Recent content by JoeBorn
  1. JoeBorn

    Reply to review by 'JoeBorn' on item 'Aiwa ARC-1 Bluetooth Headphone'

    This is Joe from Aiwa, thanks for the thoughtful review. Do you have a preference for the way you'd like to see skip back controls?
  2. JoeBorn

    Reply to review by 'JoeBorn' on item 'Aiwa ARC-1 Bluetooth Headphone'

    This is Joe from Aiwa, thanks for buying and reviewing. You gave a thoughtful and honest review and we appreciate that. The one surprise I have is about the volume, in my experience, they are very loud, which headphones/amp is your standard for loudness? Have others found them to be wanting...
  3. JoeBorn

    Seeking beta testers for the Aiwa Arc-1 Bluetooth Headphones

    yeah, that wasn't the brand's proudest chapter either, but long before we took over the brand.
  4. JoeBorn

    Neuros III developer board in production - specs

    We're certainly listing and many of features you all have requested will start being implemented in software on the 442 even before we release the N3, so you'll start to see some progress in Q1 towards your requests. Joe
  5. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by Emmanuel If it's a Burr-Brown, I will contentedly give you my money at this very moment... Yes, it is a Burr-Brown- you can find some additional specs on the wiki while we're debating them:
  6. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ubijza The undisputed best sounding portable DAP (ok it's a PCDP) is Denon DCP150. The next tier below is the level of Sony D211 and Sony D303 PCDPs. I think it would make sense to use them as a reference... So the success plan is simple for the Neuros: take...
  7. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr Iriver Is this thread still active? Actually I change my mind. I said it would be good to have the best amp, and DAC possible. If the device has a very good analog out, I now think, it would be better to use an Usual DAP amp, but place the best DAC...
  8. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by mekanoplastik there are some folks with real technical background at the DIY section...go and ask, it would be great to see technical discussions over there Thanks I'll hope over there and make a fool of myself with some new folks
  9. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by jmb Hardware: good shielding to reduce outside interference affecting outputs and inputs. Could you expand on "outside interference" do you mean interference from sources outside the player like RF? I'm sorry to respond to one point out of about 50...
  10. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    A number of folks have been asking in PM, etc about timing for the N3. Realistically, it's a good 8 months away. However, we will be incorporating a lot of the feedback from this forum on the next generation 442 which will be going to Gamma about the first of the year. Although it's a bigger...
  11. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by seeberg Personally, I think Rio only did wrong that they didn't plan out properly, namely the direction of their company in spite of such overwhelming odds, and the fact that a few-emphasis on few- of their flagship product turned out to be fautly in some...
  12. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by DRSpeed85 Or just buy those discontinued DAPs in development from ex-Rio, rebrand it and sell it??? AFAIK, those were the most popular non-production DAPs on this forum and elsewhere. I still really want the chroma. Just out of curiousity, what do you...
  13. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by Helter Skelter Some of those can be tricky. Last I checked I was hearing of some possible legal issues including MPC support in a commercial player. It seems to be liscensed under the GNU GPL now, so I'm not sure if that's stil the case. Monkey's audio is...
  14. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Quote: Originally Posted by jmb Do you guys think Neuros will listen and actually make an audiophile player w/o all the extra video and recording functions? I guess want I wan to know is: Are we wasting are time here? I'm getting the feeling they are not going the route...
  15. JoeBorn

    Neuros Portables feedback wanted- Hardware

    Sorry for the formating here, this is from our internal mail list where I cut and pasted responses "Power is a concern. Power is a huge concern for a portable device, a measly 35mA consumption will kill a 350mA battery in 10 hours. If you're planning a hard drive (with at least 100mA...