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  1. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sony S639 - Advanced Mp3 Players - Is it EVER coming back in stock?!?!?!

    I just want to add that I also found AMP3 to be incompetent, if not outright dishonest. And they have yet to respond to even one of my dozen or so emails. It was a very frustrating experience, to say the least. Frank
  2. Frank_Zuccarini

    Etymotic Cable Explaination, Please....

    So, since I soldered my shielding back together, I'm grounded or ungrounded, as intended. Is that right? Frank
  3. Frank_Zuccarini

    Etymotic Cable Explaination, Please....

    Thank-you, EFN. So Red is right and Black if left and White is common ground. REALLY small gauge wires. My observation was that EACH of the coloured wires had the non-metallic wire for strain support. I did solder the silvery shielding sleeve, but I guess that it wasn't necessary...
  4. Frank_Zuccarini

    Etymotic Cable Explaination, Please....

    Hello all. I have found the 5' cable that came with my Ety ER-4P is way longer than I need. So, I determined that I would shorten it to about 2.5'. I carefully cut into it, and isolated each of the cables. There were (3) very light gauge insulated cables, white, black and red, plus a...
  5. Frank_Zuccarini

    Posting Question, Please........

    Thank-you, one and all. Both for your succinct answers, and for not calling me an idiot. I swear, I looked and looked, but could not find my number of postings. Best regards.................Frank
  6. Frank_Zuccarini

    Posting Question, Please........

    Hi. I went to list an item for sale, and found that I can not do so until I have a minimum of 50 postings. I went to the User CP to try and determine exactly how many posts I currently have to my credit, but I could not determine how to do this. Can anyone tell me exactly how to...
  7. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sony S638 Question

    Thank you, folks, for your fast, concise replies. I appreciate the help. Frank
  8. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sony S638 Question

    Hi. Can anyone definitively tell me if the Sony S638 supports true 'drag and drop' file managment? Can I use my home computer to move and arrange MP3 files on the S638? How about the newest generation of Apple iPod nano? Does it support drag and drop? Thanks for your...
  9. Frank_Zuccarini

    ER-4P first impressions

    I think that 1 o'clock, when viewing the right profile is the same as 11 o'clock, when viewing the left profile. Frank
  10. Frank_Zuccarini

    Ety ER-4S Users - Question Please

    Okay, so two more folks saying that the ER-4S should work out just fine driven by JUST my iAudio 7. I checked out the "Pictures of my Portable Rig" thread, but it is 45 pages long, and I really couldn't find the member referenced. After doing some more searching, however, I did find a member...
  11. Frank_Zuccarini

    Ety ER-4S Users - Question Please

    You make a very good point, xnothingpoetic. Thank-you for elaborating. What do you think of the idea of putting a 75 ohm resistor in the earphone cable? This would be a 'custom' cable, but I believe that I've read on this fourm that some people prefer it to either the 25 or 100 ohm Ety...
  12. Frank_Zuccarini

    Ety ER-4S Users - Question Please

    Thank-you, Guns, for your input. So you think that I'll be fine, huh? I run my iAudio 7 at about sound level 25 now (out of 40 max), so going to 30 would be no big deal. However, I have no idea if the output levels of the Q5W are the same as on my I7. Dear Mr. xnothingpoetic, I don't mean...
  13. Frank_Zuccarini

    Ety ER-4S Users - Question Please

    Hi. I own a set of Ety ER-4P earphones, and love them. For a combination of reasons (money available, shorter length and straight mini-plug desired, possible SQ improvement), I am going to purchase a new cable from APureSound. Both Alex and Heli from APureSound recommend the ER-4S...
  14. Frank_Zuccarini

    Where can I buy shure olive foams

    Thank-you, Legin, for giving me the answer that I was seeking. Both the "Black Soft Flex Sleeves" or "Black Foam Sleeves" look like olives to me, so I could never tell which everyone was referring to. In fact, the black soft flex sleeves look even MORE like olives to me. Again...
  15. Frank_Zuccarini

    Where can I buy shure olive foams

    Okay..............I've looked in the Ebay store referenced in Post #3, and I've gone to the Shure website, but I still can't tell exactly WHICH iem Sleeves are the 'Shure Olive Foams'. "Black Soft Flex Sleeves" or "Black Foam Sleeves", please? I'm sure that it's all a matter of...
  16. Frank_Zuccarini

    First Impressions of the ER-4p

    Just got my NEW ER-4P's, and the left one has an embossed "L", while the right one has a red dot and no "R". I agree that they sure don't look like much, but I find them to be very easy to insert, very comfortable, and they sound great. Frank
  17. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sampling Rate Explainatin, Please.....

    Now I know the answer AND I understand it. These last two responses have clinched it for me. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.....................Frank
  18. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sampling Rate Explainatin, Please..... uncompressed native 44.1k .wav file has a total bit rate of 1411 kbps. I still don't really understand it, but that seems to be the comparison that I was looking for. Thanks for the help. Frank
  19. Frank_Zuccarini

    Cowon iAUDIO 7 - Two Questions, Please

    Wow, Guys, thanks for the help with the armband holders. PS. My iAudio 7 arrived, and it works just fine with Vista. And gee, what a nice unit it is!!! Thanks for all the help..................Frank
  20. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sampling Rate Explainatin, Please.....

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. Actually, I did do a number of Head-Fi and general net searches before posting my question. As you point out, there is a lot of information, including in Wikipedia. However, I did not grasp the fundamental concepts that you have now conveyed to me...
  21. Frank_Zuccarini

    Sampling Rate Explainatin, Please.....

    Hi. I know that CD quality is designated as 44.1 kHz, which is 44,100 Hz, which is 44,100 cycles/second. I also know that MP3 files are typically produced at sampling rates of 128 - 320 kbps, which is kilo bits/second, which is thousands of bits/second. What I don't know is, how does...
  22. Frank_Zuccarini

    Shortening cables without solder

    Wow...........six meters long! It would be helpful if Philips put this information in the product description. Hard to understand why a small, portable headset would have a cable that long.
  23. Frank_Zuccarini

    Cowon iAUDIO 7 - Two Questions, Please

    Thank-you, Kid. I appreciate your help. I 'chatted' with Cowon tech support, and assure me that, although it does not indicate so on the web site, the iAudio 7 is entirely compatable with Windows Vista. Frank
  24. Frank_Zuccarini

    Cowon iAUDIO 7 - Two Questions, Please

    If you please: 1) Is anyone using the iAUDIO 7 software with Microsoft VISTA? 2) Is there an armband holder/carrier available for this player? Thank-you very much.....................Frank