  1. HerbM

    Just broke my Shure e500s. Replacement suggestions?

    I just discovered a broken stem on my e500. What's even worse, I called Shure and was offered a 535 "replacement" for $250. Ouch.   So I am in need of some sort of replacement and I am loathe to give Shure any more money. Plus, I'm not convinced I need to spend as much this time around. I've...
  2. kapooon

    IEM Deciding problem

    Hey head-fi'ers!   After 1 years and 11 months my Ultimate Ears 5 died on me. I still had 1 month of guarantee so I sent them back, but they couldn't repair them. They don't sell them anymore either, so I got my money back in the form of a voucher (€140), so this is a nice chance to...
  3. Kylemcg

    Tell me about these headphones

    I am getting a new pair of headphones soon, and I think ive narrowed it down to 3 pairs, the sennheiser ie80, shure se535, beyerdynamic dr990 edition. Can you compare and contrast these, and tell me each ones stong and weak points.
  4. VampireAndros

    Wich are the Best In-Ear Phones

    Greetings, fellows. I've been reading a lot recently about the new stuff coming out this year, and well, I was about to get the Shure S535, but I found some reviewers that point out that the bass perhaps is not as powerfull.    Still, they're my best option right now. Behind those, I would...
  5. Kylemcg


    I like rap and hip hop, amd i want either the sennheiser ie80, the shure se535, or the heir audio, what would be the best for me, and what do i need to drive each. Please reply to my thread.
  6. Obstinate

    QUICK: SE535, Westone UM3X, or Westone 4Rs?

    Hi, I'm choosing between the three mentioned in the title, the SE535, Westone UM3X, or Westone 4R. They seem to be what I'm looking for, something that'll really bring out the detail in music, namely baroque pop/indie rock/classical/jazz/etc.    So, what do you think is best for me? I...
  7. E-bony

    Question about first high end IEM's purchase?

    Well currently I am using Bose IE2's that I got for 50cents off an arcade game and about 1 month ago I looked online for some earbuds and came across the Shure SE535 and Westone W4 earbuds. The first thing I noticed was the price and was baffled as to why the cost so much and then looked into...
  8. percusski

    custom moulds v generics - IEM system for drummer

    Hi again...I'm getting mixed reports on what is the 'best' option for playing drums live to sequencers over a band/on stage volume. Some say the custom moulds provide the best isolation but can leave you with a detached feeling from your instrument, others say that better isolation can be...
  9. belushka

    The most overrated IEMs

    What are, in your opinion, the most overrated/overpriced IEM's ? I think that IE8 are probably overrated/overpriced
  10. jwayda

    Where to try different IEMs in LA

    I am in the Los Angeles area and would like to bring my audio sources and try three or four different pairs of high-end IEMs such as the Westone 4r and the Shure SE535. I have read all of the reviews on this forum for these two IEMs and several others and even though I respect the opinions of...
  11. Silver

    Are SE535 fatiguing to hear over long session?

    My first IEM was se215. I sold it because I find it so fatiguing I can only listen to it on bus. I have chance to audition it conveniently but I just can't listen to it long enough to tell whether it is as fatiguing as 215. I hope those who listen to both 215 and 535 can tell me what you think...
  12. Xinze

    Westone 4 Alternative?

    Hey Guys   I bought a Westone 4 off another head-fier here a few months ago, and I've been generally happy with it.    However, the sound has been getting, somewhat boring for me (I've heard lots of people comment on it's boring sound). It's too.. natural.    So now, I'm looking for...
  13. wiz561

    Help with fixing SE530's

    OK, so I did something stupid.  I have a pair of SE530's that has the infamous cable rip/cracking syndrome.  I bought a new cable for them (the shure with the coax-tip..just cut the coax tip off).     According to some directions, it says you should be able to pop the lid off with a razor...
  14. smnfs

    se535 -> looking for a Bassy amp

    Hey there im new on here, just got my se535 and i really love bass my music is electronic/minimal/hiphop. i'm looking for crispy/crunchy heavy bass so could any1 give me an advice which amp is the best for me?  thx   edit: atm im using an iphone 4s
  15. iim7V7IM7

    New IEMS: Shure SE535 or Westone 4R

    For use un-amped with my iPhone or iPad to listen to music on long-haul flights.  I listen to jazz, blues and classical. I appreciate, neutrality, musical detail and large/deep sound stage. I also appreciate quality of build and wearing comfort. Both of these IEMs are well regarded. I suspect...
  16. ayaflo

    Brainwavz B2 or Fiio e10 or Baldur Mk ii cable upgrade(SHURE se 535)

    which one would be the best choice for me?  I already have a shure se 535 and a dt 990 pro.....which i run out of an ipod/laptop and an onkyo a/v receiver respectively... so what would be a relatively better addition to my audio arsenal?
  17. disastermouse

    Best portables for an HD 650 lover?

    Hey all,   My 'reference' for good headphones are my HD650s with a music streamer ii+ and a Fii0 E9 amp (not amazing, but the best I've ever heard).  I'm looking at the Senn HD-25-1-ii, the DT 1350, and the Vmoda M-80s as good, closed, headphones mostly for the gym.   I'd go with IEMs...
  18. JakobShooster

    Best headphone amp for Shure SE535-CL

    I am relatively new to the best of the best headphones, I went from a pair of skull candy earbuds to the Shure 535s, I am now realizing that a headphone amp would make a big difference. I listen to rock, and british pop-rock. I am just wondering what the best headphone amp would be for them. I...
  19. vocalist

    Moving on from UM3X - what next?

    The UM3X is a great iem and I do find myself pretty enchanted by it's sound.  That said, I'm not head over heels for it so I'd like to move on and get my hands (ears?) on something else.  Small annoyances are the size of the jack as I have to use an adaptor when I use my iPhone 4S and the length...
  20. terry1109

    labkable super nova cable review

    Introduction When I started to pay attention to music quality and purchased my first set of proper earphone, which is the UE TF10. But after a while, I started to question myself whether I should purchase a replacement for the standard cable, since the original cable is not convenient to use...
  21. JazzDeath

    IEM choices for metal drummers (Price Range - 200 to 500$)

    Hello everyone!   My band has been playing lately with in-ear monitors, and my guitarists and singer all bought themselves some Shure Se535s. I had been using a low-end pair of Klipsch s4i's plugged directly into the console's headphone input so that I could monitor not only all of the...
  22. LemanRuss9

    Fit Ear Custom in ear monitor and Universal in ear monitor

    Hello head-fi has anyone try this brand? i know this from jude's video in youtube.Really Interested with this.maybe another replacement to my shure SE535.
  23. Currawong

    The IEM/Portable Headphones Deal Alerts Thread - Closed! Use the Deals Thread III instead.

    I keep seeing these "Deal Alert" threads popping up frequently, so I reckon we're due for a single thread for them.      Here's what you should post:   The model and price. The link! LOCATION! For example, if you're in the EU and it's an EU store, make sure you say this, as people will...
  24. jjb3

    Shure SE535 vs UE11/18 Pro vs JH13/16

    Please comment. I own the 535s and want to start to consider my first pair of customs. I am eyeballing the UEs vs JHs. Love the 535 sound, love detailed and present bass. Love detailed highs but not at the expense of lows.
  25. J

    Earsonics SM3 v2. Fit, feel, soundstage are worth the price?

    Not being able to take my Lynn and Waferdales everywhere, I need a good pair of IEMs. A while ago I found the Q-Jays better than the Etymotics Er4P where I found the latter too clinical a sound.   I recently noticed high raves on the Earsonics SM3s and am interested in any reviews on the v2...