Woo Hoo. . . Got my Edition 9 . . wooo hooo . . best current production headphones. . . ? and I love them.
May 7, 2008 at 12:56 AM Post #91 of 168

Originally Posted by Kel Ghu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
People probably have already answer to this, but why is it said it is not a limited edition on their website?

I asked Ultrasone US about that a while back and they said it was a translation error and that they were referring to no limitation to quality. They told me this twice because I really wanted to know if they were limited or not. That is all I know.

I am listening to Jethro Tull, Aqua Lung, and while I have enjoyed this music too much in the past because of the lack of dimension these phones and the 6 Modified are sucking out the last bit of space and depth and this is actually much more enjoyable now. It throws Jethro back a little making for a much better sound scape. I wonder if I could find number 1009? :^)
May 7, 2008 at 3:27 AM Post #92 of 168
Well, my HE60/HEV70 cleared customs yesterday, which I procured with my Edition 9 and a fair amount of cash. Should have it here in a day or two.

I had the sequential serial numbers, and have been fighting the urge to buy a new pair and trade it for my #439 back (to go with #440 that I have now). So far I have been successful in fighting the urges, my Preciousssss issss Jealousssss...
May 7, 2008 at 3:44 AM Post #93 of 168
So you gave up your bass light version? (kidding on the bass light, don't want to spread any rumors). I look forward to your impression of your new ear trampolines.
May 7, 2008 at 2:41 PM Post #94 of 168
Heard yesterday from NSL that my ED9's are due in tomorrow. Am looking forward to comparing to ALO 780. What is the typical break-in time requirement for the ED9's?
May 7, 2008 at 3:30 PM Post #95 of 168
Yeah, HeadphoneAddict, I'd like to know what you think also. As I thought the HE60\HEV70 was the worst sounding >$30 headphone system I've ever heard.

While the ED9\SinglePower is easily the best headphone system I've ever heard.
May 7, 2008 at 8:02 PM Post #96 of 168
Ok I have talked with Northernsound and Ultrasone today.

Here are the informations that I got :

- Northernsound will receive a new shipment of Ed.9 in the next days.
- They don't want to sell me the Ed.9 because I'm living in Canada

- The Edition 9 is still in production.
- Ultrasone has a new distributor in North America, Ultrasone Inc. based in California.

I will contact Ultrasone Inc. tomorrow to see how I can purchase the Ed.9 for a delivery in Canada.

May 7, 2008 at 8:40 PM Post #98 of 168

Originally Posted by pfillion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok I have talked with Northernsound and Ultrasone today.

Here are the informations that I got :

- Northernsound will receive a new shipment of Ed.9 in the next days.
- They don't want to sell me the Ed.9 because I'm living in Canada

- The Edition 9 is still in production.
- Ultrasone has a new distributor in North America, Ultrasone Inc. based in California.

I will contact Ultrasone Inc. tomorrow to see how I can purchase the Ed.9 for a delivery in Canada.


Did they say for how much longer they will be in production?
May 7, 2008 at 11:23 PM Post #100 of 168

Originally Posted by bdh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, HeadphoneAddict, I'd like to know what you think also. As I thought the HE60\HEV70 was the worst sounding >$30 headphone system I've ever heard.

While the ED9\SinglePower is easily the best headphone system I've ever heard.

Yeah, I've heard bad things about the HEV70. I'll actually be driving the HE60 with my Stax SRM-1 Mk2 amp, since they have been Stax terminated by Rudistor.

At some point I'll get a Headamp KGSS or KGBH, or a Woo GES, or whatever Ray Samuels is cooking up for his HE60.
May 7, 2008 at 11:47 PM Post #101 of 168
My company has an office in California, I will try to see with them if they can arrange something for me.

Apparantly Ultrasone will have their own reseller in Canada soon.

Gladstone, they have only mentionned that the Edition 9 are still in production right now, I presume that the rumor about the limited number of 1111 was false..


Originally Posted by dan_can /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you know anyone in states who's willing to help out? That's what I did. It's hard to beat NSL's price.

May 8, 2008 at 12:57 AM Post #102 of 168
Yeah, if they go past the 1111 number then it was something but the information came directly from Ultrasone so it is something they promoted.
May 8, 2008 at 8:55 AM Post #103 of 168

I've got the same setup as you (Predator with 750hr and Edition 9 with 30hr), you said you notice no sibilance (before 20hr of burnin). I am experiencing sibilance with mine. I can listen to my Edition 9 only at low/mid volume depending on the song. Oddly, I don't find my PRO2500 sibilant anymore since I got my Edition 9. I am really sensitive to highs and usually don't like very bright cans.
May 8, 2008 at 9:06 AM Post #104 of 168

Originally Posted by Kel Ghu /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've got the same setup as you (Predator with 750hr and Edition 9 with 30hr), you said you notice no sibilance (before 20hr of burnin). I am experiencing sibilance with mine. I can listen to my Edition 9 only at low/mid volume depending on the song. Oddly, I don't find my PRO2500 sibilant anymore since I got my Edition 9. I am really sensitive to highs and usually don't like very bright cans.

As we said here all the time, synergy is all about there is no one size fits all...to be a very amp good for some heapdhones, doesn't mean that will be very good for all of them...
May 8, 2008 at 10:20 AM Post #105 of 168

Originally Posted by pfillion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok I have talked with Northernsound and Ultrasone today.

Here are the informations that I got :

- Northernsound will receive a new shipment of Ed.9 in the next days.
- They don't want to sell me the Ed.9 because I'm living in Canada

- The Edition 9 is still in production.
- Ultrasone has a new distributor in North America, Ultrasone Inc. based in California.
I will contact Ultrasone Inc. tomorrow to see how I can purchase the Ed.9 for a delivery in Canada.


So all the rumour that the Ed9 were going to be discontinued once the unit 1111 were produced has an explanation. It's finally true that "there's something about Ultrasone..."


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