Woo Hoo. . . Got my Edition 9 . . wooo hooo . . best current production headphones. . . ? and I love them.
May 6, 2008 at 4:22 PM Post #76 of 168
I have heard complaints about the Grado headband. The reason I mention the headband is because these are 1500 dollar headphones compared to the 280 at 250. At 5 times the price I would expect a step up in quality just like a watchband on a watch at 5 times the price (I used to make high end watch bands) or components on a car that sells for 5 times the price.

Your input is of value as always.

One thing that comes to mind every time I listen to these is how they really bring everything into focus. I would not call them relaxed like the HD650 or even the Proline 750 (by comparison) but they are energized and enjoyable.

Sometimes when I put them on it is "wow, this sounds like I just materialized at the recording venue".
May 6, 2008 at 5:16 PM Post #77 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have heard complaints about the Grado headband. The reason I mention the headband is because these are 1500 dollar headphones compared to the 280 at 250. At 5 times the price I would expect a step up in quality just like a watchband on a watch at 5 times the price (I used to make high end watch bands) or components on a car that sells for 5 times the price.

Your input is of value as always.

One thing that comes to mind every time I listen to these is how they really bring everything into focus. I would not call them relaxed like the HD650 or even the Proline 750 (by comparison) but they are energized enjoyable.

What 280 are you referring to, there is 280 in the current line of Ultrasone, I think that you meant 780, well consider thart they are using a premium headband in a 250.00 headphones instead...LOL...just a joke...BTW how much is the PS-1, GS1000, HP1, 2, 3, etc...those prices are not for the faint of heart neither...Even on the Orpheus the headband is not that good neither...!!!

My humble opinion is:

I heard yesterday also the Denons, to me they are a joke in comparison to the UE9's soundwise, not sure if thye were modded or not, but I strongly doubt the mod that I have heard around here will make them anything similar to the R-10 or the UE9, becasue the difference is huge!!! But I may need to be sure if they were the modded ones, otherwise I prefer to listen them first to conclude that...aside from that the only the I'm missing from the current production headphones is the JVC woodie, and according to what I have read I expect the same fiasco....so IMHO I consider personally the Editions as the best current production dynamic headphone nowdays, it has some issues, of course, but to my ears none of the rest gives you what I get from the ED9properly amped...
May 6, 2008 at 5:44 PM Post #78 of 168
Alberto: "What 280 are you referring to, there is no (added) 280 in the current line of Ultrasone, I think that you meant 780,"

Johnny, can we say 780? Ok, again repeat after me, 780. . . . . ah, . . ok. . . 2 . . I mean . . . . 7. . . 8 . gah . . 0 I got it, I got it!! 380!!

Look again Johnny. Oh . . .. time for the pills again and not the ones you found on the ground this time, they started all this, remember?
May 6, 2008 at 6:40 PM Post #79 of 168
Just received mine 30 mins ago....numero 1028.

First initial impressions before I hung them to burn awhile: I am going to have to turn the OD of my ears down on my lathe...man is it tight in there! The good thing is, once they're on, they're on. The pair I tried months ago must have been worked in, I don't remember them being this tight.

Anyway....very relaxed presentation, quite laid back actually. Very deep bass. Ella's voice was a bit set back opposed to the Denon's & AKG's. As long as all the detail is there, I prefer a mid-hall stage. More to say when they have more hours on them. So far, better than I remember them....

System used in: Marantz SA8001 - Cardas Golden Reference rca - WA6 Max'd. All plugged into an MIT Z-Center conditioner with Cardas & Lessloss cords.
May 6, 2008 at 6:59 PM Post #80 of 168
Also received mine 30 min ago... #1108, but I was told that they were still waiting for 8 more units to arrive.

