The discovery thread!
Feb 18, 2012 at 9:31 AM Post #1,036 of 106,243
Bigger tips do tend to tame down the sounds a bit on the isurus but they do have a brighter sound versus your average neutral sounding earphones. Detail on these are very good but they lack refinements of the true higher end dynamics. The CKM77s I have which is a much higher end dynamic has a similar sound signature to these isurus but those are so much more refined over these isurus. No tip change needed to tame anything on them yet those have even greater detail and overall better sound quality over the isurus.. The surprising thing is the isurus hold their own..You are right in that the highs don't change much but using better tips helps..
Feb 19, 2012 at 12:31 PM Post #1,040 of 106,243

Can anyone offer a comparison between the Isurus and the JVC Xtreme Xplosive (HAFX1X)?

Of the Isurus and Philips SHE3580 I think it is reported that the SHE3580 has the bigger bass.
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Feb 19, 2012 at 12:38 PM Post #1,041 of 106,243

Can anyone offer a comparison between the Isurus and the JVC Xtreme Xplosive (HAFX1X)?

HAFX1X, Boom boom and more boom.. Bassy and mid forward warm non fatiguing but bassy. And More bassy. You want a bassy earphone these would be a solid purchase. Bass heads love these including myself. Oh did I mention they are bassy? Big bass and bass all the time with even more bass. Vs isurus.  If you are more into rock, instruments, vocals the isurus is better for this as they have much more detail over the HAFX1X.  So the JVCs are bass oriented. The TT isursus is detail oriented with much more flatter sound. The bass is solid on the isurus but not as colored or prominent as it is on the JVCs.
How does the isucus fare against the pl50?the price difference is around 10+ more on the pl50

Pl50s are supposed to be good earphones. I can't say as I own the PL30s and not the 50s. Do some reading on the PL50s and see if they will be more to your liking. I can tell you the highs on the isurus is lively but is tamed quite a bit using thicker foam style tips or double flanges and then they balance out while retaining a good balance and above average detail in your music. Get ekes used pair to save some cash. I know there are more than a few guys that loved the isurus even over the my newest find the ATH-CKM50.  It all depends on your sound preference.   The Isurus is more analytical and a bit bright sounding from neutral. Typical Audio Technica house sound signature..  The detail of these is where these shine. Bass is good quality too and hits every sub bass note with no issue.
Feb 19, 2012 at 1:53 PM Post #1,042 of 106,243
Thanks to DS, Joe and all on this thread with their philips advice, was on look out for some IEM and i stumbled on this and the other thread about the Philips SHE3580. Being in europe, Philips are one of my go to companies and believe it or not I still have a pair of their electrodynamic headphones so I'm a bit of a fan of their products. I'm currently using some Sennheiser PX100 as my portable headphones but previously had some CX300's and some Sony MDR-XB20 which all passed away to the great IEM graveyard in the sky due to losing sound from 1 earpiece. So started to look for some SHE3580 and lo and behold managed to locate some SHE3582 (Blue version) for the princely some of £5 (roughly $8-£9) at  From my memory the SHE3582 have got better bass than the CX300 and the XB20 but the trebles and the mids are all decent as well and whether this is my perception the SHE3582 just appear to be a bit louder than any other IEM as my psp and personal cd players have never sounded so big previously. What phones, what a price and what a great thread

Feb 20, 2012 at 7:03 PM Post #1,044 of 106,243

The SHE3570 is better than PL30 and SHE9550? it's recommended to run?

