF 10s sound bloated as hell (even my Promedias have more crisp highs). I mean, the top end...
  23. MGLDyson

    Blackberry Curve to Corda Move possible?

    Hmmm.... well, I've only sunk a whopping 5 USD into this experiment (which I haven't even conducted, yet). Oh, well. Thanks for the responses, though.
  24. MGLDyson

    Blackberry Curve to Corda Move possible?

    Well, I just bought a USB A/female to male/mini-b converter from Amazon. I will let the 20 or so people who've looked at this thread know what happens. Hopefully it will get those 1/0s to my Move.
  25. MGLDyson

    Blackberry Curve to Corda Move possible?

    Is it possible to use the USB port on my BB Curve 83xx to bypass the internal DAC and go straight to the Corda's DAC via a USB2.0 (with mini-B converter) to mini-B connection? Or is there another way to accomplish USB audio output on the Blackberry?