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  1. leokennis

    PONO - Neil Youngs portable hi-res music player

    Yes. The Pono files are differing types of FLAC (normal FLAC up to 192/24 FLAC). The player itself also plays (from the Kickstarter): In my opinion, good music is 49% the source material, 49% the final speaker or headphone you use (when amped to a satisfactory level) and maybe 2% DAC, amps...
  2. leokennis

    ~AKG K618DJ~ Discussion & Review Thread

    Thanks for the reply :) The part of the headband where you can adjust the length does look like a weak spot of the K618/K619. On the other hand I have never broken a pair of headphones before, not even a cable, so I think I'm good with these too ;)
  3. leokennis

    Are there any headphones that feel like subwoofers?

    I must say the AKG K518 and now the K618 also really recreate that rumble. Although comfort wise I would not recommend them for home listening, or as a replacement of full size Ultrasone's. 
  4. leokennis

    Roll Call for Team AKG

    Ordered and received a black K619 (K618DJ with remote) a few days ago as replacement for my B&W P5's. As I listen to DnB and trip-hop a lot, I am very very happy!   Also very impressed by the usability improvements for portable use over the K518 (less clamp, better pads, one sided nice cable...
  5. leokennis

    ~AKG K618DJ~ Discussion & Review Thread

    Just received these headphones by mail. I'm very happy as an ex-K518 owner. My impressions:   The bass quantity is less than the K518, the bass quality is higher though. It's still a bass monster, but on bass-lighter tracks there is no unexpected rumble anymore. When the track calls for it...
  6. leokennis

    Seeking an earbud upgrade to the Apple EarPods

    I'd say the KSC75 sound better. To me they are "Grado light". The EarPods are "Sennheiser light". Simply because of the larger driver and the greater distance between driver and eardrum, you get more detail and bigger soundstage. Also the KSC75 has a more forward and lively presentation. The...
  7. leokennis

    Seeking an earbud upgrade to the Apple EarPods

    Thanks for the detailed reply! I'll try some foam covers and report back :-) Edit: tried it. My first impression is that it definitely increases bass punch, making the bass have more authority. It also seems to increase details (small percusion, acoustic guitar etc.) although that might be...
  8. leokennis

    Seeking an earbud upgrade to the Apple EarPods

    Thanks, I'll try that! Can anyone tell me about the bass impact of the Yuin earbuds?
  9. leokennis

    Seeking an earbud upgrade to the Apple EarPods

    Hello,   For my office, I need a pair of earbuds that still allow me to hear my colleagues, my phone ringing etc. So IEM's are out of the question. Big headphones are also a no go; they are simply too large for that environment.   So not too long ago I purchased a set of Apple EarBuds...
  10. leokennis

    Ultrasone HFI-780 vs. Pro 750

    Quote:   Yep. HFI-780 come with  non-removable cable. The standard cable is ~120cm, and a 300cm extension cable is included (very nice for people who also use them portable). No extra pads; just the pleather pads that are already fitted. And a velvet bag.   The earpads are not really...
  11. leokennis

    A step up from AKG K550?

    Quote:   I agree about the need for a good seal. I get a perfect seal though, whilst wearing my (normal size) glasses... So it's really hit or miss; if you wear glasses you are not lost, but if you don't you're not automatically golden.
  12. leokennis

    A step up from AKG K550?

    For closed cans, the AKG K550 are very good all rounders. It kind of depends on your demands. For closed headphones hyou could try:   - Ultrasone PRO 900. Thay have way bigger and stronger bass than the K550. You lose on soundstage and detail though. Also...not for sale at Best Buy. -...
  13. leokennis

    Ultrasone HFI-780 vs. Pro 750

    I used to own the HFI-780. The HFI line is more "fun sounding" than the PRO line. The HFI-780 is very V-shaped, but compared to the "lower" models is has less bass impact, but more bass detail. So it's a bassy headphone, but not in the "one note bass drone Beats by Dre" kind of way.    The...
  14. leokennis

    Battle Of The Flagships (58 Headphones Compared)

    Massive! Would love to hear your opinion on the AKG K550 with that setup and compared to your other headphones (although they are not "flagship" of "ultra hi-fi" at all).
  15. leokennis

    Roll Call for Team AKG

    AKG K550 since a week. So spacious for a closed can. So comfortable. Extremely happy.
  16. leokennis

    Best closed (AKG?) for classical?

    Quote: I heard these break quite easily though (cracks in the plastic). Is this true?   As for the AKG K271MKII: I researched these at well. The general consensus seemed to be that they need an amp more than the K550 does, and they have weaker bass (as in: even weaker bass than...
  17. leokennis

    AKG K550 Review.

    Quote: I used to own the D2000. I actually find these slightly more comfortable. I think I have a small head, since my K550's are fully "collapsed" (as small as possible) so my ears do not touch the inside of the cups.   I think the K550 has somewhat softer pleather, and they are about...
  18. leokennis

    AKG K550 Review.

    Brand new K550 owner here. Man these are great. Tripping balls right now on some nice jazz recordings, long time since a pair of headphones gave me a smile as big as this 
  19. leokennis

    Best closed (AKG?) for classical?

    Bought the second hand pair mentioned at the top of this thread and just received them. Running them from my Vivid V1 DAC/AMP and couldn't be happier. Very much the soundstage and (relative) neutrality I was looking for!   A nice surprise was the amount of bass they pump out when the track...
  20. leokennis

    Best closed (AKG?) for classical?

    Thanks for all the replies! I would first need to sell my HFI-780 so I'm not "jumping" on the K550 for sale now ;)    I understand the K550 are a very good choice...does anyone have experience with them unamped?
  21. leokennis

    Best closed (AKG?) for classical?

    Hi! I'm looking to purchase a headphone to listen to classical music. Most of my classical music consists of symphonies (Mozart, Rachmaninov, Beethoven, Bruckner) or "wind" music (flute, horn concertos etc.). There is the occasional piano sonata.   I'm looking for:   A closed headphone...
  22. leokennis

    Very Best Non-Active Noise Blocking Cans

    From my own experience:   The B&W P5 block a lot of noise. More than some entry level IEM's. In a busy train at full speed, with my iPod classic at 50%, I hear nothing of my surroundings. These cans are very "acoustic", i.e. in love with (female) voices and acoustic guitars. Very expensive...
  23. leokennis

    Ultrasone HFI-780 to AKG K550

    Hi! I am currently a happy Ultrasone HFI-780 user. I really love how allround they are; from home movie watching to on the go music listening. However, I have two issues with them:   They don't isolate well at all. When I use them on the go, all of its bass qualities are lost to outside...
  24. leokennis

    Upgrading from Ultrasone HFU-780 to Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro 80 Ohm - Good idea for me?

    Haha no problem...I'm very tempted to ave some money and get the PRO 900 now. 
  25. leokennis

    best isolation headphones from the following selection

    The AKG K518 blocks a lot of noise too. For example on public transportation the noise of the bus or train is almost 100% blocked out. To be fair I have't tried any of the other cans on your list.