100+ Head-Fier
Do you know which Mullards you use? I will give them a go at some point I'm sure but I'm so happy with the stock tubes for now.
Thanks for the tip regarding the high gain. I switched over last night and it does sound better. A little more bass / sub bass was added I noticed as well.
yeah go to upscale audio website and get the mullard CV4003 ( you won't be disappointed. They are the same basic signature as stock but more extended and more dynamic with tighter bass and smoother more extended highs. They are the same basic sound, but just better all across the board.
matched impedance does improve the bass and sub-bass simply because the amp is not as taxed and is therefore able to provide more power across the spectrum instead of burning it away because of an impedance mis-match. Bass and sub-bass are the first things that will be affected by a power struggle. Some say the T1 is the perfect match for a OTL (output transformer-less) amp like the Bottlehead Crack because it matches the impedance of the tube output stage directly without transformer and therefore is one less component getting between you and your music. You might want to take a look at buying or building a Bottlehead if the T1 is your main cans but the WA is also a very good amp for them.
I concur with groovyd on his comments regarding the sound signature of the Mullard CV4003. I purchased these Mullards for my new WA7tp from Upscale Audio after doing a lot of research on the 12AU7 tubes. For my ears, they are a perfect match for the sound signature I was after.