Your favorite sub-$1,000 closed-back headphones?

Aug 18, 2020 at 9:49 AM Post #241 of 323
Admittedly, I don't have much experience with a number of different options. Despite that, I really like the Aeon 2 Closed and think it is a solid choice for under 1k. I recently got the Stellia and while it is no doubt superior to the A2C in all but isolation and comfort (for me), I feel the A2C compares quite well to it.
Aug 18, 2020 at 9:53 AM Post #242 of 323
Admittedly, I don't have much experience with a number of different options. Despite that, I really like the Aeon 2 Closed and think it is a solid choice for under 1k. I recently got the Stellia and while it is no doubt superior to the A2C in all but isolation and comfort (for me), I feel the A2C compares quite well to it.
Surprisingly, yes. The Stellia has the upper hand in technicalities, but the AEON 2 Closed is a superb contender, at less than a third of its price tag, too.
Aug 25, 2020 at 6:01 PM Post #245 of 323
On Polish forum I am member of, few people are very pleased with pairing iFi Zen + Audioquest Nightowls :wink:

That's good to know that you folks in PL like our stuff, thanks! Or should I say, "dziekuje" :beerchug:
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Aug 26, 2020 at 6:52 AM Post #247 of 323
Aeon 2C are good value IMHO (paid $750 new). They sound quite “open” for close back and heavenly comfortable.
Aug 27, 2020 at 11:16 AM Post #254 of 323
Haven't heard one I really liked in this price range but I'll say hd25 since they are nice portable headphones

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