With every hair that falls out, a little part of me dies...
Jan 21, 2008 at 9:02 PM Post #16 of 51
It's pretty tramatic losing your hair, especially while you're single. I actually got more dates when I lost my hair and shaved my head, so I think the stereotypes aren't quite correct. Accepting it is the best thing if you can.
Jan 21, 2008 at 10:53 PM Post #17 of 51
Don't worry about it too much. Women only seem to complain about lame attempts to hide it.

I haven't thinned, but the the silver ones have been multiplying since I was 22. Keeping it short sorta blends them in, but I'll never color my hair. Make the best with what you have and you'll be fine.
Jan 21, 2008 at 11:22 PM Post #18 of 51
I remember feeling the same way.
I had the worst zits and nothing helped that as I was alergic to retain A.I kept Stridex in buisness for 4 long years.Then in a month or so it got much better 19 or so by the time I was 21 I satrted to lose my hair.by 26 I had to shave my head. and at 41 I am mostly bauld.You might not want to hear this but as a guy with a Matser Barber's licence I can say with some expertease if you have male pattern baldness forget all the rip off products on TV they simply make you look stupid and make someone else ritch.
You can slow the prosses with rogain but the day you stop takeing it nature takes over.You will have the same hair line as your mothers father as human DNA tends to dictate that. I am 41 and have a 27 year old trophy wife so stop freakin about it,Yes, most women love a full head of hair but it's not the first thing they think of when entering a relation ship and it will help you weed out the ones you wouldnt want to be with in the long run.Goraman
Jan 21, 2008 at 11:26 PM Post #19 of 51
Like other types of seminal tissue, hair follicles are sensitive to heat. My hair has thinned since I was young, but the loss has slowed to almost nothing since I have been washing and rinsing what's left with cool water. Your mileage may vary.

Jan 21, 2008 at 11:33 PM Post #20 of 51
This is turning into an ode to the metrosexual.
Oh dear my hair is falling out, rends shirt, beats chest, cries. Has back waxed!

I started losing my hair thirty years ago. I have never worried about it and never will. Despite what people think, most women do not care if a man is follicly challenged. If they do, why would you want to know them? Man talk about shallow!

Jan 21, 2008 at 11:48 PM Post #21 of 51

Originally Posted by The Pieman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is turning into an ode to the metrosexual.
Oh dear my hair is falling out, rends shirt, beats chest, cries. Has back waxed!

I started losing my hair thirty years ago. I have never worried about it and never will. Despite what people think, most women do not care if a man is follicly challenged. If they do, why would you want to know them? Man talk about shallow!


I think you protest too much.
Jan 22, 2008 at 12:17 AM Post #22 of 51

Originally Posted by rlanger /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't worry, you're actually not really losing much hair. You should notice that it's just being repurposed to other parts of your body as you age!

It's most likely coming out your nose and ears (and maybe some nether regions) instead of your head!!

Enjoy the ride.


That's funny....wait, no it isn't.
OP, try Noixin.
I've been using the shampoo & conditioner since the summer. It's stopped my loss and I may have regained some hair. Feels good too, nice tingle.

Tried Rogaine, but it' so damm messy and makes the hair you have stick together. Yuck.
Jan 22, 2008 at 12:31 AM Post #23 of 51

Originally Posted by Lazarus Short /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think you protest too much.


Jan 22, 2008 at 1:11 AM Post #24 of 51
Yup, I'm in the same boat. Over the last few years I've noticed that the top front and top rear of my scalp have been thinning. I don't loose much hair when I shampoo, but thin spots on my scalp are noticeable.
Jan 22, 2008 at 1:17 AM Post #25 of 51
Best thing about losing hair is that, at some point, you can kiss the barber and that expense goodbye.

For $15 or so at any K-Mart, etc. you can buy a decent electric clipper set. Put a paper towel in the bathroom sink, put the 1/8" comb (1/4" in winter, perhaps) on the clipper, flip it on, put your head down, and run the clipper over your head, back and forth, until no more hair comes off. Almost all of the hair should be caught in the paper towel, which makes clean up easy.

You do have to trim a bit around your ears, then use a mirror to clean up your neck.....but as long as you do it once per week or so, it's a breeze. Takes me only a couple of minutes.

And yes, I thought it was hilarious last year when some member (obviously quite young) posted, in amazement, that he saw an ad for a nose and ear hair trimmer, wondering who on earth would actually use something like that.
Jan 22, 2008 at 1:55 AM Post #26 of 51
Strikes terror into your soul when you first discover it, but I've more or less accepted it now. If I can make it to forty with my hair I'll be happy.
Thing is my maternal grandfather has a full head of hair at eighty, so I think that it a bit of a myth.
Jan 22, 2008 at 2:31 AM Post #27 of 51

Originally Posted by wrecked_porsche /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was pretty bummed out when I first noticed my thinning hair, worst is when a few friends started mentioning it...

Look on the bright side of things!

Tell friends that hair loss is caused by excess of testosterone. That's shuts up most of them.
Jan 22, 2008 at 2:32 AM Post #28 of 51
I wish mine would continue, so I wouldn't have to shave my head. I hated the hair I had. Glad to see it go!
Jan 22, 2008 at 4:31 AM Post #29 of 51
I think my hair started thinning around mid-teens, but since my draconian school mandated that all boys kept a buzz cut, I didn't notice it. When I was finally old enough to start attending a university, curiosity took hold and I wanted to see how I looked like with long hair - that's when I started to notice that the hair on top of my head is thin as F, although those at the side are fine.

I persisted anyways, just for laughs and giggles. Then the novelty wore off once I started realising that keeping a head of long hair looking good is a real B. I'm still keeping it long for now, but I'll soon shave my head clean.

My personal advice/pat-in-the-back?

*whistle* Always look on the bright side of life *whistle*

1. Instant dry hair.
2. Clean headphones.
3. Hair doesn't obstruct headphone.
4. No headphone hair.
5. Save on shampoo and conditioner.
6. Overall less hair maintenance.

And the list goes on...
Jan 22, 2008 at 5:57 AM Post #30 of 51

Originally Posted by Lad27
Tell friends that hair loss is caused by excess of testosterone. That's shuts up most of them.

I told one guy that, he was kinda shocked/skeptical of that...

Then two years later, his(same guy) hair is slightly starting to thin, and he told me he was starting to worry...

Payback FTW! What goes around comes around!


Originally Posted by Austin 3:16
I wish mine would continue, so I wouldn't have to shave my head. I hated the hair I had. Glad to see it go!

First time I've heard someone wants it to continue...

Most guys are busy saving whats left!

But then again, sometimes I wish that too, I mean if its gonna go, ALL of the bloody hair might as well go right? Its the half @$$ed~ness that gets to me. Its neither here nor there.

I wish that it will all just fall off too, that way no need for haircuts!

Stone Cold Steve Austin FTW !


Originally Posted by huhwhat

1. Instant dry hair.
2. Clean headphones.
3. Hair doesn't obstruct headphone.
4. No headphone hair.
5. Save on shampoo and conditioner.
6. Overall less hair maintenance.

And the list goes on...

Add to that:
7. No bad hair day
8. Windy days are not a problem anymore
9. Leave the house without having to look in the mirror
10. If you're late for something, #9 is a real bonus!

Yeah, once a person experiences these things, they'll wonder why they didn't shave off everything in the first place! I know I did!

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