Wow, Its true that people just want bass...
Sep 7, 2006 at 3:23 AM Post #16 of 48

Originally Posted by Electro Point
Yes I know, But my point is majority of the young crowd just cares about loudness and bass.

And that doesn't exclusively apply to the bus crowd.
Look at the success story of the K81DJ here at head-fi.
**** teh bass ................
Sep 7, 2006 at 3:32 AM Post #17 of 48

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
But does it have 21.1 gigawatts?

I think you mean 1.21 gigawatts, Dr. Brown...
Sep 7, 2006 at 3:41 AM Post #18 of 48

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
I think you mean 1.21 gigawatts, Dr. Brown...

No, he meant 21.1 gigawatts
Sep 7, 2006 at 4:30 AM Post #20 of 48

Originally Posted by skyline889
That's just not true. A lot of kids I know including myself, enjoy ground thumping bass while in cars but at home with speakers and through headphones, prefer a more balanced sound tonality.

In general, this is what I've seen around my area as well, although quite a few of my friends want lots of bass for their headphones as well. Huge subs for their cars is fine, but they don't usually go terribly crazy with home systems, and almost none of them have even semi-decent cans. Oh well, they choose to spend their money on things that I will probably never understand the reasoning behind, but it's their perogative. I'm sure they feel the same way about my hobby.
Sep 7, 2006 at 5:16 AM Post #22 of 48

Originally Posted by wax4213
In general, this is what I've seen around my area as well, although quite a few of my friends want lots of bass for their headphones as well. Huge subs for their cars is fine, but they don't usually go terribly crazy with home systems, and almost none of them have even semi-decent cans. Oh well, they choose to spend their money on things that I will probably never understand the reasoning behind, but it's their perogative. I'm sure they feel the same way about my hobby.

Not really what I meant but kind of similar. IMO unless you're willing to fork over ten grand for not only top shelf components throughout but acoustic treatment in the car as well, you'll never get an audiophile quality system in a vehicle. So imho you mine as well play to the strengths it can exceed in, which is bass.

Later on when I revamp my Odyssey and pull out the old Rockford amp and subs, along with the 6 year old Alpine front coaxials, I definitely will be putting more money into the subs than the coaxials. It'll probably end up having about $250 in Alpine coaxials and about $600 in RF subs, which I'd never do for my home system (I mean look at my sig, I don't even own a sub).

I don't know why I like it, maybe it's just the way the trunk begins to rattle when the subs are blasting
(Yes, I'm occasionally guilty of pushing the subs to max, only when I'm super pissed or with friends though
), or knowing that the bass in my system sounds just as good as the one in my friends G for a hell of a lot less, but I just love subwoofers for car audio. For home audio, even HT, mleh, don't really care for it.
Sep 7, 2006 at 5:22 AM Post #23 of 48
all you have to do is point him to a ps-1 or l3000 paired with any slam variant of a singlepower amp and some 50 cent and he'll be in heaven. dont diss the bassheads, without us theres no such thing as lower end
Sep 7, 2006 at 5:31 AM Post #24 of 48
Yes, my quest to become a stuck up audiophile has led me to appreciate the tight (non existing) bass of the DT880, and the gentlemanly (useless and missing) bass of the glite

eh, for me, the L3K, Omega II, HD650 and PS1s are the only cans to consider.
for amps: the PPX Slam, Zana Deux, headroom Max and ES1
Sep 7, 2006 at 5:44 AM Post #25 of 48

Originally Posted by skyline889
Not really what I meant but kind of similar. IMO unless you're willing to fork over ten grand for not only top shelf components throughout but acoustic treatment in the car as well, you'll never get an audiophile quality system in a vehicle. So imho you mine as well play to the strengths it can exceed in, which is bass.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear, I do agree with you. And I wasn't trying to refer to my friends' sub purchases as ones that I don't understand, just some of their other hobbies. Basically, it costs too much for most people to get an audiophile level sound system in their car for the exact reasons that you outlined.
Sep 7, 2006 at 6:19 AM Post #27 of 48
I think it's because at concerts, whether it's plugged or unplugged, what do you feel all the way down from your ears, chest, into your shoes and in the ground? Teh bass.

We forget that there's other stuff going on because we take for granted that's supposed to sound great too, but it's teh bass that makes your heart beat faster.

It's just you're ready for head-fi or speaker-fi when you wonder what happened to the rest of the sonic goodness.
Sep 7, 2006 at 6:39 AM Post #28 of 48

Originally Posted by Naris
You know... I've always wondered WHY people prefer huge (and muddy) bass. I mean, where did this craze start from really... does anyone know?

It's so common nowdays, but I doubt it was always this way. It must have started somewhere.

Well it's actually only improperly amped or cheap subs that do that. I demo'd a 15" Rockford Punch last week and while it was definitely an in your face, rattle your brains kind of bass, it was still tight and well-defined.

Muddy sound from subs are usually because they're not properly amped, the subs are some cheap Circit City deal, the source music was poorly recorded, or your subs are beginning to distort, which once again means you have it turned up too high for either the amplifier or the subs power handling.
Sep 7, 2006 at 9:39 PM Post #29 of 48
All of you made very true vaild responses I must say but there is an exception...

Yes I'm a basshead sometimes though this is most different with these people I have met around here as they only care about how loud your speakers/headphones would go till the driver is fried and how much ground hitting hard bass it has.
I have known people who could care nothing about upgrading speakers besides adding a fancy headunit with color LCD screen and having the loudest deaf bass there is without even caring for hearing the acutal music. They would rather hear and feel 25hz - 60hz bass then even care about the rest of the music.
Sep 8, 2006 at 12:43 AM Post #30 of 48
I also do know a few people that prefer bass over anything else. A friend of mine showed me his Bose car stereo, which was very expensive, as he told me, and the only thing that I heard was a very muddy bass that drowned the rest of the music. He obviously enjoyed this.
Even though this seems wrong to me personally, I generally can't see it as a simple matter of right or wrong, but as a matter of taste. The musicgenre itself also plays a huge role in this. I don't see classiclovers enjoying their favourite symphonies over a carstereo with whobbly subs for instance.

I don't think that you were acting snobbish in this thread by the way.


Goes to show you how many people are unknowledgeable on audio equipment, and most of the people that claim to know only think about bass and subwoofers when you say "Audio equipment"

Your signature ("Bose, Sony, and Nakamichi make fashion and lifestyle products. They are more for aesthetic features and looks over real audio performance for the audio enthusiast... But rather made for the ignorant uneducated rich people that get brainwashed.") also shows that you are unknowledgeable on audio equipment since one of the best dynamic headphones comes from Sony, namely the Sony MDR-R10. Then there's also the Qualia, and some nice not-quite-as-highend headphones like the MDR-SA5000 and my personal favourite the MDR-CD3000, one of the most comfortable headphones out of those cans that I've tried up to now.

EDIT: Sometimes it's important to let the fanboy out.

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