ZMF Atrium Closed
Sep 5, 2023 at 10:46 PM Post #1,906 of 3,237

Happened across this song tonight. Really enjoyed the timbre of the piano on the track.

On my daily commute I find myself discovering news tracks and wonder how they would sound on my AC and Aegis amp. Does not disappoint when I’m able to hear it on the AC
Sep 9, 2023 at 12:43 AM Post #1,907 of 3,237
Okay... Let's try this again in the right thread.


I wasn’t originally planning on doing a comparison of my Redwood Atrium Closed and the Cherry Wood AC demo still in my possession. After all, the Janka difference is pretty small, especially when top end hardwoods are x2-x3 times the rating as Cherry wood. Thankfully, I decided to do a few A/B track comparisons. What I heard was quite surprising.

From past experience when comparing ZMF’s models in different woods, I expected the Redwood AC’s to have a few notable traits different from the Cherry AC’s. First, was that there would be extra decay, especially in regards to the bass. I also thought there would be a varying degree of increased bass quantity. These both ended up being true. Second, which Zach actually mentioned to me, was that the bass response was more “dimensional”. This also was spot on, although it ended up being slightly more than that. What really piqued my interest was that very quickly, I noticed that there were staging differences between the two headphones.


For my comparison I tried to eliminate as many variables as possible. Both headphones have well over 250 hours on them, and both have the stock Caldera Thin Lambskin pads. 4-pin XLR ZMF OFC cables (say that 10 times quick) were used with both headphones. I broke up my listening sessions over several different days to avoid fatigue and to have a fresh set of “ears”. A DNA Stratus and Cavalli Liquid Gold (OG) were the only amps used, both at separate times. Finally all tracks were played through TIDAL through my normal source chain.

After comparing numerous songs, the differences I heard from the Redwood Atrium Closed vs. the Cherry Wood Atrium Closed are as follows:
  • Bass has slightly more slam/impact
  • More bass quantity
  • Increased bass decay
  • Staging is more vertical and not as wide
  • Staging wraps around more front and back
  • Mids are pushed forward
  • Bump in upper midrange
  • Small increase in the lower treble
The first three items came at no surprise, but everything else was not expected. Usually you might see a slight bump in the upper mids/lower treble going to a super high Janka rated headphone, but to find that change in the lowest Janka rated wood used by ZMF to date, well that's interesting. The staging shift was what really threw me off the most. It’s very noticeable, as vocals and instruments are presented differently between the two headphones. For example, instruments might shift more behind your ear compared to being directly out from it. Perhaps with certain woods at the end of the hardness scale, things just get a little… weird? I owned a pair of African Blackwood Auteur’s and they also had some magic to them, although not quite in the same way as the Redwood AC’s.


I broke down several tracks to further explain the differences I’ve been hearing between the Redwood and Cherry Atrium Closed. Use the Songlink URL to easily listen to the track on a plethora of streaming options.

ANDREW BIRD “Never Fall Apart”

The double bass is much more supple and pronounced, with increased attack and longer decay. The acoustic guitar doesn't stand out quite as much. Vocals have more clarity and are pushed forward and slightly up.

FARAH - “Rock Show” (Some of you will hate this, but I love it dearly. It’s even better if you pretend Lucy from Twin Peaks is actually singing this…)

The finger snaps are much clearer and have significantly more decay. They are also presented more forward and slightly wrap behind you. Bass drum hits harder with more reverb and decay. Vocals are a little more defined and pushed forward.

METRONOMY - “The Look”

Organ is more dispersed and less cohesive when fading in. Bass kick hits harder, but isn’t as focused. Lower right channel snare doesn’t stand out as much. Vocals are more pronounced. Left channel cymbals are crisper and more wrapped up and around.


I’d like to point out that this is only a sample size of one. It’s possible that there is some sort of aberration in one of these headphones, although I think that's very unlikely. Despite the differences I found between the two Atrium Closed units, they sound far more similar than not. More likely is that Redwood has some unique traits other woods lack when used in this application. Regardless of its sonic differences, I feel pretty safe saying that the Redwood Burl Atrium Closed is pretty special. The weight is incredible and they look absolutely stunning. I believe the Summer of Burl sale still has a few more days to go, so if you haven’t pulled the trigger on one, you might want to ASAP.


After tried Redwood Burl, Cherry and Olive AC, along with so many various other ZMF with soft and hard wood, I start to think how wood affect the sound is not always "linear" and not only determine by janka hardness. Could be the wood treatment and pores size also become other factors (and perhaps cause by other things about wood character that I'm not aware of)

Not always linear means, there's no generalization harder wood sound leaner and softer wood sound thicker (or vice versa)

- Verite Open Pheasant Wood (harder wood) definitely sound thicker than Verite Silkwood (softer wood)
- Caldera Resin Stabilize (harder wood) has bigger bass punch (and more lower treble attack) compared to Caldera Redheart (softer wood)
- Olive AC (harder wood) sound leaner than Cherry AC (softer wood)

