With every hair that falls out, a little part of me dies...
Jan 28, 2008 at 1:27 AM Post #46 of 51
Yup I've been thinning out for the past couple of years. Its in my genes, my brother, dad, and his twin brother are all bald. Actually I feel proud in that I have outlasted them by years so far. When the time comes, I will just shave it all off, bald is sexy no? It's just hair but I understand how it can effect your self-concept.
Jan 28, 2008 at 3:30 PM Post #47 of 51
I have so far not experienced any hair loss at all (I'm 36).
Looking at my close family I don't think I have anything to fear either. My dad still have lots of hair (he's 59) and so does his dad (he's 93)...
Jan 28, 2008 at 8:44 PM Post #48 of 51
I'm 24 and noticed thinning in college. At this point I've just cut it short and accepted it (it's mostly gone on top anyway). I felt sorry for myself for a few months, but I got over it and it rarely even crosses my mind anymore.

If anything it has helped my career because people assume I am older than I am and give me quite a bit more respect than some of my peers. To date, I have been tremendously successful in my field.

I'll echo the comment that women are more put off by failing attempts to hide hair loss than baldness itself. A confident bald guy is going to outclass a self conscious guy any day. FWIW, I don't consider myself a particularly attractive guy, but my wife is gorgeous (far out of my league) and she has told me my confidence is what initially attracted her.

Edit: I forgot to add that I considered all the treatments and whatnot, but decided that if I'm supposed to be bald, I might as well be bald and not devote precious moments of my life to fighting a losing battle. Now if someone comes up with a treatment someday that takes <2 hours (one time) and will replace all my hair forever and it costs under $500, I'll consider it, but I don't think it will happen.
Feb 12, 2008 at 4:37 PM Post #49 of 51

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have so far not experienced any hair loss at all (I'm 36).
Looking at my close family I don't think I have anything to fear either. My dad still have lots of hair (he's 59) and so does his dad (he's 93)...

The baldness genes are carried on your mother's side, not father's.
Feb 12, 2008 at 4:38 PM Post #50 of 51

Originally Posted by Shiesty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^^^leave now and don't come back. =)

Feb 12, 2008 at 5:26 PM Post #51 of 51

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
man, i wish I could share some of mine with you guys. My hair is actually the OPPOSITE of receding. the first hairs on the top of your forehead are supposed to stand straight up. My hairline is so forward they actually face outward because they are growing down the first centimeter of my forehead. And talk about thickness. Its like bear fur. If I grow it out even a full inch its like a giant ball of puff, like the individual hairs are all jockeying for position on my scalp. My dads head of hair is also a huge mass. The problem here is that its IMPOSSIBLE to manage. I have the opposite problem of most people in this thread.


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