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  • Users: Born2bwire
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Born2bwire

    Ultra Desktop DAC Humming?

    I just started noticing a low volume hum from my Ultra Desktop DAC.  I just got a pair of HD800's and I have to turn up the volme a bit more than I did with my balanced HD650's.  On some rather quiet classical albums that I have, I have to set the gain switch to high and the volume knob to...
  2. Born2bwire

    Differences between the old Balanced Home and BUDA

    I have been wondering for some time about the differences between the current BUDA and the discontinued Balanced Home with Max modules and Balanced Max. The main differences that I can find are that the Home had the option of the stepped attenuator, MAX DAC, and it also had separate power...
  3. Born2bwire

    Headroom Balanced Ultra Desktop Amp (tm)

    Seriously, what are people's opinion about the BUDA? It seems like there are very few impressions that I have found and I am interested in getting a high end balanced setup. I am not interested in tubes anymore, I had a ASL MG Head and while the tube sounded fantastic, I do not want to go...
  4. Born2bwire

    HD800 vs. Koss Porta Pro

    I just don't understand why nobody has taken the time or the guts to compare the HD800's to a truly worthy headphone. I'm not talking about those pretenders like the GS1000, HD650, K1000, K701/K702, STAX SR-007II or the Stax O2.The Koss Porta Pros have everything, deep rocking bass, lightning...
  5. Born2bwire

    Just when you thought Tyll's Shirts Couldn't Get Any Louder...

    Here comes carbon nanotube speakers, with the ability to be distorted and still maintain sound reproducing properties. Imagine, a shirt that is actually audibly as loud as it is visually. IEEE Spectrum: Paper-Thin Speakers Made From Carbon Nanotubes And a preprint: Flexible...
  6. Born2bwire

    So what's Hong Kong Like?

    I'm going to be finishing up the last few years of my doctorate out in Hong Kong. My advisor is the dean of the engineering college at Hong Kong University and I've got the chance to go out there come August to finish my studies. Just wanted to know if anyone can give me an impression on what I...
  7. Born2bwire

    Happy Birthday redshifter!

    May you receive many pleasantries on the anniversary of your birth!
  8. Born2bwire

    Not often that I get to write a complaint letter (well, a legitimate one that is)

    Dear Barilla, I have been enjoying your products, specifically the spaghetti, for many years now. The cost effectiveness and pleasing taste have always afforded the strongest approval from me. This evening, however, I was greeted with the wonderful surprise of not only spaghetti in my Barilla...
  9. Born2bwire

    What the deuce? Your PM box is 100% full.

    Quote: You have 611 messages stored, of a total 125 allowed. Something tells me I may have to take care of this.
  10. Born2bwire

    The continued ability to post back in time on this forum amazes me.

    Ahah! No longer is the ability to wrend time and space to one's desire solely in the hands of Jahn. BEHOLD! Not only myself but Trains Are Bad both are able to insert our posts before Kirosia's, despite the fact that in my new post window his post has clearly already been made. Today, the...
  11. Born2bwire

    Squeals of Delight!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like all of my childhood manifestations that permanently altered my well being are being brought back to life.
  12. Born2bwire

    I don't play World of Warcraft. I play Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

    Ahh good stuff from South Park this week.
  13. Born2bwire

    Dangit Ed! Now we need to release the snakes on the plane to get rid of the rodent problem. And then to get rid of the snakes we have a few snake eating gorillas on hand. And the beauty of this is that winter is coming on so...
  14. Born2bwire

    All right, how do I get rid of cigarette smoke?

    I know this has been done before, but thought I'd bring it up again. My neighbor smokes like a chimney and it's getting into my apartment, probably through the ventilation system. Cutting off the vents is not really an option since I use the A/C and heat almost year round. So was wondering what...
  15. Born2bwire

    What is this? No love for Budgie?

    Damn kids and their music. Normally I don't do the birthday threads since they just rack up post counts (I can do more meaningless posts to do that), but come on, can't let one of the old guard go unrecognized. Besides, he's got the cute lil dog from National Lampoon. Lord knows if I don't do...
  16. Born2bwire

    Generating Impulse Responses for Foobar

    ...have |H(z)|=1 up to 10KHz and will reach around -90dB by 12KHz. Sample = wavread('Clip22KHz.wav'); Fs = 22050; bits = 16; Upsample = zeros(2*66152,2); for n=1:66152 Upsample(2*n,: ) = Sample(n,: ); end wavwrite(Upsample,2*Fs,16,'ClipUpsample'); [b,a] = cheby2(15,90,12000/22050)...
  17. Born2bwire

    Anti-Double Post Protection!

    I surf head-fi with a number of browser windows open so I can switch back and forth, which resulted in me resubmitting a post after seeing one of my windows pop up 404 and not remembering that was a reply window. Much to my surprise, I got a warning saying that I was trying to make a duplicate...
  18. Born2bwire

    I wish I could ramble on like this.

    I swear, this guy must have taught my Computer Architecture class.
  19. Born2bwire


    I'm usually fairly impassive towards advertisements, but when I saw this one the other day I could not stop laughing. I recall hearing someone tell me that it was aired during the Superbowl so this may just be a flashback for most people.
  20. Born2bwire

    Appreciation thread appreciation thread

    Wow! I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate all of you telling me how much you appreciate stuff. For the few minutes that I peruse the countless appreciation threads, I can forget about the fact that every moment of my life is a torrent of pain and sorrow that can only be relieved through...
  21. Born2bwire


    Tis one of me favoritest days of the solar cycle. Now I best be downing large quantities of grog to get into the mood and post more before the moderators be shutting me down.
  22. Born2bwire

    Any Champaign-Urbana folk want to carpool out to the Michigan meet.

    I think I'll try to make it out to the October 1st Michigan meet. Mapquest claims a drive of 3 hours and 44 minutes which is about 45 minutes longer than driving to the northern Chicagland suburbs (but probably more accurate since we bypass Chicago. So thought I'd toss this out to see if anyone...
  23. Born2bwire

    Designing a basic balanced amplifier

    I apologize if this has been addressed before but I could not find a black and white answer to this. If I want to design a balanced in-->balanced out headphone amplifier, what are the design parameters that I need to address. Is it as simple as the following diagram for a single channel: The...
  24. Born2bwire

    Eventful Morning With My Shures

    I have gotten into the habit of listening to the Virgin classic rock radio stream during work, and between that and the classical station I listen to locally I hear nothing but British accents on the airwaves all day. I sat down this morning and was listening to the stream on my E3C's and had...
  25. Born2bwire

    E3C's way too sensitive

    Was wondering if anyone else had experienced this but for me, the E3c's are too sensitive. I cannot turn the volume down low enough on my portable to be really comfortable (it's just a tad too loud at a volume setting of one and zero is mute). Not only that, but all the noise is transmitted...