Zero Audio ZH-DWX10 DUOZA dual dynamic driver iem
Jul 17, 2016 at 5:09 AM Post #826 of 854
Duoza uses which SpinFit? 100s or 800s?
Jul 18, 2016 at 11:40 AM Post #828 of 854
I don't know if anyone will read this, but I have a neat story to tell.

The other day I noticed one of my pairs of IEM were missing: I couldn't find my Duozas anywhere. I love them; they're important to me. I searched everywhere at home, in both of our cars, etc. Gone. Then, today, I pulled a pair of cargo shorts out of my dryer and felt something wadded up in the pocket.

Uh-oh . . . Yup, it was my Duozas—still in their fabric bag.

I hadn't just washed and dried them, either. I've been very lazy lately, and had started this load of laundry about five days ago. I'd washed the clothes and let them sit for too long, so I'd washed them again to prevent mildew. Then I'd dried them, but hadn't pulled them out of the dryer—so they got wrinkled. I'd set the dryer to steam the wrinkles out . . . and let them sit for too long, again! This went on for days.

By the time I'd found them, my Duozas had been through a full wash twice and no fewer than FOUR steam cycles in my dryer, on top of the first heat cycle. There's no way they would survive that, right? Fully submerged in soap and water, banging around in a washing machine ought to kill anything even remotely electronic. Surely the heat from the dryer and the constant exposure to moisture from the steam would finish the job!

Nope. They work perfectly. Absolutely perfectly, in both channels. In fact, when I put them on to test them out they were still so hot from the dryer that they were warming my temples. And the only thing different about them is that the rubber from my SpinFits is so warm that they've stretched a bit and no longer fit snugly.

These things are built like ********* tanks! Holy cow, ZA; you guys are AMAZING!

AMAZING MAN AMAZING ,,,, it is more than waterproof and sure you are a very lucky man too ,,,, lol .
Sep 18, 2016 at 2:37 PM Post #830 of 854
Watching.  I'm curious if Duozo is 2x as good as Tenore.  I own the Tenore and really, really like them.  They have great sound and probably the lightest, most invisible IEM that I own (compared to Duno Titan, LZ A2 and A2s, Havi B3 Pro1). 
Hmmm, I don't think I need another set of IEM after writing that...
Estro, what are you using as source?  Tenore has 16 ohm impedence while Duoza is 20 ohm.  It will be a little bit harder to drive the Duoza if you are just using a phone.
Sep 18, 2016 at 10:19 PM Post #832 of 854
Is it good for iphone 6? Im looking for iem, and i never pwn any iem b4 except the iphone6 iem but i lost it.
Compare to ath im70, which one is better in term of balance

Can't speak to the ATH IM70, but I just used my Duoza today with my iPhone 6s Plus and I love them.  The only IEM's, though, I've had that I liked better are the Dunu Titan 1, but these are a close second. 
Sep 23, 2016 at 11:14 PM Post #833 of 854
From what I remember (sold my pair of Duoza's a while ago), they sound like a scaled up version of the Tenore. There's more slam to the bass and midbass so it's got a fuller sound. The mids have more texture to it but it's a bit pushed back because of the relatively stronger bass. The treble extension is about the same, though it's a little more emphasized. What you get from all this is a much wider, albeit shallower soundstage. Are they worth 2x the price? It's a matter of preference, and I kept the Tenore because I liked the more upfront and organic mids.
Maybe you'll be interested in the new offerings from the company. I've ordered the Zero Bass 03 and Carbo Mezzo couple days ago and will be getting them later next week. They slot in between the the Tenore and Duoza's in terms of pricing, and I can post a mini review of sorts if you'd like.
Nov 9, 2016 at 10:28 PM Post #835 of 854
  From what I remember (sold my pair of Duoza's a while ago), they sound like a scaled up version of the Tenore. There's more slam to the bass and midbass so it's got a fuller sound. The mids have more texture to it but it's a bit pushed back because of the relatively stronger bass. The treble extension is about the same, though it's a little more emphasized. What you get from all this is a much wider, albeit shallower soundstage. Are they worth 2x the price? It's a matter of preference, and I kept the Tenore because I liked the more upfront and organic mids.
Maybe you'll be interested in the new offerings from the company. I've ordered the Zero Bass 03 and Carbo Mezzo couple days ago and will be getting them later next week. They slot in between the the Tenore and Duoza's in terms of pricing, and I can post a mini review of sorts if you'd like.

