Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)

May 12, 2020 at 10:08 PM Post #3,496 of 4,301
@Armaegis, true this is certainly not breaking any totally new ground. That said, if it provides even small FR and linearity improvements than my V7s I will be satisfied with the upgrade. It has also been a very interesting process to work with @Rubin to recreate and 3-d print my baffles so I can swap V7 and V9 drivers like swapping pads. And by work, he's done 90% of the work!

As for the foam, If I like how they sound pressure fit into the baffle I plan to glue them in place permanently so im not too worried about it. If I ever want to change drivers, I will reprint a new set of baffles and start again.

What kind of glue would you use to fill in all that space previously taken up by the foam? Or would you glue a plastic spacer in first?
May 13, 2020 at 12:53 PM Post #3,497 of 4,301
What kind of glue would you use to fill in all that space previously taken up by the foam? Or would you glue a plastic spacer in first?
I'm sure a spacer could be printed relatively quickly if needed. As for glue do you have suggestions? My v7s were cobbled together with basic hot glue, but there is no doubt better options out there. One reason I used hot glue in my previous build is the need to fill space around the driver in the baffle. No longer the case so open to recommendations.
May 13, 2020 at 10:03 PM Post #3,498 of 4,301
Heh, all this fancy 3d printing... crazy how much that has become a "thing" in recent years. That was something only possible in big labs back when I was in school.

All things considered, hot glue is actually rather good considering it's a solid yet flexible bond that can absorb vibrations. If you need to take up a lot of space, a homemade sugru is also doable.

Gorilla glue is strong, but it's awful messy stuff since it foams up.

I've used a lot of rubber cement in the past and had good results. I don't remember the name of it, but it was one that you had to apply and let tack for a couple minutes before pressing the surfaces together.

For an all-purpose white glue, I like Weldbond.
May 18, 2020 at 10:08 PM Post #3,499 of 4,301
When things settle down with my parents in the next couple of weeks I'm going to reprint the current baffle with a slightly larger opening (the last one was too narrow) and an optional spacer to use without the foam. I've used the same type of foam that's on the Symphones drivers before, and no adhesive I tried would stick to the stuff. That being said, the foam seems grippy enough to secure the driver in place. But if you want a more rigid fit, then LocTite or VibraTite should keep the driver and spacer securely in place.
May 20, 2020 at 2:13 PM Post #3,500 of 4,301
Hey guys! Just came across this site this morning - I'm wondering if anybody knows where (if anywhere) I can locally pick up a budget friendly, small amp, like the SMSL SA-36A. I'll be using it to drive a pair of Paradigm Tital v.3's in a very small room.
May 20, 2020 at 3:27 PM Post #3,501 of 4,301
Hey guys! Just came across this site this morning - I'm wondering if anybody knows where (if anywhere) I can locally pick up a budget friendly, small amp, like the SMSL SA-36A. I'll be using it to drive a pair of Paradigm Tital v.3's in a very small room.
I have a Topping tp21 amp I would sell you for pretty cheap. It's been modified so its not pretty but its more userfriendly and sounds cleaner. PM if interested.
May 23, 2020 at 7:02 PM Post #3,503 of 4,301
Picked up the TP-21 from rifi today and finished setting up my listening station! The amp has way more jam than I was expecting, definitely the right amount of power for the room.

The top-end is a bit harsh though, not exactly sure where that's coming from. Ive had these speakers for over a decade, but literally everything else has changed in the last couple days, so I don't know where the issue is coming from. I'll mess around for a while with it, but I'm pretty happy!


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May 23, 2020 at 10:43 PM Post #3,504 of 4,301
The top-end is a bit harsh though, not exactly sure where that's coming from. Ive had these speakers for over a decade, but literally everything else has changed in the last couple days, so I don't know where the issue is coming from. I'll mess around for a while with it, but I'm pretty happy!

Are you sitting much more nearfield to those compared to how you listened in the past? Judging by the size of the speakers relative to the desk, my first thought is that you're too close to the speakers and they don't have the time to establish coherence between the tweeter and woofer. Angling upwards might help a bit, or the old trick of taping toilet paper in front of the tweeter.
May 24, 2020 at 7:32 PM Post #3,505 of 4,301
Are you sitting much more nearfield to those compared to how you listened in the past? Judging by the size of the speakers relative to the desk, my first thought is that you're too close to the speakers and they don't have the time to establish coherence between the tweeter and woofer. Angling upwards might help a bit, or the old trick of taping toilet paper in front of the tweeter.
Actually, yeah, with this placement I'm maybe a foot and a half closer than I was before. Haven't been able to do much today, but I'll try angling them up tomorrow. Thanks!
May 24, 2020 at 8:40 PM Post #3,506 of 4,301
The desk looks short enough that you shouldn't be getting too much weird reflection off it, but yeah take a moment and just scoot yourself a few feet back and see how it sounds. Adjust your chair up and down. Is there a hard wall right behind you? (or beside?)

Common speaker recommendations tell people to aim the tweeters at ear level, but in nearfield the speaker axis might be pointed downwards so you lift or aim the tweeters above your ears.
Jun 8, 2020 at 6:41 PM Post #3,507 of 4,301
Jul 31, 2020 at 9:13 PM Post #3,508 of 4,301
How's everybody doing these days?
I was thinking maybe we could have a low key meetup sometime.
Sharing gear optional given the circumstances, but it'd be nice to see some friendly faces, toss some stuff on the bbq, etc.
Jul 31, 2020 at 10:40 PM Post #3,509 of 4,301
That's a great idea. I won't speak for anyone else, but this has been a trying time. I'm prone to anxiety, and the pandemic has just been a constant "thing" on my mind. At least I'm busy working, so the distraction is welcome. How's everyone else coping?
Jul 31, 2020 at 11:50 PM Post #3,510 of 4,301
It's been pretty sucky for me to be honest. My primary socializing outlet was as a dance and event organizer. That world has been completely upheaved and I feel quite lost. So much of my identity rests on being a "doer" for others, providing lessons or venues or simply a meeting ground for everyone gather. Now all I do is just work, and that's not healthy. Perhaps a small saving grace is that I joined a D&D group in January, so there's a small outlet there. I've tried putting together my own game but it's tough to wrangle people's schedules.

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