ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!
Sep 17, 2022 at 7:46 PM Post #256 of 7,609
It’s not just atriums. I have several pairs up sale including Atriums, LCD-5 and He1000 and have even made it clear I’m willing to drop my prices. I’ve also seen several pairs of atriums up for sale that have been there for many weeks. Doesn’t seem like anyone’s buying.
I think it's a combination of inflation, early recession rumors and the fact that CanJam SoCal is on this weekend and a lot of the community saves up quite a lot of money to make purchases at the show. I think you just need a bit more patience nowadays. I've sold quite a few things lately for my asking prices.
Sep 17, 2022 at 8:02 PM Post #257 of 7,609
Has anyone heard them at can jam so far?
Sep 17, 2022 at 8:03 PM Post #258 of 7,609
Sep 17, 2022 at 8:14 PM Post #259 of 7,609
Just saw an announcement for a very exciting upcoming new headphone launch, from the beloved ZMF Headphones; the Caldera, ZMF's first original foray into a Planar Magnetic driven headphone!

Very excited to find out more details for this November-slated release, particularly details on the driver itself.

More details on @zach915m ZMF’s Instagram post:

With 95 dB Sensitivity, it should have good a good range of adjustment on desktop amp volume pots… probably needs more power than a typical smartphone dongle, but will reward high end gear :) Apparently, they built the first 12 units just in time to have them for CanJam, more on the way!

@smodtactical My friend @NiGHTS4EVA is giving me some reports, would be great if he posted a few impressions here! He seemed pleased, has gone back to the ZMF table a few times.
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Sep 17, 2022 at 8:49 PM Post #260 of 7,609
Sep 17, 2022 at 9:08 PM Post #261 of 7,609
It’s not just atriums. I have several pairs up sale including Atriums, LCD-5 and He1000 and have even made it clear I’m willing to drop my prices. I’ve also seen several pairs of atriums up for sale that have been there for many weeks. Doesn’t seem like anyone’s buying.
I'll provide some input for you and others. People got used to quick sales over the pandemic due to the influx of government money in everyones hands which has now ended. I've seen most LCD-5's go for 2800, Atriums are now hitting around low 2k. I don't like declaring the price reasonable or not, in the end it'll either sell or not sell. The aged cherry sold at 2600 at launch I thought or close to it, and some people don't have to pay taxes (I don't understand the logistics in how the app decides when you do or don't pay sales tax). Also then not including shipping.... as a buyer at this point spending >2k what's the point in buying used and not just buying new. I realize my opinion may be unpopular and people trying to sell this TOTL headphones are going to get frustrated.... but the days of recouping most of the original cost are over.

I say this as someone who has had to take the loss on many sales. I think a lot of sellers have unrealistic expectations as to what their headphones are worth.
Sep 17, 2022 at 9:50 PM Post #263 of 7,609
Just wrapped up the day at CJ. I got to get my ears on everything I was hoping to, and, man, at the risk of sounding strident, I can honestly say that probably the most impressive to me was the Caldera. Hands down. I had to circle back after doing the rounds just to kinda verify what I heard. Listened through the DCS stack and HA3A and, yeah, it is exceptional in everything I index for.
Sep 17, 2022 at 9:58 PM Post #264 of 7,609
How can launch of a new headphone be termed as a cash grab? Atrium is dynamic driver and when someone bought it back in April they committed to sound of dynamic driver and on basis of how good it sounds. Launch of a new Planar doesn't make it any less of a headphone. Based on my experience in Audiophilia if Atrium was launched today whatever you will read about Caldera, I guess same would have been written about Atrium. Sadly that's how it goes.
Sep 17, 2022 at 10:04 PM Post #265 of 7,609
Please review the long back and forth on this topic earlier in the thread and for god’s sake, give it a rest.

I’ve deleted the post — hopefully that will put this to bed.
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Sep 17, 2022 at 10:56 PM Post #266 of 7,609
Just wrapped up the day at CJ. I got to get my ears on everything I was hoping to, and, man, at the risk of sounding strident, I can honestly say that probably the most impressive to me was the Caldera. Hands down. I had to circle back after doing the rounds just to kinda verify what I heard. Listened through the DCS stack and HA3A and, yeah, it is exceptional in everything I index for.
Let's walk through that index in detail....
Sep 17, 2022 at 11:29 PM Post #268 of 7,609
Just wrapped up the day at CJ. I got to get my ears on everything I was hoping to, and, man, at the risk of sounding strident, I can honestly say that probably the most impressive to me was the Caldera. Hands down. I had to circle back after doing the rounds just to kinda verify what I heard. Listened through the DCS stack and HA3A and, yeah, it is exceptional in everything I index for.
For me the only thing I was as impressed by was the Abyss 1266 TC on the dcs Lina stack. Did the same giving the Caldera another listen at the end of the day and just confirmed those were my 2 favorites of the day, especially on the Feliks 300b amp.

Spent some time early swapping between Caldera and Atrium on it. Keep in mind this was on 2 hours of bad plane sleep. The Caldera just has a level of clarity and resolution which is a step above the Atrium and I think justifies the price difference. Even more full sounding than the Atrium and the bass is the best I’ve heard on a ZMF. I think I prefer the staging on the Atrium which I can’t put my finger on, but it’s always something special and their various amps brought out the best of it. Maybe just that the Atrium is a bit HD800 and Arya v2 like in sounds coming from their own distinct spaces with a lot of space between them, which are also my favorite aspects of those 2. Didn’t listen to any poor recordings so can’t compare them on that, which is a big Atrium strength for me.

I’ll plan to spend some time with the Caldera vs VO tomorrow, since the VO has remained my favorite headphone.

There was a Macassar Ebony and Blackwood Caldera which were both just stunning! I can’t wait to own a Caldera.

Not to slight the Atrium at all but after going to it after several songs on the Caldera it had a wee bit of graininess, which I’ve never thought before and didn’t notice when I went back later starting with the Atrium. It really just spoke highly of the Caldera because I find the Atrium their smoothest headphone. Interesting how the brain quickly adapts and expects such resolution once it gets exposed to it.

It’s taken me time to really “get” and properly appreciate most of my ZMFs but the Caldera was an immediate wow for me and I imagine that would only improve with more brain burn in. It was also immediately and quite obviously a ZMF.

Of everything else I heard I think the LCD3 was the only other I’d consider buying aside from the 1266 which is just way too much for me to spend.
Sep 18, 2022 at 12:48 AM Post #270 of 7,609
OMG! Caldera's in Blackwood and Macassar. Would love to even just see those, much less listen to them.

I'll get a picture here tomorrow when I have the energy to write up my day at canjam. Great fun and great people. Right now I'm relaxing and listening.

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