Moral of the story: choose wood based on cosmetics, and we can always "fine tuning" the sound based on our preference and set up, with rolling pad or mesh.
Sep 9, 2023 at 6:30 AM Post #1,908 of 3,237
After tried Redwood Burl, Cherry and Olive AC, along with so many various other ZMF with soft and hard wood, I start to think how wood affect the sound is not always "linear" and not only determine by janka hardness. Could be the wood treatment and pores size also become other factors (and perhaps cause by other things about wood character that I'm not aware of)

Not always linear means, there's no generalization harder wood sound leaner and softer wood sound thicker (or vice versa)

- Verite Open Pheasant Wood (harder wood) definitely sound thicker than Verite Silkwood (softer wood)
- Caldera Resin Stabilize (harder wood) has bigger bass punch (and more lower treble attack) compared to Caldera Redheart (softer wood)
- Olive AC (harder wood) sound leaner than Cherry AC (softer wood)

Moral of the story: choose wood based on cosmetics, and we can always "fine tuning" the sound based on our preference and set up, with rolling pad or mesh.
I have both an open and closed and tracks sound better on one or the other with no logic or pattern why. Pad rolling is tremendous
Sep 9, 2023 at 3:42 PM Post #1,910 of 3,237
Red Burl Time:

Sep 9, 2023 at 6:43 PM Post #1,912 of 3,237
Sep 10, 2023 at 9:06 AM Post #1,913 of 3,237
Sep 10, 2023 at 9:18 AM Post #1,914 of 3,237
Sep 10, 2023 at 12:55 PM Post #1,915 of 3,237
Really love this one with the variation from one side to the other. Assuming Redwood and not Red Mallee with the gloss?

Thanks. Yeah I also a bit surprised how the texture's shape blend to each other that way. Yes, Redwood Burl.
Sep 10, 2023 at 9:52 PM Post #1,916 of 3,237
I've tried the Red Burl yesterday using the same setup as with the stock Cherry, it seems the Red Burl sounds brighter overall and has more forward midrange. I expect it will be bassier/darker as with the usual hardwood vs softer wood case
Sep 10, 2023 at 11:22 PM Post #1,917 of 3,237
So, I am developing a love/hate relationship with my AC. They exhibit a syrupy goodness that is addictive. Most of my music is instrumental and/or vocal based and the AC drivers have a beautifully slow decay which is complimentary. The decay is never exaggerated (thanks eucalyptus wood) and the staging is intimate like being at a club gig instead of at a concert hall or open venue.

Sounds lovely to me, which comes to the purported hate. I cannot get their sound out of my head. When listening through any other set of phones/items, I am constantly thinking of how the music would sound through the AC. I enjoy my other end units, but the Atrium Closed are just something special.
Sep 12, 2023 at 2:05 PM Post #1,918 of 3,237
Just a reminder of how great this headphone is. I was listening to Saint Cloud by Waxahatchee and was noticing things in this record I haven't noticed before. I like to think I'm familiar with it since I own it on CD and Vinyl, and I've streamed it on like every streaming service known to human because I am insane. Nope, I don't know it because once again the AC is doing its thing.

I've had it since release and still can't get over how much I enjoy it.
Sep 15, 2023 at 12:40 AM Post #1,919 of 3,237
Hello everyone. it was my old dream to be the owner of a zmf totl headphones, and it looks like the time has come. when I dealt with the topic in the past, the Verite series was the top. since then, two members of Atrium have appeared and at the same price, which I still don't understand. did they get better technically and in tuning? since I would take them at home, it doesn't matter whether I choose open or closed ones, the question is more about how they are tuned and their technical ability. I know that the Átrium open type has more space and the stage is a bit better than the closed version. However, I don't know how well the open Átrium can listen to bass-oriented music such as Hip-Hop Techno and others. does it have enough punch, energy, dynamics, weight for the deep range or can only the closed versions provide this? the same question arises between verite open and closed. Is there anyone here who has heard all of these and can give me some answers to my questions? and I welcome any information about them.
Sep 15, 2023 at 2:03 AM Post #1,920 of 3,237
Hello everyone. it was my old dream to be the owner of a zmf totl headphones, and it looks like the time has come. when I dealt with the topic in the past, the Verite series was the top. since then, two members of Atrium have appeared and at the same price, which I still don't understand. did they get better technically and in tuning? since I would take them at home, it doesn't matter whether I choose open or closed ones, the question is more about how they are tuned and their technical ability. I know that the Átrium open type has more space and the stage is a bit better than the closed version. However, I don't know how well the open Átrium can listen to bass-oriented music such as Hip-Hop Techno and others. does it have enough punch, energy, dynamics, weight for the deep range or can only the closed versions provide this? the same question arises between verite open and closed. Is there anyone here who has heard all of these and can give me some answers to my questions? and I welcome any information about them.

It would be helpful if you could tell us what kind of music you listen to normally, and what your preferences are - are you the type that goes for a more relaxed sound signature or you prefer a more engaging listen? Furthermore, what parameters do you prioritise soundstage, impact, detail ?

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