Are you asking which one would be best for running? I would say none.. The sound of the PL30 is ok but nothing special. balanced more closer to neutral sound signature but I don't know how many times you can accidentally drop them before they pop open. The build is kinda suspect. The Philips phones for being cheap are much stronger and simpler build to them. The only issue with the SHE3570/3580 is they have really bad microphonics.
If you are planning to run with the iems I suggest ones that will be built well and with almost no microphonics.. Forget the SHE9550 those have too much of a mid bass hump and make your music sound muddy in the mids because of this hump.  The one I would recommend for running believe it or not is none of these. The one I would recommend for exercise is a Panasonic HJE350. Very comfy, good sound and almost no microphnics. In other words perfect for running.
Feb 21, 2012 at 7:24 PM Post #1,045 of 106,243
OK so I finally got these  The New Philips SHE5105 and the new Pioneer CL-721 AKA basshead earphones.
Fight!. I have to admit I have to get used to hearing bass heavy earphones again as I have been using my current favorite the ATH-CKM77s almost all the time now a days but it hasn't stopped me from being curious enough about these 2 to not try them out. So without further ado.. These 2 are the newest earphones from Philips and Pioneer. Right off the bat I was not too happy with the Pioneer packaging. I suppose all will be well if the sound of them justified the $30 cost of them. Let me start with these Pioneers..Now I haven't burned them in too much I was eager to hear them from open box
16 Ohm, 5hz-22Khz, Max power 100mw 9mm driver unit closed design. One of my funnest listening headphones is the Pioneer HDJ500. Which has that Pioneer sound. Extended lively highs with big punchy lows that hits all them notes cleanly and is as close to having a club in your head as it gets with any type of headphones. So I was hoping these new earphones would be the earphone equivalent. Well let me just say. Unless they clear up here in a few days of burning these are gonna get the boot. Here is why. These have the muddiest sound I have heard in anything recently and when I say muddy I am talking about the entire sound spectrum.
These have a very similar sound to the CC51s but even more congested sounding in the mids over them which I thought would be an impossible task..Similar sparkly highs but not so extended. Kinda weird sounding. A thick veil, muddy and non refined sounding. I can not recommend even the die hardest of bass heads try these. The JVC HAFX1X and the Xeports 5010. Completely out does these earphones in every way. The bass is a flabby mess as well. Bloaty bass, muffled congested mids and sparkly light treble make these sound like you are listening to your music after a night of pounding tequila with your collage frat mates.  Making matters worse they have driver flex from the get go. I am gonna have to complain to Amazon because of this and just return these. Another issue they make these packaging the type you can only open once. I had to tear them apart to get to the earphones. Sucks.
These say they are DJ inspired. Well I actually own some of the best DJ headphones in the world. These aren't even close. These suck in every single way. Well the only thing good on them is they have no microphonics what so ever. But I would rather deal with some microphonics with a good sounding pair of buds rather than deal with crappy sounding earphones with no microphonics.  Waste of money. Yes they were. So it goes to show you. You can't take the reviews you see on Amazon seriously at all. One guy claims everything he has sound just marvelous on these. Marvelously crappy I would say. This guy has probably never heard a decent earphone in his life. Lol.!
Well you don't know untill you hear it for yourself and hear them for myself I did. These suck and I am talking like 3/10 sound wise. Terrible in every way. The SHE3580 for $10 sound like $100 earphones compared to these abominations. Verdict.. STAY AWAY. A huge thumbs down for crappy sound and that is even before the driver flex problem.These are getting the boot. Well after writing this it made me realize..These are getting the boot!!
Now for the new Philips SHE5105.. 16ohm 105db max output, 20hz-20khz,10mm driver.You know what these sound like? They sound just like the SHE3580. I can take the Left side of these SHE5105s and the Right side of the SHE3580 plug them in my ears  and it would be hard to tell you had 2 different earphones on each ear. Now here is how these are solid however. The build on these are very solid while all plastic looking and they are made with all plastic it looks like the flat no microphonic rubberized cord eliminates the only real issue with the SHE3580. Better build with no microphonics. These do have a bit better definition but the driver seems to be one in the same. The exact same sound signature and dynamics. 
So in a way these was disappointing I was expecting more for the X5 more expensive version of the SHE3580s. On an added bonus these work awesome on my Optimus cell phone. But this is not a feature I care for..For the money. Hmm I will reserve verdict until proper burn in.  So while these sound great they are too close in sound and performance to the SHE3580 for me to think they are worthy. I was expecting much refinements but ended up with a better build, no microphonics with built in mic with the similar sound as the SHE3580 is what I got.
Ok so I might have been a bit drastic on my views of these SHE5105. I think my furry over the Pioneer dumb earphones made me kinda blind to the better qualities of these new Philips phones. The mids are much more fuller on these as well as having a bit more detail in the highs over the SHE3580. So for now I will keep them on the burn and see what happens. On open box they sounded too much like the SHE3580. After a few hours of burn I can sense they are improving a bit.
They already have better balance. Interesting. Gonna go for several days of burn and see where these end up. I forgot to mention. I think these would be immediate keepers if they came with a nice case but none was included. However this is kinda cool. They have magnets in the ass end of the earphones so they stick back to back for easy storage.
Ultimately there is a lot of positives here. The sound is definitely bassy about the same quantity and quality here compared to the SHE3580, but for being a bassy phone these have a much better balance. Especially in the mids. Initially I thought they sounded very similar but upon more A/Bing  the mids are much improved on these SHE5105. With a better balanced sound. Minimum microphonics, Flat thick rubberized cord that is tangle proof, an actual working mic for your cell phones..All the positives add up to a proper earphone for the money.. These are clearly the winners here. The more I listen to them the more I am liking them.. Thumbs up from me @$50 price tag. These are a solid buy. Keepers!
Feb 22, 2012 at 12:42 PM Post #1,048 of 106,243

