ZMF Atrium Closed
Aug 30, 2023 at 4:15 PM Post #1,891 of 3,474
Sep 1, 2023 at 5:50 AM Post #1,892 of 3,474
It's been 1 week since i acquired Cherry Atrium Closed and it seems the sounds kind of "matured" a bit along burn in time

My take after 1 week living with AC :
I've searched for a complimentary headphone to my Pheasantwood Verite Open for so long and the AC is the one that i'm looking for all this time. It's like love at the first hear when i tried AC for the first time and along the time my love just grew even more to this headphone. The sounds is simply fun and very engaging and every time i listen to AC it's hard for me to put these headphones down, it's so full of life and energy

As for the pads, the suede does open the soundstage a bit and has better balance across the frequency, but i prefer the thin lambskin for it's visceral bass impact and energy
Sep 1, 2023 at 5:57 AM Post #1,893 of 3,474
It's been 1 week since i acquired Cherry Atrium Closed and it seems the sounds kind of "matured" a bit along burn in time

Agree, the biggest change for me is that the initial sibilance you hear is now much more tame and there is an increase in overall clarity.

When I first A/B the AC to 4z, the AC was noticeably behind in clarity. After a significant burn-in time, the gap has become very close.
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Sep 2, 2023 at 3:33 AM Post #1,894 of 3,474
Does anyone here have experience using AC with Caldera Thick pads or maybe with other pads?
Sep 2, 2023 at 10:49 AM Post #1,895 of 3,474
Does anyone here have experience using AC with Caldera Thick pads or maybe with other pads?

Edit: I posted this by mistake in reply to the AO. I put a second reply further below to the AC (keeping both in case helpful to folks). Thanks for the catch @Clemmaster 🙏

I switched to the New Caldera ultra perforated pads after CanJam Chicago, and they have never left my ears. Been using the Stock universe lamb perforated pads for a year prior, which were great, and I was missing nothing. But I didn’t know what I didn’t. Having tried the ultra perf pads, I found they offer a different level of sound staging and just a fresh experience which I really appreciate. Highly recommended!
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Sep 2, 2023 at 10:51 AM Post #1,896 of 3,474
I switched to the New Caldera ultra perforated pads after CanJam Chicago, and they have never left my ears. Been using the Stock universe lamb perforated pads for a year prior, which were great, and I was missing nothing. But I didn’t know what I didn’t. Having tried the ultra perf pads, I found they offer a different level of sound staging and just a fresh experience which I really appreciate. Highly recommended!
He asked for AC, not AO.
AC’s stock pads are Caldera thin pads. He’s asking if someone tries regular Caldera pads instead.
Sep 2, 2023 at 11:04 AM Post #1,897 of 3,474
He asked for AC, not AO.
AC’s stock pads are Caldera thin pads. He’s asking if someone tries regular Caldera pads instead.

Right my mistake, thanks catching it (too many threads 🤦🏻🤷‍♂️😁)

On my AC, I use the Caldera Suede pads. Lots of folks here have them. They offer a bigger sound stage and more separation in the transition between bass to mids. I highly recommend trying them along with the stock Caldera thin lamb pads. Almost everyone ends up liking one of these two options (abound 50/50 in observed user preference here in this thread).
Sep 2, 2023 at 11:12 AM Post #1,898 of 3,474
Does anyone here have experience using AC with Caldera Thick pads or maybe with other pads?
The only 4 pads I've found so far that really work well with the AC are:
  • Caldera Thin pads (Stock)
  • Caldera Suede
  • Auteur Suede (Solid)
  • Eikon Suede (Solid)
Not tried the Universe Suede (Solid) yet, but they could be viable. The solid pads do make the AC a much more traditional closed back sounding headphone.

After I'm done trying the Caldera Ultra Perf pads on the AO/VO, I might to a more extensive testing of possible AC pads.
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Sep 2, 2023 at 11:53 AM Post #1,900 of 3,474
He asked for AC, not AO.
AC’s stock pads are Caldera thin pads. He’s asking if someone tries regular Caldera pads instead.

On my AC, I use the Caldera Suede pads. Lots of folks here have them. They offer a bigger sound stage and more separation in the transition between bass to mids. I highly recommend trying them along with the stock Caldera thin lamb pads. Almost everyone ends up liking one of these two options (abound 50/50 in observed user preference here in this thread).

The only 4 pads I've found so far that really work well with the AC are:
  • Caldera Thin pads (Stock)
  • Caldera Suede
  • Auteur Suede (Solid)
  • Eikon Suede (Solid)
Not tried the Universe Suede (Solid) yet, but they could be viable. The solid pads do make the AC a much more traditional closed back sounding headphone.

After I'm done trying the Caldera Ultra Perf pads on the AO/VO, I might to a more extensive testing of possible AC pads.

I prefer the Caldera Suede over the Caldera Thick pads. The thick pads have wider soundstage, but in some songs are too sibilant even for my old ears and the bass is not punchy as the Suede.

Thank you for the responses. I've got the Caldera Thin and Suede bundled and have been switching between the two, so far I'm the Suede camp. the reason I asked for Caldera Thick specifically as I've heard suppose to be similar to Caldera Thin but with accentuated dynamics (soundstage, attack etc.) ? Apparently not.
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Sep 2, 2023 at 3:41 PM Post #1,901 of 3,474
Zach loaned a pair of Caldera lambskin, stock on the Caldera but not the AC. I preferred them over the stock suedes. Largely similar but bass quantity takes a leap and really more visceral. Going back to suede is still great but a bit of a letdown in comparison. Having not heard the stock thin ones I can't say the regular are better.
Sep 4, 2023 at 10:06 PM Post #1,902 of 3,474
Hey all. Picked up the AC recently. Brown Mallee Burl was irresistible.
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Sep 4, 2023 at 11:39 PM Post #1,903 of 3,474
Hey all. Picked up the AC recently. Brown Mallee Burl was irresistible.IMG_1443.jpeg
Congratulations! Those are quite spectacular, and I’m sure they sound even better than they look.
Sep 5, 2023 at 6:23 PM Post #1,904 of 3,474
I've been wanting to pick up a nice camera. Luckily my dad has an older Canon camera that I could use to test out to see if it is something I'd really want. First thing I did? Took pics of the AC. I can't get enough of this headphone.

EDIT: heh.. I am trying to figure out how to upload the pics lol.
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Sep 5, 2023 at 6:33 PM Post #1,905 of 3,474
I've been wanting to pick up a nice camera. Luckily my dad has an older Canon camera that I could use to test out to see if it is something I'd really want. First thing I did? Took pics of the AC. I can't get enough of this headphone.

EDIT: heh.. I am trying to figure out how to upload the pics lol.

Use a digital camera to take a picture of the printout..?


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