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  1. IZCool

    UE IPX Connector - Fits ACS?

    Hi, I've got a pair of ACS T1s which are around 2 years old - these use the Linum T2 3mm diameter connector, which I understand is the basis of the new UE IPX connector system. ( Does anyone know if the UE IPX plugs will fit the...
  2. IZCool

    Anyone heard the 2010 ACS T1?

    I'm planning on ordering a pair in the next couple of weeks - I have the T2 so qualify for a 15% discount :)   I'll probably post a quick review / pics when I get them, but I think there are already a couple if you search...
  3. IZCool

    question about my JH 16 pro isolation level

    This is a fairly common question. If you search you'll find references to the Sensaphonics Seal Test
  4. IZCool

    Can custom Westone earplugs double as a nice IEM?

    ACS have a pair of earphones that are designed to fit in place of the ER-9/15/25 filters.   Just be careful that you don't wear out the earmoulds because as you change filters more often the filter...
  5. IZCool

    Livewires for the young

    I think i remember reading somewhere that most peoples' ears slow down growing at about age 16. So you might be OK. The ears and nose are the only parts of the body that never stop growing, so that's why anyone is going to need refits every 5 years or so. In some cases the IEM companies...
  6. IZCool

    Looking for ear plugs

    Well, you could start with the Etymotic ER-20 earplugs. They have a flat response so they won't change the sound of the music too much. Pick your own colour, but I have no idea how far they'll stick out of your ears. If you've got the cash, you could consider going for the custom-fit...
  7. IZCool

    Wireless Personal Monitor System

    The conductor is not likely to be moving around much, so you could probably get away with a wired system. This does involve running more cables from the mixing desk to the conductor's location, but it is usually cheaper and better sound quality. Shure makes wired versions of some of their...
  8. IZCool

    IEM musicians

    If you're just starting out, probably go for some musicians earplugs (eg Etymotic ER-20 for universal or ER-15/25 for custom fit). I figure that you use a guitar amp which may be miked during gigs. Setting up an in-ear-monitor system is a bit expensive if you want it to be wireless (and even...
  9. IZCool

    Ear Protection

    Quote: Originally Posted by nickdawg I didn't even think of that. If you're gonna be singing, it would be a good idea to ditch the earplugs. The occlusion effect is killer with earplugs. I find it weird just to talk, couldn't imagine singing. If you have earplugs that seal in the...
  10. IZCool

    Ear Protection

    If you're singing, you might find that you will experience the 'occlusion effect' with the ER-20 earplugs. It makes your voice sound louder in your ears because they are partially blocked. If it bothers you, see an audiologist and get some Etymotic ER-15 (blocks 15dB) or ER-9 (blocks 9dB) and...
  11. IZCool

    Questions about IEMs and Earphones.

    Also came across this on the ACS website - they're not the ER6, so I guess they're a bit of an unknown quantity, but you could be the first to try them and give us a review T15™ Modular Monitors
  12. IZCool

    Questions about IEMs and Earphones.

    If you have Etymotic ER-9/15/25 style earplugs, I saw somewhere an adaptor to fit the Etymotic ER6 earphones into them. Haven't seen any reviews of that combo though. Sorry I can't find the link right now, might try later.
  13. IZCool

    Looking for IEMs in Melbourne AUS

    Depending on what you want (and where you are) there are places like Welcome to audiophile (Fitzroy North) and Audiolifestyle (Fitzroy) - both have a small selection of IEMs and a storefront so you can see what you're getting. OTOH, some 'mainstream' stores like JB Hi-Fi are starting to carry a...
  14. IZCool

    New ACS T1 Customs

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jeremy1234 I saw different type of cable option. If anyone can tell me wat is the difference & which one should I choose ? I think my T2s have the "Silver" cable option - but email ACS about it - they were very helpful with me when I was trying to make...
  15. IZCool

    New ACS T1 Customs

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jeremy1234 Would like to read a comparison between this & UE Pro 11 as both are around the same class. By the way, don't know how is the comfort between the 2. Read that there is a custom & universal one. Thinking of getting either one. I don't...
  16. IZCool

    Anyone Use These Customs (Very Interesting Cable) ADDED PICTURE

    The drivers are (I guess you know this but anyway) in the black part between the black cable and the clear tubing. I have not tried any products like this before, but I would not expect them to have sound quality as good as earphones with the drivers in the earpiece. Wouldn't vibrations be...
  17. IZCool

    Best IEM for Cowon D2 between $100--200USD [Australian User]

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2162 That is misleading, did you even bother checking the customs site? Generally, all goods imported into Australia are subject to Customs duty and GST and are assessed for community protection risks. However, all goods (except for tobacco and alcoholic...
  18. IZCool

    Best IEM for Cowon D2 between $100--200USD [Australian User]

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2162 No duty on items <$1000 AUD check it on google if you dont believe me. Actually the threshold is if the duty + GST on the imported goods is less than $100, they don't bother charging. Practically, that means that for headphones the threshold for...
  19. IZCool

    New ACS T1 Customs

    Hi has anyone heard the ACS T1? They seem to be a triple-driver, more advanced version of the T2 (which I have now and love). Any comparisons or comments much appreciated! Advanced Communication Solutions - ACS T1 Custom Triple Driver Monitors - SRP £649
  20. IZCool

    Is it really the case that Customs = Better?

    Also it might be worth keeping in mind that, with regards to the comfort thing, some IEM manufacturers use soft material for their customs. This may not have as many of the same problems as the acrylic (but I don't know from personal experience as I only have a pair of silicone customs). FWIW...
  21. IZCool

    Earphones for my birthday...

    I haven't bought many different headphones/earphones, but when I bought my Shure E5 about 4 years ago, I imported them from an online store in the USA - worked out MUCH cheaper than anywhere in Australia. Of course, returns would have been very difficult if I didn't like them, so research...
  22. IZCool

    Custom IEMs for musician?

    Quote: Originally Posted by StudioAce Also you need to get the IEM in your ear to at least the second bend in your ear to be able to get the highs from your voice to over ride the resonance in your head. I didn't realise that any of the IEM manufacturers made them that long -...
  23. IZCool

    Custom Earplugs

    Are you going to need flat frequency response? I guess for power tools it's probably not essential. Flat frequency 'musicians' earplugs like the ER-15 are much more expensive than general purpose earplugs. You could try going to and see if you get some ideas from there...
  24. IZCool

    IEM's for a Drummer (Suggestions Please)

    Quote: Originally Posted by aethyal I will be using them primarily to play drums. Are you talking about playing electronic / recorded drums through them? Or playing recorded music through them as 'backing music'? If it's the second one (which I gather it is) you probably do...