Recent content by claymon
  1. claymon

    Woo Grado SR225 and Nuforce uDac arrived

    I run the grado sr225i setup with the udac as well. I find the sound a lot warmer sending the signal through my sony stereo receiver for better bass response.
  2. claymon

    Foobar2000 vs iTunes

    Quote: Originally Posted by doctorcilantro Yes, and Jukebox is free. The full version has lib. server, transcoding, etc. DC I am going to have to check out the full version.
  3. claymon

    Foobar2000 vs iTunes

    i have been using j river media jukebox for over a year now and have never looked back. brilliant stuff. itunes is cool, but definitely not as good for someone who doesn't buy apple products.
  4. claymon

    The Mars Volta - Amputechture: Crackling?

    Definitely a weird crackling noticeable on the first track. Reminds me of the californication problem which i'm sure the previous post alludes to... the loudness wars.
  5. claymon

    Denon AH-D1001...OMG

    I've been interested in these for a long time, but can someone please tell me exactly how much sound they actually do leak? i need some headphones that won't annoy fellow deskmates in quiet work situations. I was hoping these would be the ones....
  6. claymon

    Denon AH-D1001 review

    Would these be a good alternative to my grado sr-80s? I need some headphones of similar quality that don't leak sound.
  7. claymon

    Cast Your Vote: Led Zeppelin or The Who?

    duh, LZ. if only the SAT's were this easy.
  8. claymon

    2008 reissue of The Stranger

    are you talking about that dj shadow album that was kinda lame? edit: i was thinking of "the outsider" oops.
  9. claymon

    Let's Create a Head-Fi Best Metal List!

    Quote: Originally Posted by ezkcdude As far as ranking bands, I base my judgement on the band's output at their best. All metal bands eventually turn to crap. Bands like Metallica, Venom, Exodus and Carcass should (in my opinion) be judged on the basis of their best/most influential...
  10. claymon

    Anyone listen to Bloc Party? New Single - Mercury

    i'm sorry, but there is only one bloc party album i acknowledge. i hope the new stuff gets back to form.
  11. claymon

    Let's Create a Head-Fi Best Metal List!

    i want to play... 1. Iron Maiden 2. Black Sabbath 3. Metallica 4. Meshuggah 5. Mastodon 6. Slayer 7. Megadeth 8. Judas Priest 9. The Darkness 10. Dethklok >)
  12. claymon

    Calling all My Morning Jacket Fans

    agree with all of the above, and add The Black Keys
  13. claymon

    I don't listen to Country Music; Because.....

    i don't listen to country because my grandma shot my dog and my wife left me.
  14. claymon

    Fleet Foxes (for indie rock fans)

    yes, i am all about this band lately... it definitely induces some Brian Wilson - Smile vibes in me.
  15. claymon

    Your 2008 Favorites

    the sword - gods of the earth meshuggah - obzen the black keys - attack and release my morning jacket - evil urges the cool kids - bake sale lil wayne - TCIII