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  1. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    How well does the HD650 pair with the Objective2?
  2. matti621

    Which affordable can-amp combo provides a close experience as the HD650-Crack?

    Preferably a SS amp or at least a Chinese tube amp. I already own a neutral set but want to have a fun pair to complement it.
  3. matti621

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    My favorite combo so far was the HD650+Crack. Is there a way to get the same sound with SS or at least with a Chinese tube amp?
  4. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I have the O2 and T1. What's the cheapest way to get the HD650+bottlehead-crack sound, preferably SS? There are so many chinese amps but no reviews here.
  5. matti621

    As a proud owner of Beyer T1, which cans am I missing?

    I have all sorts of cheap cans, in-ear, over-ear ANC, closed over-ears, but they're all for-purpose, while the T1 is for pure fidelity. What am I missing to complement them? Do some preferably closed cans deliver a much different signature more comparable to speakers listening experience? I have...
  6. matti621

    Looking for closed cans with a signature similar to the HD650.

    Noise isolation important. ANC is always low quality so out of the question. Should be affordable because I don't have time to sell them as used in case I don't like: budget $100.
  7. matti621

    JDS Labs ATOM Amp

    Atom sounds much better than Topping imho.
  8. matti621

    The Official Beyerdynamic T1 Impressions and Discussion Thread

    I have a HRT II+ dac and Atom amp and very satisfied.
  9. matti621

    JDS Labs ATOM Amp

    I just got a $100 (not including shipping and tax) JDS Atom and it sounds absolutely amazing with my T1, almost as good as listening to my home built Jim Holz's Finalists speakers... No aliexpress equipment for that price sounded that good.
  10. matti621

    O2 AMP + ODAC

    Thanks for the explanation. Finally someone explains it well.
  11. matti621

    JDS Labs ATOM Amp

    Someone heard both the Atom and the Topping A30 and can compare the two?
  12. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I believe the BHC does more than give a "hump" in the upper bass, it also smakes the attack and decay sound more realistic. I attribute that to the high voltage it can reach. It does sound a bit colored though.
  13. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Did you listen to the BHC?
  14. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Focal Utopia is $4k...
  15. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I read they are very similar. Perhaps I have to refine my question: is there a can which is as natural as in accurate and detailed as the T1 but with more "body" and impact? The HD650 are far from natural but in the right direction in balance compared to the T1.
  16. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    The HD650 sound too unnatural to me, too much bass and no treble. The T1 sounds too neutral to me without impact to the drums etc. Which cans are a compromise between the too?
  17. matti621

    Looking at the specs, which amp it more capable of driving the Tesla T1?

    Thanks a lot. By the way, I contacted JDS and they said as long as the DAC output 2Vrms it's fine. (My HRT II+ outputs 2.2Vrms).
  18. matti621

    Looking at the specs, which amp it more capable of driving the Tesla T1?

    The T1 reaches up to 1200 ohm impedance. It appears the voltage the amp is capable of is a good indication for its audio quality. Tube amps excell at driving high impedance cans and have much higher voltage.
  19. matti621

    Looking at the specs, which amp it more capable of driving the Tesla T1?

    The Topping A30 or the JDS Atom?
  20. matti621

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Anyone has owned both the 650 and the Beyer T1 and can compare the too? I've sold my 650 and kept the T1 but would like to hear other people's opinions.
  21. matti621

    Do you own a high end speakers set and still find yourself returning to cans?

    What draws you back to HP's? As anyone who owns both knows it's impossible to reproduce with cans what a set of full range can. In my case it's not being able to listen to loud music just in the time I most desire it which is late in the evening - without loudness it never sounds great. Some say...
  22. matti621

    The Official Beyerdynamic T1 Impressions and Discussion Thread

    1. Does the amp choice significantly change its signature? 2. Does it have a synergetic pairing e.g. like the hd 650 and the crack? Would going over from say the O2 to the BHC make a huge difference? 3. Looking at the measurement for the T1 and the HD650 the T1 has a THD spike in the 1k-2k zone...
  23. matti621

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    Which SS amp made you smile as much as the BHC? Are they really comparable? According to one of the first matches in Google: