Recent content by ychy
  1. ychy

    QQ/Complain thread. Complain about anything!!!

    Quote: More like the Animal Center, why can't cats and dogs just live in the wild like all the other animals  
  2. ychy

    Music Production software for a beginner

    I would recommend Ableton Live. It is so much better than FL Studio which I used to use until switching to Ableton
  3. ychy

    Foobar 2000 Screenshot Thread

  4. ychy

    Why did you choose your username?

    I have no idea where it came from but it's the same as my tumblr name
  5. ychy


    I found a Trek 400 Road Bike on craigslist two years ago. It has served me well in college. It certainly got me interested in bikes and I can't wait to build my own fixed-gear bike.
  6. ychy

    Any anime series that you've been enjoying?

    If you haven't watched FLCL go do it now
  7. ychy

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Last movie I watched was Source Code at the dollar movies. I would give it a 6/10. Interesting concept but I felt like they could have went further.
  8. ychy

    What book are you reading right now?

    My favorite Kurt Vonnegut book Cats Cradle
  9. ychy

    NBA Playoffs!

    All I can say is Dirk and the Mavs deserve their rings.
  10. ychy

    Headphone girls, interesting

    Woah, where did all these headphone fan arts start popping up?
  11. ychy

    QQ/Complain thread. Complain about anything!!!

    I was mowing the yard today and I got attacked by a swarm of yellow jackets that I had just ran over. My legs are aching from the pain
  12. ychy

    Need some new Hip Hop

    Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All Tyler the Creator
  13. ychy

    Are you a cover lover?

    Fang Island - S/T
  14. ychy

    Best Animal Collective album?

    After you listen to their albums you should watch ODDSAC. Animal Collective fans won't be disappointed by this visual/musical album