Xonar Essence STX: Sneak Peek!
Mar 1, 2009 at 11:17 AM Post #946 of 2,066
Ok, but you can really tell me you ear huge differences between the same song played with Foobar/WASAPI and WMP 11 with everything turned off on Vista?
I've tryied iTunes 8, Foobar with WASAPI and WMP 11 in a blind test with another person and it was impossible to distinguish one player from the other.

Also, I would like to understand the difference between main volume control and right & left volume sliders: why two volume controls if they control the same gain via software? Or they control two different gain?
Mar 1, 2009 at 1:40 PM Post #947 of 2,066
Get a preamp to control the volume, it will sound much better. The player to get is playwasapi from Minimalist Audio Player
Mar 1, 2009 at 1:56 PM Post #949 of 2,066

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He's right, you should always have SVN off. It affects dynamic range and processes the sound so, as fzman said, it won't be bit-perfect anymore. Turn the Hi-Fi mode on, and turn the main volume down. At 100%, I've noticed that components started to get stressed to their operating capacity and don't perform as well.

mmmm...should it be at 100% as you want the strongest signal possible throughout the sound chain until the last input component (in my case, the headphone amp)?

With the X-fi Prelude, you got distortion with anything 55% and over on the master volume.

Anyway, going by the advice, >.< at not reading manual or else I would of disabled it immediately. Anyway, lowered the master volume to 78% for now.
Mar 1, 2009 at 2:18 PM Post #950 of 2,066
All of my volume are at 100%,no distortion or clipping what so ever, you just need a preamp
Mar 1, 2009 at 8:32 PM Post #951 of 2,066
Quick question my sage friends -

Just bought an Essence and I'm about to upgrade my HD595s to either K701s or HD600 (don't worry, I'm not going to get into all that!). What I want to know from people with experience is which will require the least digital attenuation when used with this soundcard? Despite the fundamental pros and cons of these cans, in this application, where there are three gain settings to go at, I suspect the winner will be the cans which produce a good listening level at one of the three gain settings with just a few dB of DSP attenuation - if one of them is going to require lots, it'll probably lose out.

Any other thoughts welcome, I can't audition the cans I'm afraid. I listen to classical music, I'm keen on resolution, I like a neutral balance but I think the main thing is tonal accuracy and dynamics. Obvious colourations irritate me!


Mar 1, 2009 at 10:07 PM Post #952 of 2,066

Originally Posted by neongod /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, but you can really tell me you ear huge differences between the same song played with Foobar/WASAPI and WMP 11 with everything turned off on Vista?
I've tryied iTunes 8, Foobar with WASAPI and WMP 11 in a blind test with another person and it was impossible to distinguish one player from the other.

Also, I would like to understand the difference between main volume control and right & left volume sliders: why two volume controls if they control the same gain via software? Or they control two different gain?

It depends on your downstream components. If you don't have sufficiently revealing headphones and amp, then you won't hear a difference. I actually conducted a blind test and heard a difference between Directsound and WASAPI and ASIO. I'm now using WASAPI for all my listening.
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:49 PM Post #953 of 2,066
Does anyone know if this card will output via the headphone amp, with Dolby Headphone and/or the other DSP activated, AND at the same time allow Dolby Digital Live output via the SPDIF connector? I am trying out the HT Omega Claro Halo XT and sadly it doesn't. When Dolby Digital Live or DTS Connect are selected to send 5.1 upmixed from games, etc... out the digital output to my receiver, headphone connections are no longer active.

I know, using this card with digital output is a waste normally, but in my situation the digital feeds a secondary system. This is a gaming setup, and headphones are the primary audio, but, I have a tactile feedback system (TFS2 iVibe and Buttkicker Gamer) set up on a 2.1 analog output from a receiver I use to decode that signal from Dolby Digital. So digital output+ headphones= no vibes= no good for my race simulator chair!

Edit: You ask why not connect my Claro Halo XT's analog outputs to the bass shakers? Well, it's set up in a 2.1 configuration- the chair seat device (iVibe TFS2) is stereo and takes direction cues as such, and the buttkicker is mono and I have connected to the sub/LFE out. However, in the Claro driver software, it isn't possible to set up a 2.1 system. Only you need to go all the way up to 5.1 to get a sub out, and I don't have anything connected to center so I'd lose that info whereas now it gets downmixed and blended into the tactile feedback.

So, if the Asus can output a 2.1 mix with headphones connected in DH mode, but still allow L/R/S analog out (or Dolby Digital Live via optical), then I can use everything else as status quo. I'd like these for their headphone sweetness.

My other option (and it sounds very nice) is to connect the PC via DD Live or DTS Connect digitally to my Harmon Kardon AVR-245 receiver, which has its own Dolby Headphone (2) processing and the output sounds almost equal to the Halo Claro to these mid-fi ears. So for that, plus a host of gamer-specific EAX (probably crappola) I could get the X-Fi Fatality (now on sale for $99, and I know a digital only solution for me at least.)

Keep in mind, this is a 95% gaming rig, so music isn't the priority for me, though I do appreciate superior sound quality if I can have the features I need as well.
Mar 2, 2009 at 1:45 AM Post #954 of 2,066
Hi, all. I'm new here and have a few questions concerning this card. First of all, I currently am using a Razer Barracuda (from a woot-off) with a set of Logitech Z-5500's w/ optical out for gaming. However, I am looking to get a nice pair of entry level audiophile cans because I find myself listening to music (mostly rock, maybe a little techno and trance) more than playing games these days. I'm looking at possibly getting this soundcard with a pair of HD-595s.