Wow, they are the PRO2500 with everything improved... Mid are so much better. Lower treble or higher mid a bit recessed imho. The bass are just marvelous. Let's the burn-in begin!
May 6, 2008 at 7:23 PM Post #81 of 168
I have built very nice and extensive AC purifiers with some of the best toroids on the market, weighing over 50 pounds (20 plus kg's) but alas the one I use most often is in storage. So what do I notice with my Woo 6 Modified, I have it connected to a heavy duty strip but with all types of garbage hooked in as well so I put it straight into the wall. I don't know about myself sometimes. Anyway the sound of the 6 improved even more, with more transparency and dimension and of course this translates into what I am hearing on the Edition 9, which is resolving everything, I mean everything. Finger picks of a guitar are heard that I have never heard before.

Number 1108, mightly close to that magic number of 1111. Well it will be interesting to see if Ultrasone Germany, who told Ultrasone US that, that would be it, holds true.
May 6, 2008 at 8:30 PM Post #82 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have built very nice and extensive AC purifiers with some of the best toroids on the market, weighing over 50 pounds (20 plus kg's) but alas the one I use most often is in storage. So what do I notice with my Woo 6 Modified, I have it connected to a heavy duty strip but with all types of garbage hooked in as well so I put it straight into the wall. I don't know about myself sometimes. Anyway the sound of the 6 improved even more, with more transparency and dimension and of course this translates into what I am hearing on the Edition 9, which is resolving everything, I mean everything. Finger picks of a guitar are heard that I have never heard before.

Number 1108, mightly close to that magic number of 1111. Well it will be interesting to see if Ultrasone Germany, who told Ultrasone US that, that would be it, holds true.


Some amps like the conditioning, but most I have found, prefer the wall...with a good cord. This is my experience with big home amps, VTL, ARC. This is my first head amp, so I thought I'd try it filtered, as the MIT allows enough current. I will try it from the wall to see if I pick up some goodness. It's usually one way or the other....almost like polarity swapping.
It doesn't surprise me one bit you heard that much of an improvement when getting it out of that strip.

Yes, it will be interesting if #1112 pops up soon.

I actually had the crazy idea to keep the ED9 boxed up in case the supply dried up, for a nice resale. That idea went bye-bye as soon as the brown truck rolled up this morning. LOL
May 6, 2008 at 8:39 PM Post #83 of 168
Besides, since the future is so fickle, we may not be here tomorrow.

Yes, I know that some amps don't like the filtering. The last toroid filter I built works great with my Cary Six Pac balanced amps and with the dac plugged in as well but the toroid is specially built for this purpose and has over 50 pounds of copper. My preamp, which has never liked any filtering does not like this one either so it goes straight into the wall.

The Woo 6 appears to be very sensitive to the AC, which is likely because there isn't a lot of filtering within the power supply. I have found that with the addition of inductors and more cap filtering that the rectifier tube and line filtering has less and less effect (I haven't added an inductor to the 6 as I question whether there is room and then the electromagnetic field put of by an inductor could be a problem in this close environment).
May 6, 2008 at 8:44 PM Post #84 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The Woo 6 appears to be very sensitive to the AC, which is likely because there isn't a lot of filtering within the power supply. I have found that with the addition of inductors and more cap filtering that the rectifier tube and line filtering has less and less effect.

You oughta know....you've been into that amp more than most.
May 6, 2008 at 9:35 PM Post #86 of 168

First initial impressions before I hung them to burn awhile: I am going to have to turn the OD of my ears down on my lathe...man is it tight in there! The good thing is, once they're on, they're on. The pair I tried months ago must have been worked in, I don't remember them being this tight.

Yeah, I thought they were going to crush my head in when I first got mine. You can bend them in the middle by holding on to each side of the pad on top and press your thumb down in the middle.
May 7, 2008 at 12:39 AM Post #89 of 168
People probably have already answer to this, but why is it said it is not a limited edition on their website?


Due to the great feed-back regarding the sold out “Edition7 limited” series, the Edition9 headphones have been developed to meet our customers special requests in design and sound. Edition9 is not limited and disposes of the highest quality materials and the most precise and natural sound appearance.


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