ZMF Auteur Thread
Mar 31, 2021 at 2:32 PM Post #4,816 of 8,516
Let us know what you think on the auteur. Personally I didn't like my VC with it for some reason I'm not really sure why. I do have an Auteur coming my way so hopefully it's good with the crack
I don't have a ton of experience or comparisons, as the only other pair of cans I've owned are HD800. I'm sure others can chime in about the Auteur. To me, it has a very nice bass presence/extension and very smooth highs. Midrange is very nicely placed and the frequencies are very complementary, without any one overshadowing the other. I chose my Auteur's in a shootout with 6 other cans including a few different Audeze, Meze, and Ether. I'm really happy with mine and tend to prefer open vs. closed back.
Mar 31, 2021 at 10:40 PM Post #4,818 of 8,516
Apr 1, 2021 at 12:21 AM Post #4,819 of 8,516
Another small-ish manufacturer, I think they've been around for a while. I've read a lot of positives about the Quicksilver headphone amp (I actually don't think it has a name, it's their only H/P amp) but I haven't heard any DNA comparisons either.

Retails for a grand USD currently:

id want to look under the hood for that one. Sounds remarkably like a bottlehead crack for 3x the price.
Apr 1, 2021 at 11:56 AM Post #4,820 of 8,516
id want to look under the hood for that one. Sounds remarkably like a bottlehead crack for 3x the price.
Only with dual pentodes, transformer coupled output, and dual higher gain 12a#7 input tubes?

Even if the general circuit is similar, you need bigger iron and more components to get the pentodes running, and the casework is far from the Crack's DIY base. That all costs $.

I think it's an unfair and potentially (read: probably) grossly inaccurate assumption to simply say it's a Crack at 3X the price.

It's probably more fair to say it's a slimmed down Amps&Sound Pendant at half the price.
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Apr 1, 2021 at 1:05 PM Post #4,821 of 8,516
Only with dual pentodes, transformer coupled output, and dual higher gain 12a#7 input tubes?

Even if the general circuit is similar, you need bigger iron and more components to get the pentodes running, and the casework is far from the Crack's DIY base. That all costs $.

I think it's an unfair and potentially (read: probably) grossly inaccurate assumption to simply say it's a Crack at 3X the price.

It's probably more fair to say it's a slimmed down Amps&Sound Pendant at half the price.

Good to know, I’m not familiar with the amp, I was just going off this: “only components in each channel signal path are 2 tubes, an Alps volume control, 1 capacitor and 1 output transformer.”

Good to hear there is a lot more to it.
Apr 1, 2021 at 2:39 PM Post #4,822 of 8,516
Only with dual pentodes, transformer coupled output, and dual higher gain 12a#7 input tubes?

Even if the general circuit is similar, you need bigger iron and more components to get the pentodes running, and the casework is far from the Crack's DIY base. That all costs $.

I think it's an unfair and potentially (read: probably) grossly inaccurate assumption to simply say it's a Crack at 3X the price.

It's probably more fair to say it's a slimmed down Amps&Sound Pendant at half the price.
Nice! It also has an output imp. of 2.2ohms and puts out some decent power. The only downside is it’s not available in 220v-240v.
P.S. Quicksilver have a reputation in the speaker world to make some very good Tube amps.
Apr 8, 2021 at 2:48 PM Post #4,823 of 8,516
Hey guys,

I got the Eikons in house for a few months now and I have really grown to love them moreso than any other ZMF I've had. Cleaned up their pads and given them a new headband, really gave them some TLC and paired with a BHC with great power tubes it blows my head off with dynamics! I know the Auteur is a lot more polite/neutral in comparison but the mids I remember being really sweet and the most enjoyable of any can I've heard, even moreso than the Aeolus sometimes. The issue I had with it was the subbass sounded too boring. Is there a good pairing to bring up the subbass on the Auteur closer to the Eikons levels? If I could get it similar to the subbass on the Aryas I'd be happy.

I did have the Blackwoods which did sound more dynamic at some point but a bit too aggressive for my tastes (it was paired with a MJ2 so that could have been why). Thanks!

Auteur perf lamb | Auteur perf suede | Eikon perf suede | Eikon perf lambskin

Do you feel like this brought the subbass on the Auteurs closer to the Eikons?

