ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!
Sep 22, 2022 at 6:34 PM Post #391 of 7,609
Imagine if ZMF offered their own line of tailored amps based on @L0rdGwyn's designs?

...with pretty wood accents. :heart_eyes:

The fate of the amp I sent to CanJam is still up in the air. It will be available in some way, but it is TBD. If no commercially viable solution is found, it's possible that I will release it as a DIY project, the idea being I would provide all the info one would need to order the parts and build it themselves, no more difficult than a Bottlehead kit.
Sep 22, 2022 at 6:53 PM Post #392 of 7,609
Thanks dude! I'll keep your offer in mind, very generous off you :)

Yeah these transformers are no joke, interstage and outputs both 49% nickel from Dave Slagle, they are expensive, over half a Caldera in total. I used the same interstage transformers in @zach915m 's 45 amp, good stuff.

Every time I try a new circuit idea, I do some pretty extensive A-B testing to see how it compares to the usual way of doing things. Interstage transformer coupling A) is expensive B) is tricky as it can only be done well with a small subset of driver tubes and C) creates layout challenges as you now have more magnetic componentry to pick up noise. But the audible results are very, very good, it is undoubtedly a step above capacitor coupling if it can be accomplished. You don't have to worry about it in Airmid though, Airmid is direct coupled so there is nothing in between the two stages accept wire :wink:

Unfortunately you do give up some degree of flexibility going for the OTL + high Z dynamic synergy, but it is a price worth paying IMO. And hey, you can't be a true audiophile unless you always have an upgrade path in mind.

It should sound pretty darn good with the Caldera. Signal path is clean as a whistle, should make for some pretty insane clarity / holography.

@goldwerger I slept on the 32ohm tap and I decided...not to do it. This will be a ZMF amplifier, and if I need a 32ohm tap, well then I will just have to make another amplifier, sad.
If no 32 ohm tap then which one for the Caldera?

Also, great idea on the kit/build plans! Sign me up for that on the airmid and kt88 amp!
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Sep 22, 2022 at 6:55 PM Post #393 of 7,609
It would be interesting to have some people play with the Caldera on the Airmid, Hint Hint Monster, and compare with other Transformer coupled Tubes and Solid State. Just to know how well it actually would perform, before i absolutely dismiss the Caldera as an option early next year.


Sep 22, 2022 at 6:58 PM Post #395 of 7,609
Thanks dude! I'll keep your offer in mind, very generous off you :)

Yeah these transformers are no joke, interstage and outputs both 49% nickel from Dave Slagle, they are expensive, over half a Caldera in total. I used the same interstage transformers in @zach915m 's 45 amp, good stuff.

Every time I try a new circuit idea, I do some pretty extensive A-B testing to see how it compares to the usual way of doing things. Interstage transformer coupling A) is expensive B) is tricky as it can only be done well with a small subset of driver tubes and C) creates layout challenges as you now have more magnetic componentry to pick up noise. But the audible results are very, very good, it is undoubtedly a step above capacitor coupling if it can be accomplished. You don't have to worry about it in Airmid though, Airmid is direct coupled so there is nothing in between the two stages accept wire :wink:

Unfortunately you do give up some degree of flexibility going for the OTL + high Z dynamic synergy, but it is a price worth paying IMO. And hey, you can't be a true audiophile unless you always have an upgrade path in mind.

It should sound pretty darn good with the Caldera. Signal path is clean as a whistle, should make for some pretty insane clarity / holography.

@goldwerger I slept on the 32ohm tap and I decided...not to do it. This will be a ZMF amplifier, and if I need a 32ohm tap, well then I will just have to make another amplifier, sad.
Get us a 300B!
Sep 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM Post #396 of 7,609
If no 32 ohm tap then which one for the Caldera?

Also, great idea on the kit/build plans! Sign me up for that on the airmid and kt88 amp!

Airmid kit really isn't doable, it's too complex of a circuit for someone without a lot of experience to build / test / troubleshoot. Also, some of the components are no longer available given the international semiconductor shortage (thanks COVID). The pentode amp on the other hand was designed to be easy to build, that was a high priority from the start, so it lends itself well to DIY. Also, it wouldn't be a kit per se, it would be a "here is the build of materials, the CAD files to order the chassis, gerber files to order the PCB, and step-by-step instructions on how to order parts and build it."
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Sep 22, 2022 at 7:15 PM Post #397 of 7,609
Get us a 300B!

I've moved away from building and selling amps myself, I don't have the time or the desire, I have a crazy job, so I'm investigating other options. Basically someone else has to build it, either someone builds and sells my design or I make it a DIY project. I'm only just exploring this for the first time with this pentode circuit I made. If it becomes DIY and there is legitimate interest (people actually build it), maybe I could try to do a DHT circuit at some point in the future, but DHT circuits are a bit of a pain if I'm being honest LOL it would definitely be an "advanced" type of project.

