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  1. El Zilcho

    Oppo PM-3 Vs. HD600

    I use them with my Fiio X5ii, which drives them great. Much more than enough volume, great sound. I also use them directly from my iPad. Volume gets loud enough for me, though it does have to be turned up pretty far for higher level listening. If you like your jams really loud, or if you have a...
  2. El Zilcho

    Oppo PM-3 Vs. HD600

    Hey riversub, I haven't heard the PM-3s, so I can't give an impression, or say what you may be missing. I ended up getting HD650 headphones. They are fantastic, I can't get enough of listening to them. I really like the large diameter and soft pads. They are light weight and supremely...
  3. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

      That case is for the first gen (second picture shows the first gen X5).  
  4. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

        I think he means that the iPod Classic has a lot of lag.  I'm guessing this because of the "Probably more snappy than the iPod Classic" part of his post.
  5. El Zilcho

    FiiO EX1 world tour--open for application now! (1st round member list announced)

      I used an X5ii, so I don't know how closely it relates (you said X5, so I'm assuming first gen).  I listened anywhere from 30-50 most of the time.  I cranked it up to 60-65 briefly a couple times, but didn't keep it there long.     If you turn them slightly while they are in you ears it...
  6. El Zilcho

    What's the consensus on bose?

      I don't doubt that.  I was just curious what electronics would be in the cable.  
  7. El Zilcho

    Fiio X3ii issue

      With the sd card in the computer (or the X3ii connected with the card inserted) right click and move the folder to the recycle (called "trash" on the Mac correct?).  Then, with the card still connected, empty the trash.  This will delete the file for real (rather than just marking it as...
  8. El Zilcho

    What's the consensus on bose?

      I see.  The QC25 cable doesn't have anything like this.  It's just a cable with a standard (2.5mm) end.
  9. El Zilcho

    Fiio X3ii issue

      When you remove a sub-folder are you dragging and dropping, or are you deleting the folder? 
  10. El Zilcho

    Fiio X3ii issue

    Well, there is no internal memory, so that sounds strange, if not impossible. How are you removing the songs? Do you take the card out of the player, or are you connecting the player to the computer with the card in the player?
  11. El Zilcho

    FiiO EX1 world tour--open for application now! (1st round member list announced)

    My review is up!   The EX1s are on their way to the next participant.
  12. El Zilcho

    Review by 'El Zilcho' on item 'FiiO EX1 Nanotech Titanium Diaphragm In-Ear Monitors'

        Intro           I received these headphones for evaluation from Fiio.  I was not paid for my review and the headphones were returned after the review period.     Music can evoke real emotion.  It can be a powerful experience to listen to a good song.  The type of music that stirs...
  13. El Zilcho

    What's the consensus on bose?

      Could you elaborate on this?  I've seen this claimed several times, and I'm wondering what "electronics" Bose puts in the cable that interferes with the signal.
  14. El Zilcho

    Sony Walkman NW-ZX1 vs Fiio X5 and questions

    As for which one I would pick, I already have picked I suppose. I bought an X5ii recently. There are amps in both. I can't find output specs on the Sony, but if I had to guess I would guess the X5ii has more output power. It has as much power as many portable headphone amps. But without knowing...
  15. El Zilcho

    FiiO EX1 world tour--open for application now! (1st round member list announced)

    I'll be shipping my pair out tonight if I can make it to the PO after work.  I'll PM the recipient with tracking info.  Cool opportunity to try out a new product.  Thanks Fiio.   Review should be up either tonight or early tomorrow.
  16. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    ​ Well, that's not promising.  Thank you for the feedback.  I'm a little burned out from work tonight.  Maybe I'll mess with it another time.  I'll let you folks know if I figure anything out.   Side note about Windows 10:  The new Edge browser is horrible.  It's slow and glitches like crazy...
  17. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    Anyone else have an issue with the USB DAC mode suddenly not working?  It has worked fine until now.  When I plugged it in a little while ago the screen on the X5ii said DAC for a brief moment, then switched back to the standard display.  It isn't recognized properly by the computer.  In the...
  18. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

      I don't know what the difference is, but I've read where a couple people said the X3ii was actually a bit faster in use than the X5ii.  Don't know how universal that opinion is, but I know I've read where someone said that.   Hopefully it's something that can be corrected (or at least...
  19. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, each are entitled to their own preferences.   I just can't imagine having 15,000-35,000 songs with me at all times.  With an average run time of 3 minutes per song (probably well on the low side) it would take well over a year to listen to 35,000 songs...
  20. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

      Those that have issues have claimed basically deal breaking, unacceptable performance.  But the issue could be partly due to tag and artwork issues.     I think if you start working backwards through this thread you will find the references to the issue.     Would you be using the library...
  21. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

    I think the speed issue has more to do with the number of songs and their tags and artwork. How many total songs do you have?
  22. El Zilcho

    Weird Request for Recommendation - Bad Isolation/Easy Insertion IEMs

    There are some very poor opinions of these floating around, but the Bose In Ear (Soundtrue/Soundsport, etc.) seem close to what you are looking for. I bought them for the same reason, low isolation. They offer a tiny bit of isolation, but not much. I find they are very quick easy to pop in, and...
  23. El Zilcho

    Fiio X5 ii - a good replacement for Iphone Classic?

    I just drag and drop songs and albums from my iTunes folder and the songs and artwork show up just fine on the X5ii. I use "folder browsing" on the X5ii, I don't make or import playlists. There are people using 2x 200GB cards without issue. There are a few reports of sluggish UI performance...
  24. El Zilcho

    FiiO EX1 world tour--open for application now! (1st round member list announced)

    Wow how the time does fly.  I'll be shipping my pair off in a couple days.  Hopefully the review will be up shortly after.  Should be up by this weekend...probably.
  25. El Zilcho

    FiiO X5 2nd gen Impressions and Discussion thread

      As far as UI performance.  I have experienced occasional, slight delays.  Along the lines of a second or so.  Nothing deal breaking for sure.  Keep in mind, I only use folder browsing mode because that's what I prefer.  I can't say how it compares to the X3ii because I don't have any...