Recent content by twoears&oneheart
  1. twoears&oneheart

    How different between squeezebox and transporter?

    yea, i agree... either SB + DAC1 or Transporter (alone)
  2. twoears&oneheart

    Convince me to buy a Meier Cantate

    then... i think buying the little dot is better... after all, it's all made in china
  3. twoears&oneheart

    Please help them... a truly deserving cause.

    err, i don't know his number ...
  4. twoears&oneheart

    Stock Grado GS1000 vs MoonAudio vs StefanAudioArt

    blackmore, go for the APURESOUND V3 Cable... that's the only one that we need for our GS1000...
  5. twoears&oneheart

    Please help them... a truly deserving cause.

    A bunch of congo polio victims who had their songs copyright ripped by UN themselves and paid $50 each in return. (I hope it's at least US$ that they were paid in) I hope they can turn out well for the rest of their lives... can someone help them??? - STAFF BENDA BILILI -...
  6. twoears&oneheart

    another 'what GS-1000 amp?' thread

    u used it with what headphones, mike?
  7. twoears&oneheart

    another 'what GS-1000 amp?' thread

    i think the GS1000 should come with a "buy me only if u are interested to pay twice or more that amount for amp..." anyone care to explain why upgraded power supply is essential for tube amps? Any kind souls?
  8. twoears&oneheart

    My Single Power ES1 has arrived (big 56k warning)

    soon, mikeymad would be skilled enough to give us a in-house mikeymad brand of balanced tubed transformer tripled amp...
  9. twoears&oneheart

    So I needed a headphone stand....

    Well, it's good job done, at least it solves your problem. regards