Anyway, I've hijacked this thread enough. Caldera!
Sep 22, 2022 at 7:22 PM Post #398 of 7,609
It would be interesting to have some people play with the Caldera on the Airmid, Hint Hint Monster, and compare with other Transformer coupled Tubes and Solid State. Just to know how well it actually would perform, before i absolutely dismiss the Caldera as an option early next year.


I'll give the Caldera+Airmid the old college try, but I'm not holding my breath. I should have @L0rdGwyn new amp design here shortly and am def expecting very good things from it paired up with the Caldera. Stay tuned.
Sep 22, 2022 at 7:58 PM Post #399 of 7,609
I'll give the Caldera+Airmid the old college try, but I'm not holding my breath. I should have @L0rdGwyn new amp design here shortly and am def expecting very good things from it paired up with the Caldera. Stay tuned.
Appreciate that Monster. Just want to be certain I suspect it will not have the control that the Caldera needs...but well maybe! Just want to be able to feel like the best solution for me will be the Atrium with the Airmid. At some point it may makes sense to do another amp and a Caldera but most likely not anytime over the next year. After I retire in 24 and have a few things I am planning out working that could be a possibility; depending on final pricing and if necessary building the pentode myself.
I have reasonable skills with a soldering iron and a bachelors in EET. Never really used it or built a career path from it unfortunately. A blackwood or macassar atrium closed would be the bomb!

Thanks again,

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Sep 22, 2022 at 8:07 PM Post #400 of 7,609
Just want to be able to feel like the best solution for me will be the Atrium with the Airmid. At some point it may makes sense to do another amp and a Caldera but most likely not anytime over the next year
I'll also be testing and reviewing a "not stupid expensive" sub-$1000.00 SS amp. I'll pair it up with the Caldera and other ZMFs, as well as non ZMF headphones as well.
Sep 22, 2022 at 8:11 PM Post #401 of 7,609
I'll also be testing and reviewing a "not stupid expensive" sub-$1000.00 SS amp. I'll pair it up with the Caldera and other ZMFs, as well as non ZMF headphones as well.
That will be interesting. But LOrdGwyn has spoiled me and just can't imagine anything being comparable other than his pentode. As my one friend suggests I have become even more of an Audio Snob then I used to be. LOL!



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Sep 22, 2022 at 9:01 PM Post #403 of 7,609
Here's the Skinny from Audio Bacon Posted by Jay Luong | Sep 20, 2022

I know I’ve been MIA. Just had a lot of personal things to take care of. I also got married 🙂 Anyway, I’m progressing with the new listening room and will be pumping out new videos soon.

Glad I made the last minute decision to attend CanJam 2020. Just picked up my 35mm lens and drove down to Irvine. I caught up with a lot of old friends and made some new ones. I (understandably) haven’t been to a CanJam since 2019. My journey started with headphones so I felt a bit of a nostalgic obligation. Anyway, many of you are curious about some of my impressions at the show. I’m a bit hesitant since these aren’t optimal conditions – but **** it.

I spent most of my time in the dCS room. They had high-end electronics and most of the flagship headphones at the show. It was also quieter than most of the booths. Each stack had different filter settings so they may sound a little different but I tried to listen to as many of the headphones at a single station. I started feeling bad for hogging the station for longer periods lol. As with all show impressions, take them with a block of salt. I wouldn’t make a purchasing decision off these. Unless I could spend at least 2 weeks with all of these headphones at the same time (with my gear), impressions could change.

First of all, if you’re considering the dCS stack. Don’t listen to the the clock…if you can’t afford it. Aside from preserving it’s tonal color (which seems to be more neutral), it’s like listening to a completely different system. More holographic depth, dead quiet, perfect delineation, focus, meatier, full, etc. It’s disgusting how big the differences are.

Again, these are just my rough notes. Huge block of salt.