The Pendant provides the Auteur with the one element its most missing: hard-hitting, slammy bass.
Good to know, I'm currently running bassy/dynamic tubes in my Crack (Black Glass Ken Rad, Bendix Solid plate) so if it can beat out that combo I'll definitely have to check it out. I really want to hear the Auteurs again but the bass was the most lacking because it's so neutral. I do love how much it scales with great tubes and even cables.

From rereading the thread and forgetting I commented already about this it seems like the Eikon Suedes help out a bit in that department.
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Apr 8, 2021 at 4:55 PM Post #4,824 of 8,516
I really want to hear the Auteurs again but the bass was the most lacking because it's so neutral. I do love how much it scales with great tubes and even cables.
Very valid point, the Auteur's are the most responsive headphone I've had to tube or cable changes. I rolled in some warm tubes (GEC KT66) and the Auteur bass is definitely not lacking, just waiting to be woken up by the appropriate source signal.
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Apr 8, 2021 at 5:20 PM Post #4,825 of 8,516
Very valid point, the Auteur's are the most responsive headphone I've had to tube or cable changes. I rolled in some warm tubes (GEC KT66) and the Auteur bass is definitely not lacking, just waiting to be woken up by the appropriate source signal.

By that do you mean good tubes? I'm currently looking at the Pendant as an upgrade to my Crack and from people's descriptions of it it really seems to have the slam I'm craving.

My old pairing with my Auteur was the sleepy (although pure) Dragon IHA-1. I loved that amp but without Lundahl transformers (which I forgot to get as an upgrade) it was a snoozefest with the Auteur. I'm thinking of pairing it with a Yggy A2 (known for it's slam) so hopefully that takes care of that.

What are you using as an amp for yours?
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Apr 8, 2021 at 6:12 PM Post #4,826 of 8,516
By that do you mean good tubes? I'm currently looking at the Pendant as an upgrade to my Crack and from people's descriptions of it it really seems to have the slam I'm craving.

My old pairing with my Auteur was the sleepy (although pure) Dragon IHA-1. I loved that amp but without Lundahl transformers (which I forgot to get as an upgrade) it was a snoozefest with the Auteur. I'm thinking of pairing it with a Yggy A2 (known for it's slam) so hopefully that takes care of that.

What are you using as an amp for yours?
Feliks-Audio Elise OTL.
Apr 8, 2021 at 7:52 PM Post #4,827 of 8,516
Very valid point, the Auteur's are the most responsive headphone I've had to tube or cable changes. I rolled in some warm tubes (GEC KT66) and the Auteur bass is definitely not lacking, just waiting to be woken up by the appropriate source signal.
Nice! I didn’t know of any headphone amps that accept KT66 tubes. I have this old (late 50’s?) pair of Genelex Gold Lion tubes that I used in a cathode-biased guitar amp. I haven’t used them in 10 years, so I should consider the amp you’ve mentioned, if it pairs well with ZMF!

Apr 9, 2021 at 1:39 AM Post #4,829 of 8,516
Nice! I didn’t know of any headphone amps that accept KT66 tubes. I have this old (late 50’s?) pair of Genelex Gold Lion tubes that I used in a cathode-biased guitar amp. I haven’t used them in 10 years, so I should consider the amp you’ve mentioned, if it pairs well with ZMF!

Hi @skhan007, please allow me to clarify that Feliks Elise does not take KT66 natively BUT is very versatile in that with readily available adapters it pairs beautifully with KT66 and other non-stock tube types. Headfier @Deyan is a wizard with adapters and his prices are very reasonable. Of course, the caution is that when you veer from stock tube types you need to research compatibility and warranty may be void. That said, there is ton of great information on the Feliks Elise and Euforia threads about what others have done with superb results.

So YMMV yada yada yada but right now I am listening to the Bach Well-Tempered Clavier with Genalex KT66 powers, Sylvania VT115 drivers both of which are installed happily in Elise with adapters from @Deyan. Auteur is singing sweet in the mids and upper registers but I also can follow the left hand lower mid and bass counterpoint lines impeccably well and with great clarity Then when those intermittent deep, very low register piano bass notes strike, the tone, control and impact are very satisfying. Not artificially elevated, not bass shy, just....right.
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Apr 9, 2021 at 3:15 AM Post #4,830 of 8,516
Scored M Scaler / TT 2 deal and I gotta say, totally end-game w/ Auteur.

50th anniversary ‘Anthem of the Sun’ confirms Auteur’s continued reign as Deadphonus Supremus.

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