Have you got the ZB 03 and CM? Any impressions to share, in particular how they compare with the Duoza. 
Don't mind if I also enquire how does the Doppio compare with the Duoza. I love the latter but I'm getting a case of upgradetitis. : P
Nov 9, 2016 at 11:54 PM Post #836 of 854
Have you got the ZB 03 and CM? Any impressions to share, in particular how they compare with the Duoza. 
Don't mind if I also enquire how does the Doppio compare with the Duoza. I love the latter but I'm getting a case of upgradetitis. : P

I actually started a thread a while ago for the Mezzo and ZB
From what I remembered, the Duoza has the darker, more laid back sound compared to the Mezzo, and a much wider soundstage. With the Mezzo, you get a narrow soundstage but a more lively sound. I do think the Mezzo is technically superior to the Duoza if you break down it's performance, but I think the Duoza got the better overall presentation. I wouldn't necessarily call the Mezzo's an upgrade, more of a sidegrade since they're priced similarly and the come with different sound signatures.
For the Doppio, they are the complete opposite of the Duoza. They are flat sounding and rolled off in the bass, and there's definitely a spike in the upper midrange that I find very fatiguing when listening to them. I'm not sure if I can recommend it. The dual ba setup also doesn't really do much for the sound, nothing that a single ba setup couldn't replicate. 
The ZB was a complete waste of money, don't even bother with it. 
Nov 10, 2016 at 1:52 AM Post #837 of 854
I actually started a thread a while ago for the Mezzo and ZB
From what I remembered, the Duoza has the darker, more laid back sound compared to the Mezzo, and a much wider soundstage. With the Mezzo, you get a narrow soundstage but a more lively sound. I do think the Mezzo is technically superior to the Duoza if you break down it's performance, but I think the Duoza got the better overall presentation. I wouldn't necessarily call the Mezzo's an upgrade, more of a sidegrade since they're priced similarly and the come with different sound signatures.
For the Doppio, they are the complete opposite of the Duoza. They are flat sounding and rolled off in the bass, and there's definitely a spike in the upper midrange that I find very fatiguing when listening to them. I'm not sure if I can recommend it. The dual ba setup also doesn't really do much for the sound, nothing that a single ba setup couldn't replicate. 
The ZB was a complete waste of money, don't even bother with it. 

Sorry, I should have looked up your thread on the Mezzo and ZB. But your description here is great. Thank you. I get a really good idea of what I can, or cannot in this case, expect from few models.
I'm happy and disappointed at the same time, that ZA can produce something so sonically superior as the Duoza but nothing better, or even close. Guess they are casting the net wide and catering to all kinds of sonic tastes, though I can't imagine anyone liking flat and rolled off SQ. Within the range, the Duoza remains the flagship by a big margin I gather.
Nov 10, 2016 at 3:03 AM Post #838 of 854
I quite liked the Doppio even vs other Dual BA's I prefer like the IM02 and Q-Jays, but Doppio costs 80-150 less for not a huge drop in sound... but then I could also say that about the Tenore vs the Doppio & in some ways Tenore is just as good particularly if you like the warm sound.

I guess since I seem to have such different tastes maybe I might like the Mezzo afterall.
Nov 10, 2016 at 4:32 AM Post #839 of 854
I quite liked the Doppio even vs other Dual BA's I prefer like the IM02 and Q-Jays, but Doppio costs 80-150 less for not a huge drop in sound... but then I could also say that about the Tenore vs the Doppio & in some ways Tenore is just as good particularly if you like the warm sound.

I guess since I seem to have such different tastes maybe I might like the Mezzo afterall.

What first caught my eye about the Mezzo is the sturdier looks. The Duoza cables look fragile and probably are. I put putty and glue around the joints to give some resistance to tugs and pulls but I doubt it's doing much. Just a matter of time before they get yanked out. And I'm a careful user too.

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