  • ZMF Caldera
    • This new planar magnetic headphone surprised me. It has organic tonality, lots of grit, with a rustic bloom. It’s a very engaging and fun listen. Especially for live recordings.
    • Its tone is more lush and natural than both the Abyss and Susvara. But isn’t as refined, smooth, or deep.
    • Compared to the Audeze LCD-5, the ZMF is more punchy, gritty, and dynamic. But it’s rougher in the upper mids and has more “grain” or haze to the sound. The LCD-5 also has more realistic depth.
    • The LCD-5 has more grip, control, and is much smoother/more analog. It has better separation and maintains composure when the tracks get chaotic. On the other hand, the ZMF gets a little messy as it gets busier.
    • The ZMF Caldera has this lush expansive bloom that admittedly is a bit addictive and free-spirited. In contrast, the LCD-5 is more formal than casual. Everything is properly tamed and faithful – and it commands more respect. But doesn’t quite let loose like the Caldera. Between these two excellent headphones, I think it comes down to mood.
    • I preferred both of these headphones on the dCS stack.
  • HiFiMAN Susvara
    • Compared to the Caldera, the Susvara is quieter, cleaner, and more precise. It has a sound that is relatively more “proper” and assertive. It simply aims for perfection. Transients are tighter but the tone is more neutral/gray in comparison.
    • The Susvara sounds more analog than the Caldera, almost silky in comparison. But the ZMF does have nice textural cues and a richer tone. I’m not saying the Susvara isn’t warm, just that the Caldera has more of that golden color.
  • Abyss Phi TC
    • I still own the CC version. Although not the warmest of headphones, it’s forward, punchy, textural, and more variant in density. It also a more expansive soundstage vs the Susvara and Caldera. It gives the impression of the “alpha male.”
    • The Abyss has these lifelike (and speaker sounding) qualities that I don’t hear from many of the other headphones. It never fails to make an impression because of its incredible dynamic capabilities and ability to etch out the details.
  • Audeze LCD-5
    • This headphone has got to be one of the best I’ve ever heard. Thank the lord it’s not heavy like the LCD-3 (which I loved but sold due to the weight. Still miss that rich and dense sound though.). There’s something so tactile, fluid, and cohesive about this headphone.
    • I’m just going to say it. This headphone is a reference piece. It’s not the meatiest and doesn’t have the most slam, but it does enough (detail, depth, imaging, etc) while preserving a natural color. It has a wonderful balance of musicality while revealing the intent of the recordings.
  • Dan Clark Audio Expanse
    • Compared to the LCD-5, the Expanse is smoother, more “gel-ed”, and has a greyer tone. It’s soft and relaxed with a thicker liquidity to it.
    • The LCD-5 is more analog than it is liquid (if that makes any sense). It’s not as “connective” as the Expanse…which could be a good or bad thing depending on the listener.
    • The LCD-5 is quieter, has more form and shape, better separation, and a more natural tone. It’s also more tactile but isn’t has velvety as the Expanse.
    • For example, Melanie Martinez’s Dollhouse, the clock sounds more “geary” and crunchy with the LCD-5 while more dreamy and dramatic with the Expanse. It’s a matter of taste.
  • Focal Utopia 2022
    • I didn’t spend too much time with this headphone (someone left the seat briefly). Off the bat, very fluid and neutral but I’m going to need more listening time to form an opinion.
Other notes

  • The Wells Audio Headtrip III monoblocks were insane paired with the Abyss headphones. Limitless and effortless. And only $30,000 for the pair.
  • Those limited edition ZMF headphones are gorgeous in person.
  • The Audeze MM-500 sounded very good. I was afraid it would be too neutral but had a perfect touch of warmth.
  • Meze 109 Pro. I’ve heard this on multiple setups. I guess I was expecting something warmer? It was smooth but I’ll have to give this another listen.
  • If you want to compare all the best headphones, head over to the The Source AV in Torrance. Jason’s awesome.
  • The Astell&Kern SP3000 sounds incredible. But keep in mind it uses 904L stainless steel (same stuff on Rolex watches) so it’s pretty heavy. I really enjoyed the responsive interface and coverflow.
  • Chord Electronics Mojo 2 was incredible. The new EQ feature is incredibly flexible and invaluable. I kept thinking…it must be a sin to have this level of performance in such a portable form factor. I’m hoping to get one in review very soon.
As you could tell, it’s all relative and subjective. Every headphone has its tradeoffs. Hopefully the impressions were helpful but I’d prefer to listen to these headphones in private for a shootout (It’s about time for a tier list? lol). But I’m contemplating setting up a headphone room…not sure if wife will approve. Wish I had $3,700.

That’s all folks!
Sep 22, 2022 at 10:35 PM Post #404 of 7,609
Well I've had a Caldera for almost a week, and I'm more and more impressed. Listening to Hurt by Johnny Cash and it handles the last parts of the song extremely well, with less distortion than I've heard to date. It's a tough song for a lot of headphones. Great impact on "In the Air Tonight" from Phil Collins and "Just What I Needed" by the Cars. Is burn in a thing for planars? Perhaps I'm getting a bit more accustomed to the sound, and finding the sweet spot on the ol' volume adjustment. Listening out of the 32 ohm tap on the Bigger Ben, and it's keeping me up past the point that I should be sleeping for work the next day. I can't give a bigger complement than "just one more song."
Sep 22, 2022 at 10:44 PM Post #405 of 7,609
Well I've had a Caldera for almost a week, and I'm more and more impressed. Listening to Hurt by Johnny Cash and it handles the last parts of the song extremely well, with less distortion than I've heard to date. It's a tough song for a lot of headphones. Great impact on "In the Air Tonight" from Phil Collins and "Just What I Needed" by the Cars. Is burn in a thing for planars? Perhaps I'm getting a bit more accustomed to the sound, and finding the sweet spot on the ol' volume adjustment. Listening out of the 32 ohm tap on the Bigger Ben, and it's keeping me up past the point that I should be sleeping for work the next day. I can't give a bigger complement than "just one more song."
Awesome! Burn in is definitely a thing on planars as far as I’m concerned. I can’t quote an exact amount of time but my Arya stealths definitely mellowed out and opened up with a few days of burn in. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sound from the Caldera just gets better and better the more you listen!

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