  1. jaytors

    What is next?

    Hey guys/girls, I'm not really a audio or sound expert but I recently purchased a pair of Klipschs S4 (it was between the S4 and SE215 and I liked the S4 over the SE215) and I was wondering what is next? As I mentioned earlier, it was between the S4 and SE215 and the S4 won, but I still want...
  2. s4rg

    Still Can't Make Up My Mind

    Hey guys, I've been thinking about getting my first pair of higher end IEM's and I've done a fair bit of reading but I'm a bad decision maker, so sorry you guys have to see another "need suggestions" thread.   In terms of design I want the IEM's to be over ear and very comfortable, I was...
  3. Omnirai

    Upgrade for RE0s

    Hi all,   Been using the RE0 for awhile, that was my first step into proper portable audio equipment and a purchase I never regretted. Alas upgraditis has begun to kick in and having heard several other quality IEMs I've been considering to upgrade. Been a long time lurker of head-fi and...
  4. rawrster

    [Review] Grado GR10, Ortofon e-Q5, Westone 4, Final Audio Design FI-BA-SS

    Introduction   A few months ago when I got my second custom in the 1964 Ears 1964-T I thought I was done buying new universal earphones. Looking back I see how naive I was then. I bought (on impulse) and sold the CK10. I also later bought the newly released Westone 4 on impulse again like...
  5. Austin Morrow

    Differences Between Ortofon e-Q5 & e-Q7

    So I have the Ortofon e-Q5's. What;s the difference in sound quality between these two models as their pricing is only about a $60 difference?
  6. Austin Morrow

    Ortofon e-Q5 HD Video Review

    I will have a full in depth text review posted very soon this week. For now, feast your eyes on the e-Q5's!   Sorry, had to remove the video.
  7. Ruzz

    Shopping for a new IEM, looking for the best.

    so i've gotten pretty sick of my Beats Tours considering every other person on the street has it today and i'm thinking of getting a better iem.   I'm willing to blow up to 400USD on this. I listen to mostly hip-hop/pop music. I'm looking for one where you don't have to loop it from...
  8. throzen0303

    Which will be a better bet? CK10/SE425/UMX3/DBA02

    After reading many reviews of both, I am not sure what I should go for. I know it's a step down, I just sold my SM3, since I don't quite like his sound signature. I am looking for IEM with high level of detail, energatic treble, sounding clean and clear overall.   I used to own a pair of...
  9. Eilatan

    Looking for a pair that will blow my ears away

    Okay, so I absolutely love music in every way, and I love hearing a nice crystal clear bassline on any genre. I'm also an absolute nerd when it comes to games, movies and tv shows. I love to hear stuff, seriously and that's why it's so important to me to get a perfect pair of earphones. So two...
  10. miken024

    Someone steer me in the right direction please...

    I've been on this site for a while but I haven't really made any posts. Just reading, soaking in all the knowledge from other Head-Fi'ers.   Now for the purpose of this thread; I am looking to purchase a new pair of IEM's, one's that will last forever (or as long as possible). I listen to...
  11. AstralStorm

    Looking to buy a bass extended IEM blind - can't decide what to get

    Hello, I'm trying to pick a very good IEM blind (without auditioning them) with some budget. What I'm looking for specifically is good extension in low end, not a lot of sibilance or similar phenomenon, preferably balanced sound. The IEM has to be reasonably durable.   As an example of...
  12. resiroth

    My ATH-CK10 broke! Questions about warranty service and I could use suggestions for a new pair!

    I haven't contacted audio technica yet but from what I understand they stopped making CK10s. I bought them last year, but I'm not sure if they were an authorized dealer (I don't think anyone is really since they're imported from Japan I believe). Out of nowhere the left channel goes completely...
  13. Austin Morrow

    How To Get Over My Slightly Additive IEM Hobby?

