Your Ultimate Band
May 20, 2005 at 12:32 AM Post #17 of 48
Obvious question: How can you truly have an ultimate band if there is not a lot of chemistry (atleast in theory) between all members? Picking an all-star baseball team and an ultimate band is not the same thing. But I love both music and baseball...
May 20, 2005 at 2:55 AM Post #19 of 48

Originally Posted by White Fox
Obvious question: How can you truly have an ultimate band if there is not a lot of chemistry (atleast in theory) between all members? Picking an all-star baseball team and an ultimate band is not the same thing. But I love both music and baseball...

Ya I know, I had considered this before but didnt really feel like explaining it. But lets just say, for the sake of argument, that everyone has great chemestry between each other. Then who would you pick?
May 20, 2005 at 10:51 AM Post #20 of 48
This is a great thread. Cyclone, your supergroup doesn't have a bass player? It doesn't seem to be a problem for The White Stripes and Black Keys so I guess that's cool.

Lead vox/rhythm guitar - Britt Daniel (Spoon)
Backup vox - Harriet Wheeler (The Sundays)
Lead guitar/rhodes piano/xylophone/etc - Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead)
Bass - Eric Axelson (Dismemberment Plan)
Drums - Joseph Easley (Dismemberment Plan)

I couldn't help putting both of the D-Plan guys in there. When they were together I thought that was the best rhythm section around.
May 20, 2005 at 7:26 PM Post #23 of 48
My perfect band is probably the flaming lips (the lineup from 1995).

My perfect band for power rock would be gov't mule from 2000.

My perfect band for psychedelic music would be the grateful dead from 1990.

My perfect band for pure pop isn't a band at all, it's the group of people brian wilson put together to make smile, and then had disolve around him because mike love didn't want to go that direction.

Supergroups don't do it for me. Give me real connections.
May 21, 2005 at 8:40 AM Post #24 of 48

Originally Posted by Enverxis
Lead/Backup Vocals: Layne Staley (Alice in Chains)
Lead/Backup Vocals: Simone Simons (Epica)
Lead/Rhythym Guitars (Left): Carlos Santana
Lead/Rythym Guitars (Centre): Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon/Ambeon)
Lead/Rythym Guitars (Right): Jimi Hendrix
Double Bass: Robert Hurst
Drums: Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden)

Lyrics: Simone/Arjen/Layne
Music: Arjen/Nicko

Ultimate band, not symphony
May 21, 2005 at 4:24 PM Post #25 of 48
Heheh, thats not a symphony - Haggard is a symphony.

It wouldnt have looked out of place if there was only one vocalist, but as a fan of alot of Gothic Rock/Metal and Iron Maiden dual vocalists and tri-guitar is a must for my ultimate band
May 21, 2005 at 4:41 PM Post #26 of 48

Originally Posted by britishbane
My ultimate band is called Pink Floyd. Rick Wright, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, and David Gilmoure.

or mabye syd instead of dave. mabye.

{ vocals = Maynard from Tool/APC
guitar/vocals = Daron Malakian from System of a Down
bass = someone with a good drone
drums = [insert good tribal drummer who dies early so band can become great]
producer = alan parsons
country of origin = canada

thinking about it this might just be bad
May 21, 2005 at 4:47 PM Post #27 of 48
Why limit the band to four members?

Lead vocals: Joan Osborn and/or Kasey Chambers
Two guitarists: Robert Frip and Carlos Santana
Bass: Trey Gunn
Percussion: Bill Bruford
Keyboards: John Medeski
May 21, 2005 at 7:20 PM Post #30 of 48
Piano: Keith Jarrett
Fender: Bill Evans
Bass: Charlie Haden
Drums: Jack De Johnette
Sax: John Coltrane

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