Woo Audio WA7TP (tube power supply) Impressions Thread

Jan 24, 2016 at 10:21 AM Post #1,051 of 1,118
Do you know which Mullards you use? I will give them a go at some point I'm sure but I'm so happy with the stock tubes for now.
Thanks for the tip regarding the high gain. I switched over last night and it does sound better. A little more bass / sub bass was added I noticed as well.

yeah go to upscale audio website and get the mullard CV4003  (http://www.upscaleaudio.com/mullard-cv4003-12au7-vintage-new-old-stock/) you won't be disappointed.  They are the same basic signature as stock but more extended and more dynamic with tighter bass and smoother more extended highs.  They are the same basic sound, but just better all across the board.
matched impedance does improve the bass and sub-bass simply because the amp is not as taxed and is therefore able to provide more power across the spectrum instead of burning it away because of an impedance mis-match.  Bass and sub-bass are the first things that will be affected by a power struggle.  Some say the T1 is the perfect match for a OTL (output transformer-less) amp like the Bottlehead Crack because it matches the impedance of the tube output stage directly without transformer and therefore is one less component getting between you and your music.  You might want to take a look at buying or building a Bottlehead if the T1 is your main cans but the WA is also a very good amp for them.

I concur with groovyd on his comments regarding the sound signature of the Mullard CV4003.  I purchased these Mullards for my new WA7tp from Upscale Audio after doing a lot of research on the 12AU7 tubes.  For my ears, they are a perfect match for the sound signature I was after.
Feb 7, 2016 at 5:47 PM Post #1,052 of 1,118
Hello all,
So got the 4003 Mullards, I think from 1984.
I've only done about 4 hours on them but already can hear the differences over stock.
I agree with one review that to start with I was a little disappointed. They do all areas well but nothing blew me away.
Then about 2 hours in something changed. Not sure what but I hopped over to Radiohead's Ok Computer (flac) and got totally lost in the sound. I ended up playing the whole album and it was like nothing I've ever heard. I must have played that album 100 times so know it like the back of my hand but honestly this was on a different level. I'm very new to hi-end gear so can best describe the experience as being inside of the music rather than listening to it.
I hope that makes sense.
Very excited about doing some more listening again tonight.
Feb 8, 2016 at 1:57 PM Post #1,053 of 1,118
  Hello all,
So got the 4003 Mullards, I think from 1984.
I've only done about 4 hours on them but already can hear the differences over stock.
I agree with one review that to start with I was a little disappointed. They do all areas well but nothing blew me away.
Then about 2 hours in something changed. Not sure what but I hopped over to Radiohead's Ok Computer (flac) and got totally lost in the sound. I ended up playing the whole album and it was like nothing I've ever heard. I must have played that album 100 times so know it like the back of my hand but honestly this was on a different level. I'm very new to hi-end gear so can best describe the experience as being inside of the music rather than listening to it.
I hope that makes sense.
Very excited about doing some more listening again tonight.

50-100 hours run-time seems to be the typical norm for completely breaking in tubes and for the final sound and tonal quality to settle in. 
Mar 5, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #1,054 of 1,118
Curious since a lot of Audeze headphone users in this thread. I use the EL-8's closed. I wanted to know if anyone compared this to the Deckard amp dac combo? (I know the deckard might be out classed)
Mar 5, 2016 at 10:15 PM Post #1,055 of 1,118
Is there an easy fix for one of the tube holder LEDs going out on my WA7?  Can't imagine shipping both ways and weeks and other costs to send it back just for that.  Is it something i can get at without entirely opening it up? off the shelf part?
Mar 6, 2016 at 2:43 AM Post #1,056 of 1,118
  Is there an easy fix for one of the tube holder LEDs going out on my WA7?  Can't imagine shipping both ways and weeks and other costs to send it back just for that.  Is it something i can get at without entirely opening it up? off the shelf part?

It's an easy repair at the shop. Ship just the unit, no glass, no power supply. email to info@wooaudio.com for shipping address.
Mar 20, 2016 at 3:25 AM Post #1,059 of 1,118
Hello all,
Just a heads up that I'm sadly selling my practically new WA7TP on Head-Fi due to needing a portable setup for travel.
If you're in Australia and want to take a look please see:
Mar 24, 2016 at 4:39 PM Post #1,063 of 1,118
I got a hold of Mike and he mentioned that the details on the upgrade process will come out after they catch up one the influx of recent orders.
In other news, I'll be joining the WA7tp family for the second time! Plan on feeding it with my Mojo until I can upgrade to the Sabre. Now I just need to figure out what tubes to roll in the power supply... Any suggestions for a Grado head who likes thumpy bass, rich mids, and detailed, but not razor-edged treble?
Apr 14, 2016 at 4:56 PM Post #1,065 of 1,118
I got a hold of Mike and he mentioned that the details on the upgrade process will come out after they catch up one the influx of recent orders.

In other news, I'll be joining the WA7tp family for the second time! Plan on feeding it with my Mojo until I can upgrade to the Sabre. Now I just need to figure out what tubes to roll in the power supply... Any suggestions for a Grado head who likes thumpy bass, rich mids, and detailed, but not razor-edged treble?

I've moved up to a WA22 so I'm selling off all my WA7tp power supply tubes. I have the Phillips ECC82s, NOS Mullard CV4003s, and some CBS Hytron 5814s and 12AU7s. I also have the EH gold pins for the amp section. All with minimal use. Anyone in this thread can PM me if interested instead of searching through ebay!

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