Why do you wake up everyday?
May 10, 2007 at 2:24 AM Post #32 of 93
I want to say this:

Have you ever visited a nursing home? My mom used to work at one. Spend a few days there and I will guarentee that you will be so glad that you are young and in high school. Seriously, that is hell. Your life is not really that bad. Have you ever spent time in a nasty ghetto too like in some of the cities in the U.S? That also sucks.

Living in a middle class area in high school in boring Ohio may suck really bad but nothing compared to what I mentioned. Be grateful for what you have! or at least find a nice woman since your 18.....could make a big difference. Or a nice man...if that's your preference.
May 10, 2007 at 2:34 AM Post #33 of 93
You have to ask? Yes...they are the fruit of my loins....

May 10, 2007 at 2:35 AM Post #34 of 93
Some pretty good responses in here.

But honestly, it sounds like you just need some direction in life. Having a special someone helps, as does going to the gym regularly, etc... Take charge of your life, I can't tell you how great it feels when you've got a hold on life instead of just letting it drag you from one even to the next.

A lot of the time going out with some friends helps. I'm a car guy so whenever I can go driving or karting, or work on a car with my friends I take the opportunity. I pretty much live alone (long story) and it can be depressing sometimes. Go out there, meet some people and have some fun, even if you don't feel like it (you generally enjoy yourself even if you just feel like moping).

By far the best part of life is doing things that you enjoy with people you love.
May 10, 2007 at 2:40 AM Post #35 of 93
I get up because I have to work which sucks, even when it's a good job.

Some people live to work, some work to live... I'm in the latter group. Having to work for a living will always suck for me. I have better things to waste my time on than sitting in an office all day. Work buys the toys but also uses up all the time you need to enjoy them.

Welcome to the endless turd sandwich that is your working life
May 10, 2007 at 2:41 AM Post #36 of 93
Zzzzzz, huh, wake up?
May 10, 2007 at 2:46 AM Post #37 of 93

Originally Posted by Spareribs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I want to say this:

Have you ever visited a nursing home? My mom used to work at one. Spend a few days there and I will guarentee that you will be so glad that you are young and in high school. Seriously, that is hell. Your life is not really that bad. Have you ever spent time in a nasty ghetto too like in some of the cities in the U.S? That also sucks.

Living in a middle class area in high school in boring Ohio may suck really bad but nothing compared to what I mentioned. Be grateful for what you have!

But he dosn't live in a ghetto, or in a old folks home, and he is the same as everyone else, by adapting to what they "have". What he has, is what he has. And assuming he is "lucky" or should be glad, is so incorrect for you to judge.

The guy with a million bucks in the bank, has the same "right" or judgment, as the guy with no home, no family, and broke on the street. Both their problems are the same, both of their negative outlook, is no greater or nor less. Trying to tweak that, or assuming someone should be happier then someone else, based on material or ANYTHING, is pretty whacked and so false.

His life is as horrid, as he says it is, when compared to his own. Could it be more fun or enjoyable, then living in a box? Sure, but thats for him to decide.

Nobody else's misfortunes should ever be compared when judging your own, for how "happy or sad" one should feel.

DON'T BE GRATEFUL for what you have. Its yours, whether you earned it or not.
May 10, 2007 at 2:48 AM Post #40 of 93

Originally Posted by Spareribs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, I didn't know your were still in high school. So maybe you can discount my post to a degree in some ways.

When I was a senior in high school, I hated life. I even hated college too. I love my life now that I am out of school. IMO, school sucks, even college.

People say that your best years in life are in college and high school. I have to disagree. Life after school is so much better.

Well that's debatable, but usually when you're in high school and college you're old enough to do many things, but don't have the responsibility of holding a full-time job and supporting yourself. You're in college, living mostly off of student loans (or in my case, mommy and daddy help out, whichever), stressing occasionally for midterms etc, but not constantly.

Plus, there's the whole social thing, usually you live in dorms, are surrounded by people your age and make some great friends in college. I know I have.
May 10, 2007 at 2:56 AM Post #41 of 93
hey if your job starts to wear you down, you can always get another one. it is really about the people you work with, more than the work.
May 10, 2007 at 2:57 AM Post #42 of 93
I wake up, because I want to, not because I have to. Same with anything in my life.

I work in a job that I enjoy, and most of the times, a typical monday at 2pm or wednesday at 9am, are as enjoyable as Friday at 5pm, when I get my paycheck and leave. I am fortunate to have that, but its key (for me), to then be happy with the rest of my life.

If I didn't need to work, I would still work. If I didn't need to goto the gym each morning, or for my daily jog, I still would. If I didn't need to goto the dentist, or fill up my car at the gas station, I sure as hell wouldn't. Thats the difference for me, making sure I have ALOT more tasks thats I WANT to do, v.s not wanting to do.

If I ever feel depressed, or want to start a topic for why I get up in the morning, I just tell myself, there is a problem, and if I don't change it, its because I am too scared, stupid or lazy, to change it. being depressed is a snazzy word for being a lazy waste of space. Being upset that a family member died, or that you lost your job, is not being "depressed" but rather being upset, or in a state of unhappiness, that will pass, depending on when your ready. But thats my view
May 10, 2007 at 3:16 AM Post #43 of 93

Originally Posted by TopShelf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But he dosn't live in a ghetto, or in a old folks home, and he is the same as everyone else, by adapting to what they "have". What he has, is what he has. And assuming he is "lucky" or should be glad, is so incorrect for you to judge.

The guy with a million bucks in the bank, has the same "right" or judgment, as the guy with no home, no family, and broke on the street. Both their problems are the same, both of their negative outlook, is no greater or nor less. Trying to tweak that, or assuming someone should be happier then someone else, based on material or ANYTHING, is pretty whacked and so false.

His life is as horrid, as he says it is, when compared to his own. Could it be more fun or enjoyable, then living in a box? Sure, but thats for him to decide.

Nobody else's misfortunes should ever be compared when judging your own, for how "happy or sad" one should feel.

DON'T BE GRATEFUL for what you have. Its yours, whether you earned it or not.

You have a good point but at the same time, I firmly believe in what I stated.
I did say that his life can suck too but he's still in high school and has not really experienced the world. Yes, I hated high school too.

Time is really the best thing for him to decide if his life really sucks. After 20 years, he can be a better judge to see if life was really miserable being a senior.

But I strongly disagree with your sentiment on not being grateful for what you have. In many ways, you really should be grateful for what you have. Life is about perspectives too and that cannot be ignored.
May 10, 2007 at 3:16 AM Post #44 of 93
work is for peasants. I suggest going back and telling your parents to be wealthy landowners instead.

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