「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jun 22, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #79,621 of 177,747
80 posts... SKIP.
Still debugging P-IA, the thermal shutdown randomly trips for no reason

So annoying when programs don't work properly and I don't know why....
Jun 22, 2013 at 9:52 PM Post #79,622 of 177,747
Oh man... That's hilarious! XD

Gta mods are always fun though.

I think online friends definitely count as friends!

And for sure it's easier to spill your guts out online since you don't have to face the people you're talking to IRL...

This new episode was bad. Plot is going all over the place. Oh, and jgray, they're continuing down the harem route :mad: [rule]
Also watched the newest Henneko today, it was meh as well.

It's losing plot power, but gaining moe power.

Eh, it's not even good moe...

Where are you going?......

Munich, then China.

Dang man, you be the world traveler!

And I'm over here getting ready to go on my first plane to California next week... T.T

Munich, then China.

Munich...nice city, but not representative for Germany at all :D

Bavaria in general could be considered a different country...people there are weird and their accent is just scary.

Isn't Munich the city where they generally dislike Americans?
Jun 22, 2013 at 9:56 PM Post #79,623 of 177,747
Isn't __insert any country here__the city where they generally dislike Americans?

I learned a trick from Reddit to ALWAYS tell people online(for people you won't meet ever again, like game rooms or a Reddit reply) that you are Canadian if you are actually American.
You go abroad to any country? You are Canadian. 
Jun 22, 2013 at 11:10 PM Post #79,625 of 177,747
Haven't seen that yet. On to watch list. 
Though, I think part of the reason why CLANNAD had such an effect was because it was so long, there are very few drama/romance anime that are 4cour, the vast majority are just 1cour deals. Sometimes I have trouble empathizing with movie characters because I get to know them for an hour, or maybe an hour and a half, then the key emotional events happen, and then it's over. With CLANNAD you follow Tomoya for nearly a decade of his life over 50 something episodes. There are lots of anime that have gotten me to CLANNAD S1 levels of feels, but nothing has come close to the final few episodes ~AS~. 
Jun 22, 2013 at 11:13 PM Post #79,626 of 177,747
Oh the new Oreimo episode was cute :3

And why is it losing plot power?

I mean, at the end, he said that he decided for one girl! That's a big step up for him IMO.
And I really don't mind the Harem stuff. Why have so many female characters in the anime and don't use them? :p (no pun intended)

Over 70% of my friends are girls. That's not that common for an Otaku, right? :p

No, there (fortunately) is nothing harem-ish going on....

I can kind of relate to all these Harem anime dudes :D

As much as I want to spite all those that watch oreimo in the hopes that it would end up differently, I will respond to that spoiler in a spoiler box... sigh

Nope just kidding

Anybody that expect the end to go any other way than MC-kun choosing to incest it up is ... naive. And I do think that most are actually smart. That's why most that hated blond bitch wanted the end to at least be harem, as if that's the case, MC-kun won't be with the one they, the audience, don't like.

I want to say that MC-kun is different, bu at the same time, just by reading the damn title of the anime, I know that the end is predictable, and no matter what happens in the middle, it's going to end badly for those that don't want the end to be kyosuke X kirino. What will be interesting though is that the author picked someone else other than the blond bitch, but logically speaking that's as possible as pigs sprouting wings and fly.

The eps are sped up, and following the LN with alot being left out. I'm not a big Kirino fan but there are reasons why she acts that way to her brother. Kirino isn't like that other than around her brother (and her otaku circle). Everyone else she's pretty much a darling.
Jun 23, 2013 at 12:43 AM Post #79,630 of 177,747
Bah, my YouTube account is not in good standing and I can't upload videos longer than 15 minutes. Mah C5 Arduino tutorial video is 17.   :frowning2:

Why isn't it in good standing?
Split the video into two parts?

I uploaded a video from a concert and somebody flagged it for copyright infringement. I tried to get the rights back but alas no luck with that.
I could split it into 2 parts, but I can re-do it in 1 take since I spent a lot of time demonstrating stuff that I can condense.
Also, Skyping with one of my close guy friends isn't nearly as fun with my close girl friends...actually it's kind of awkward. XD
Jun 23, 2013 at 12:46 AM Post #79,631 of 177,747
I uploaded a video from a concert and somebody flagged it for copyright infringement. I tried to get the rights back but alas no luck with that.
I could split it into 2 parts, but I can re-do it in 1 take since I spent a lot of time demonstrating stuff that I can condense.

I used to have long videos as I wasn't too good on camera. A few takes and line un-jumblings condense videos a lot.
Jun 23, 2013 at 3:36 AM Post #79,632 of 177,747
Hm I see. I guess that makes sense then and it would be supplementary to the manga.

I still don't understand why Eren wasn't regenerating when he was "sleepy." Was he too injured? If so, that means he can't complete the mission.

It's more to do with his willpower to control the titan form than anything else. The first time around, his "will" was to smash lots of titans from the brink of death.

The eps are sped up, and following the LN with alot being left out. I'm not a big Kirino fan but there are reasons why she acts that way to her brother. Kirino isn't like that other than around her brother (and her otaku circle). Everyone else she's pretty much a darling.

Irrelevant since that's the only thing I get from twitter. :p

If you can't tell, I don't watch it.
Jun 23, 2013 at 3:49 AM Post #79,633 of 177,747
Jun 23, 2013 at 5:54 AM Post #79,634 of 177,747
Jun 23, 2013 at 6:03 AM Post #79,635 of 177,747
I never really poured my feelings IRL. I don't know why; maybe as the eldest of 5 siblings, I have to look strong for the fam, since I'm the shining star. That's tremendous pressure in of itself, and to explain that to someone else face to face is... daunting. Sure I never really bare myself here since I designate this as the "being dumb as bricks" place, but on the Diary Thread... I've done way more emotional discussions there than IRL.

That's on the more personal side, and on the more casual side, even then I still have a few masks for RL compared to the internet. Heck, now that I know graph is reachable IRL, I don't know how I'll act in front of him.

Friends on the internet are still friends, despite what others may claim. They share rage, joy, sadness together, and maybe more so than IRL friends. While anonymity usually is portrayed in a bad light, in this case, I feel that anonymity serves a nebulous, positive purpose.

I actually don't really have any masks anymore. With my friends I act like I want to. It gives a tremendous sense of freedom, and I'm lucky to have a multitude of friends who actually like that.

Munich...nice city, but not representative for Germany at all :D

Bavaria in general could be considered a different country...people there are weird and their accent is just scary.

Germany in general is all about weird accents. Why can't the Germans learn to speak proper Dutch?

In all seriousness, I feel sad that I chose Spanish in high school instead of German. I could be speaking pretty good German by now if I chose differently.

80 posts... SKIP.
Still debugging P-IA, the thermal shutdown randomly trips for no reason :frowning2:
So annoying when programs don't work properly and I don't know why....

We all know how that feels, boy. I've had the weirdest bugs and glitches when programming.

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