Your favorite sub-$1,000 closed-back headphones?

Aug 3, 2020 at 10:01 AM Post #227 of 323
MrSpeakers 1.1 Closed Used. Sounds closest to music w/o silly bass booming.
Aug 3, 2020 at 4:34 PM Post #228 of 323
I'm not sure if I have posted in this thread already, but I think the NightOwls are my favorite closed pair. The Sony MDR-Z7s come very close but their soundstage is less natural at times, it sounds like everything is multi-miked, where instruments or instrument groups are recorded seperately and later put together. The NightOwls are more coherent, to my ears they have a very natural and organic soundstage (sorry couldn't find other words to describe it, "organic"? it almost makes me want to puke).
Their sound is not too wide, with good depth, but the mids aren't even that recessed to create this depth.
There is a fine balance between instrument seperation and fullness of tone, so they never sound thin, nor do they sound congested. True, they give priority to fullness and body over true accuracy, but so do I :)
Just like the NightHawks they play classical music very well. Even big orchestral works by Mahler and Bruckner or should I say especially big orchestral works?
Aug 5, 2020 at 9:16 AM Post #230 of 323
Currently my 2 beloved closed back HPs are Aeon 2C and AudioTechnica W1000Z. They have many differences signatures but I love them both.
* Aeon 2C are just great for electronic/soundtracks/rock, general very universal with great amount of micro and macro details, greatly extended bass, clean pure sound with power on slightly warm side.
*ATH W1000Z - etherical like experience with analog coating. One thing describe may describe them - they make yours songs like you would listen to unplugged music performance. They are perfect for Jazz and Female Vocals, but Yello also sounds interesting and catchy with these :) They have poorer bass extension than A2C or Nightowls but all in all they are now replacing my Nightowls and I will have to sell them.
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Aug 5, 2020 at 4:42 PM Post #231 of 323
Currently my 2 beloved closed back HPs are Aeon 2C and AudioTechnica W1000Z. They have many differences signatures but I love them both.
* Aeon 2C are just great for electronic/soundtracks/rock, general very univeral with great amount of micro and macro details, greatly extended bass, clean pure sound with power on slightly warm side.
*ATH W1000Z - eterical like experience with analog coating. One thing describe may describe them - they make yours songs like you would listen to unplugged music performance. They are perfect for Jazz and Female Vocals, but Yello also sounds interesting and catchy with these :) They have poorer bass extension than A2C or Nightowls but all in all they are now replacing my Nightowls and I will have to sell them.

If you had to cherry-pick one, which one would it be?
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Aug 7, 2020 at 10:29 AM Post #233 of 323
AFC 2. Mainly because it has great comfort, portability and noise isolation.
Aug 14, 2020 at 5:00 PM Post #234 of 323
@iFi audio More universal are Aeon 2C. So this would be my pick for only one closed HP.

Thanks, just as I expected. I also auditioned those AQ cans at shows several times and was positively surprised. Well, at least as much as show conditions allowed.
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Aug 17, 2020 at 6:35 PM Post #236 of 323
My favourites under $1000.
Focal Elegia and Audeze Sine DX. Absolutely love them.

But my biggest surprise is the Ultrasone Edition 11. Wow 😍. Yes they are a little over $1000 but Ultrasone actually nailed the performance of this headphone and got the pricing right. If not, maybe a little lower than what it should really cost. Truly an amazing headphone. I've listened to the Ananda, Focal Clear, Audeze LCD-2C and some others, but the Ultrasone Edition 11 is the one for me 😁👍. They look so much better in person, trust me 😏
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Aug 17, 2020 at 9:49 PM Post #237 of 323
My favourites under $1000.
Focal Elegia and Audeze Sine DX. Absolutely love them.

But my biggest surprise is the Ultrasone Edition 11. Wow 😍. Yes they are a little over $1000 but Ultrasone actually nailed the performance of this headphone and got the pricing right. If not, maybe a little lower than what it should really cost. Truly an amazing headphone. I've listened to the Ananda, Focal Clear, Audeze LCD-2C and some others, but the Ultrasone Edition 11 is the one for me 😁👍. They look so much better in person, trust me 😏20200715_175737.jpg20200715_175250.jpg20200715_175319.jpg20200715_175350.jpg
Those are GORGEOUS!
Aug 18, 2020 at 12:58 AM Post #238 of 323
Those are GORGEOUS!
I absolutely love them. When the sun hits the back of the cups and the inner silver grill shines. 😍 They really are WOW. But then the light weight and comfort is just perfect but the sound is what is shockingly amazing. It's smooth yet energetic, has low end but never bloaty and the dynamics, damn intense. Surprisingly detail retrieval is very high. At first the Elegia to me sounded more detailed, but the Edition 11 is a level higher, easily high up there with the Focal Clear, Ananda.... It doesn't jam all the detail into your ear, it just does it effortlessly and lets you choose which details you want to pick out. For a fun sounding headphone. This is a must try. LOVE THEM!!!! 😁
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Aug 18, 2020 at 4:14 AM Post #239 of 323
^I’ve been meaning to check that badboy out, thanks for sharing:-)
It is however an openback headphone just in case some of you out there are thinking about acquiring one.
My favourite closedback under a 1000? S’gotta be the D7200, AFC, SRH1540 or the K371..can’t decide.
Aug 18, 2020 at 6:33 AM Post #240 of 323
There are quite a few closed-back headphones of less then $1000 that I really like
- Beyerdynamic MMX-300.2
- Beyerdynamic T5p.2
- Ollo audio S4R
- Kennerton Magni
- Fostex TH-610
Especially the MMX-300.2 was an eyeopener; you get a lot of headphone for what you pay. The Ollo audio S4R is held back by the stock pads, but once you swapped them with the S4X pads they become quite comfortable and remain what Ollo does best: be honest.
The Kennerton Magni has that authority I missed in other headphones when I parted with my Fostex TH-900mk2.
I'm still thinking of trying AFC's, but thus far other headphones came into my possession first.

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