    I am 15 and starting to become to much of an audio freak, so as my friends say. I am spending too much and have too much audio equipment. I currently have the Final Audio Design FI-BA-SB & FI-BA-A1, the Meelectronics CC51P, the NuForce 700X, the Apple IEM's (which I hate), the Munitio Teknines...
  14. throzen0303

    1964-D vs Westone 3 vs Ortonfon e-Q5

    1964-Dual($270) vs Westone 3 vs Ortonfon e-Q5($288)   which would be a better bet? a dual driver custom, signle drive universal, or triple driver universal with the same setup as 1964-T? they are all about the same price.   Iike highly detailed mids and highs, smooth and fluid sound...
  15. throzen0303

    DBA-02 or e-Q5

    What should I pick? the DBA-02 or e-Q5 i usually lisent to pop and classical, well i lisent to everything pretty much, except for metal.
  16. yvrRAF

    Need new IEMs for up to $250 - what does Head-Fi think I should buy? SE215s? Etys?

    Hi all,   First post here but I have enjoyed your wisdom as a lurker.   I'm in the market for a new pair of IEMs.  I previously had a pair of Shure SE-310s until Saturday when the puppy chowed down on the left earphone.  A shame, I liked them and they were not cheap at the time. ...
  17. UserFriendly

    Best earphones for under $250?

    Shure SE315  or TripleFi 10?   I'm looking for good earphones under $250 , and these earphones are some of the good ones I've found. Which of these two should I buy? Or if you have a good recommendation of any other $250 and under earphones, please post :D
  18. AudioCats

    Recommendation needed, non-custom, sound-isolating IEM that is at least as good sounding as the ER4

    must be: 1) non-custome 2) single driver (sorry, not a fan of tantalum capacitor cross-overs) 3) good sound isolation (otherwise I'd just use my Stax 001/003) 4) at least as good sounding as the ER4. 5) within $350 budget (new or slightly used).   Thanks for any ideas...
  19. lilkoolaidman

    Oh, look, it's another price-range-recommendation-thread.

    Alright, so let's get down to it. I searched around here on Head-Fi for IEMs around $300. I'm looking at Shure SE425s, 530s (or other Shures, not familiar with their line-up TBH), IE8s, TF10s, or some Westone 3s. I just recently bought some MTPC and after a few days the left driver died, so to...
  20. dany74q

    Fair IEM`s in around 250$

    Hello there , I have some spare cash and thought I`d ask for recommendations for a new pair - Basically ,it could be new or used , so if there is a better ,used, pair that sells around 250$ - let me know . My initial thoughts were going after the UE TF 10 pro , as those were recommended to me...
  21. WisdomListens

    Best IEM's for classical music, ~$200 budget

    I'm relatively new to classical music and I just finished listening to Beethoven symphony no. 7 and wow. Just wow. I need better earphones than my current Klipsch S4. I'm going to be listening to orchestral and violin concerto's mostly. What are the best for this at around $200?
  22. seanmo

    Proposed IEM audition/trade with other members...

      this seemed like a better place than the buy/sell forum but if you think it should go there let me know     First...do I have a problem...maybe   is that problem named the head-fi buy/sell forum...perhaps am I addicted to getting packages in the mail every week or so containing...
  23. DogMeat

    Got my Ortofon e-Q5's today!

    And they sound NICE, right out of the package! I can't wait to hear them after burn-in......   Tested my first impressions with selections from Wendy Carlos' Switched on Bach"...I know, I know, but it's GREAT stuff for hearing each individual voice in the music, sprightly enough to test...
  24. imackler

    What is like the IE7, with awesome mids AND a nice warmness, yet with more clarity on bass and treble...

    I am once again really impressed by the mids on the IE7. I did back and forth comparison with the W4 all day yesterday and the mids on the IE7 are really that good; I found them quite comparable and similar. But the bass was nowhere near as tight and the treble was lacking clarity. That being...
  25. taffyfy

    earphones for transcription of multiple speakers?

    I transcribe audio recordings of court proceedings. I currently switch between the headphones provided by the office (too painful for my clamped ears after a while and doesn't block out surrounding sounds) and a pair of in-ear sennheisers meant more for listening to music (can't remember which...