Hey Dsnuts
The price on the Xeport 5010s is up to $35 now on Amazon.
Would you still recommend these over the MEE SP51?  

I remember asking this to Ishcabible who started the Xeport fan club thread this very question as I own the Xeport 5010 and not the SP51s. He says he likes the Xeport 5010 better. Better over all sound, better mids was his response. Yes even at $35 these are a solid buy and way better than the reject Pioneers. I have no idea how anyone there at Pioneer can think these are good. Seriously these have to be the worse sounding earphones I have I think because of the price increase. The better value now would be a JVC HAFX1X as those go for $20. You want a proper bassy earphone go for the JVCs and I will recommend the 5010s as well even at a higher price. 
Feb 24, 2012 at 1:18 AM Post #1,049 of 106,243
I picked up the SHE 3580s this week. I had a couple pair of $100+ earphones, but they broke on me just over a year after buying them. Since then I've limited myself to $20ish sets. After buying these I decided to try them out with Josh Groban's "Your Raise Me Up" to see if they were anything special. It didn't take long. Around the 0:27 mark I started hearing bass notes that had only been hinted at with the other inexpensive earphones I'd been using. Thanks so much to Dsnuts and Joe Bloggs for letting us know about these.
On a side note, does anyone know of any on/over ear headphones that have a similar sound?  I really enjoy these and would like to find something with a high quality build, but this sound, even if it was in the $100-200 range as long as it could be driven by a portable player like an ipod or Sansa Zip.
Feb 24, 2012 at 12:38 PM Post #1,050 of 106,243

I picked up the SHE 3580s this week. I had a couple pair of $100+ earphones, but they broke on me just over a year after buying them. Since then I've limited myself to $20ish sets. After buying these I decided to try them out with Josh Groban's "Your Raise Me Up" to see if they were anything special. It didn't take long. Around the 0:27 mark I started hearing bass notes that had only been hinted at with the other inexpensive earphones I'd been using. Thanks so much to Dsnuts and Joe Bloggs for letting us know about these.
On a side note, does anyone know of any on/over ear headphones that have a similar sound?  I really enjoy these and would like to find something with a high quality build, but this sound, even if it was in the $100-200 range as long as it could be driven by a portable player like an ipod or Sansa Zip.

A couple comes to mind..Similar sound qualities in full sized strong build. The Audio Technica M50s.  The Ultrasone HFI-580 and even the HFI-780. But the closest to this sound signature is the M50 but Here is another choice. I haven't tried these, only the earphones but these new SHL5605. I have a feeling will have a very similar sound signature.. These won the best headphone for $100 by our own Jude and Tyll.. Basically these will have proper sound and for these 2 guys to say these were the best bang for the bucks at the CES. They are gonna be awesome. I have the earphone version the SHE5105 and the earphone equivalent has even a better sound than the SHE3580. So considering you like that SHE3580 sound. I am willing to bet these headphones are what you are looking for.. Plus at a $100 that is a good deal. Give them a go. I might pick one up myself to try out.

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