Would this pairing be a decent <$400 upgrade (my current budget), or would it be better to go the route of getting the same (or another) pair of cans and an external amp?

Would the 595s sound well driven from the headphone output of the Essence? To understand what I mean by "sound well", I've currently only experienced my z-5500's w/ Razer optical out and my old Creative X-Fi Platinum with analog out to a set of Logitech x-530's.

Most of my music collection is either in 192 or 320 encoding, would this necessarily make the music sound "bad" when going to a better sound setup, or would it be in my best interest to try to start obtaining FLAC encodes?

Lastly, if I go the route of getting this card for primarily listening to music, I still plan on keeping my Razer in my computer for 5.1 gaming only. I currently am using a 680i motherboard. I've read that some people have IRQ resource errors when running this card in tandem with 680i's. Would I have any type of issue running both of these cards at the same time and just switching between which I'd like to use through windows sounds and audio devices?

edit: haha, I totally entered my name into username registration field, doh, w/e I guess.
Mar 2, 2009 at 1:50 AM Post #955 of 2,066

Originally Posted by Matthew Locklear /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi, all. I'm new here and have a few questions concerning this card. First of all, I currently am using a Razer Barracuda (from a woot-off) with a set of Logitech Z-5500's w/ optical out for gaming. However, I am looking to get a nice pair of entry level audiophile cans because I find myself listening to music (mostly rock, maybe a little techno and trance) more than playing games these days. I'm looking at possibly getting this soundcard with a pair of HD-595s.

Would this pairing be a decent <$400 upgrade (my current budget), or would it be better to go the route of getting the same (or another) pair of cans and an external amp?

Would the 595s sound well driven from the headphone output of the Essence? To understand what I mean by "sound well", I've currently only experienced my z-5500's w/ Razer optical out and my old Creative X-Fi Platinum with analog out to a set of Logitech x-530's.

Most of my music collection is either in 192 or 320 encoding, would this necessarily make the music sound "bad" when going to a better sound setup, or would it be in my best interest to try to start obtaining FLAC encodes?

Lastly, if I go the route of getting this card for primarily listening to music, I still plan on keeping my Razer in my computer for 5.1 gaming only. I currently am using a 680i motherboard. I've read that some people have IRQ resource errors when running this card in tandem with 680i's. Would I have any type of issue running both of these cards at the same time and just switching between which I'd like to use through windows sounds and audio devices?

edit: haha, I totally entered my name into username registration field, doh, w/e I guess.

I'd go for the HD650's and get this soundcard. That's going to get you a very solid headphone setup.
Mar 2, 2009 at 9:53 AM Post #956 of 2,066

Originally Posted by Matthew Locklear /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi, all. I'm new here and have a few questions concerning this card. First of all, I currently am using a Razer Barracuda (from a woot-off) with a set of Logitech Z-5500's w/ optical out for gaming. However, I am looking to get a nice pair of entry level audiophile cans because I find myself listening to music (mostly rock, maybe a little techno and trance) more than playing games these days. I'm looking at possibly getting this soundcard with a pair of HD-595s.

Would this pairing be a decent <$400 upgrade (my current budget), or would it be better to go the route of getting the same (or another) pair of cans and an external amp?

Would the 595s sound well driven from the headphone output of the Essence? To understand what I mean by "sound well", I've currently only experienced my z-5500's w/ Razer optical out and my old Creative X-Fi Platinum with analog out to a set of Logitech x-530's.

Most of my music collection is either in 192 or 320 encoding, would this necessarily make the music sound "bad" when going to a better sound setup, or would it be in my best interest to try to start obtaining FLAC encodes?

Lastly, if I go the route of getting this card for primarily listening to music, I still plan on keeping my Razer in my computer for 5.1 gaming only. I currently am using a 680i motherboard. I've read that some people have IRQ resource errors when running this card in tandem with 680i's. Would I have any type of issue running both of these cards at the same time and just switching between which I'd like to use through windows sounds and audio devices?

edit: haha, I totally entered my name into username registration field, doh, w/e I guess.

a) For the price, I don't think you can find a better DAC. At least I can testify that the STX beats the Zero DAC and ibasso D2 Boa that's so highly rated.

b) The HD595 doesn't sound well no matter what you use to drive it, I'll recommend you to stick to the HD555 or go for the HD600. Yes, the HD595 sucks, don't waste your money on it.

c) Using higher bitrate will certainly improve your sound, but using a better phone + setup will improve your sound too. The difference between the mp3 and FLAC is something you'll notice only if you know what to look out for. Nevertheless it's to your own interest to start getting those FLAC.

d) If you are looking for a gaming + music headphone just get the AD700 and throw your Razer into the garbage bin. 5.1 headphones are a joke.
Mar 2, 2009 at 3:22 PM Post #958 of 2,066
You can't have headphone output and DDL


Originally Posted by mikemav /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does anyone know if this card will output via the headphone amp, with Dolby Headphone and/or the other DSP activated, AND at the same time allow Dolby Digital Live output via the SPDIF connector? I am trying out the HT Omega Claro Halo XT and sadly it doesn't. When Dolby Digital Live or DTS Connect are selected to send 5.1 upmixed from games, etc... out the digital output to my receiver, headphone connections are no longer active.

Mar 2, 2009 at 4:19 PM Post #959 of 2,066

Originally Posted by Bojamijams /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You can't have headphone output and DDL

Okay, thanks. In that case maybe I'm better off letting my HK receiver Dolby Headphone do it's work, and just getting a decent digital output card like the X-Fi Fatal1ty that can encode to DDL or DTS, so there is no point to a card with higher end headphone amp or analog section for me.

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