why do people demo headphones with music?
Jul 31, 2009 at 2:49 AM Post #241 of 258

Originally Posted by KONAKONA /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey guys, great argument.

Back to my earlier and only point, you listen to music on the headphones. The headphones could be complete junk but if it sounds good to you then you buy them. Moreover you can't tell things like soundstage and imaging without using music. If you went simply by frequency response and charts you'd probably end up with some studio cans. When I think studio cans, I think of HD 280s and those sony everyone-uses-them studio cans, both of which I happen to hate with a passion. You might also end up with the DT 48s, and nothing much needs to be said about those.

In any case, enjoy the argument, I'll just go listen to some music on my headphones.

Yeah, musicality can't be judged/determined by scientific testing, ect.. Headphones that would perform well in those tests like the Sen/Beyer Audio metric headphones would be loathed by many here for lack of emotion, etc, that test can not convey.. But the OP does bring up a good point.. If you are thinking about buying a 1,000 plus headphone, wouldn't you want to know how well they perform on test to see how they measure up with headphones costing much less? I would. There's a strenuous bench mark Test's for DVD players.. A lot of 'torture' test to see how they perform & stack up to other players at various price points.
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:10 AM Post #242 of 258

Originally Posted by KONAKONA /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How do you fit it into the box?

Same way they fit it into that suitcase in Pulp Fiction
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:12 AM Post #243 of 258

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, musicality can't be judged/determined by scientific testing, ect.. Headphones that would perform well in those tests like the Sen/Beyer Audio metric headphones would be loathed by many here for lack of emotion, etc, that test can not convey.. But the OP does bring up a good point.. If you are thinking about buying a 1,000 plus headphone, wouldn't you want to know how well they perform on test to see how they measure up with headphones costing much less? I would. There's a strenuous bench mark Test's for DVD players.. A lot of 'torture' test to see how they perform & stack up to other players at various price points.

I would call up one of the local head-fiers in the area with a set of 1000 dollar plus headphones and set up a secret meet to try out with my rig. If I liked the cans, I would order them. If not, it saved me a ton of money. Synergy with my rig is all I'm worried about. The graphs are just graphs, not the graph of music I am familiar with so to me they don't really tell me much. Don't care really. Go to a hi-fi shop and tell them you need the data on a piece of gear you are thinking of buying. They will probably look at you funny and ask you if you want to hear it first. The logical step.
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:42 AM Post #244 of 258
So I deleted a couple gratuitous personal attacks, and one post for attempting to circumvent the language filter. If your post was deleted, consider yourself warned. If you can't keep your posts within the pretty wide margins for what's acceptable, please stop posting.
Jul 31, 2009 at 4:05 AM Post #245 of 258
I just do not understand why even we need this thread since there is an excellent vender (Headroom) who already provides pretty much all technical information you mentioned.

I mean.... go Headroom site and look for the headphones you just purchased. Problem solved.
Jul 31, 2009 at 4:19 AM Post #246 of 258
Don't bring up Headroom, that will start a whole other argument about the accuracy of their testing.

Headphones are hard to test. Headroom will give you a basic idea, but the fact of the matter is, it's just there to give you an idea. The tests aren't very precise, accurate maybe, but not precise.

Headphones are just plain hard to test for a lot of reasons.
Aug 1, 2009 at 1:42 AM Post #249 of 258

Originally Posted by Gbjerke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Alright OP. I don't wanna read all this ********. So, your opinion is, that you should demo headphones with music, and if you can't seem to find the difference in SQ you should test them with meassurements, to see which ones the better?

I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, please explain

No. What you said is more or less correct.

Early in this thread, I argued that I wouldn't even listen to music at all, because music elicits emotional feelings which are too subjective for my taste. I said I would only use short music samples that can help me test specific traits like soundstage/transparency/etc. And of course, sin waves/etc. for technical details.

However, my personal opinion was apparently very controversial, so somewhere halfway through this thread I made a post to change my argument and concede the point.

Since that post, I've been advocating regular music + sin waves/etc. for headphone evaluations.

I'm very specific and opinionated about details though, which is the reason why I'm still arguing with several users.
Aug 1, 2009 at 1:58 AM Post #250 of 258
Well would you answer the question then? You listen to music...so you find the better headphone, right? Cause nothing else really makes sense, then you go get your pro style briefcase nd hit ehm with some meassurements? Oh wait, dayng these highs are so expanded that it hurts my ears, but HEY they're better highs..

Just godda post this again. Great song anyway. And OP, uve been smoking alot of siggaretes lately, but inside ur just a little baby. :=)

Aug 1, 2009 at 2:01 AM Post #251 of 258
The OP lost all his street cred when he put stupid sine waves in front of listening to music. Headphones are the vessel of sound to the ears. And to that I am appreciative for headphones.
Aug 1, 2009 at 2:06 AM Post #252 of 258

Originally Posted by Gbjerke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well would you answer the question then? You listen to music...so you find the better headphone, right? Cause nothing else really makes sense, then you go get your pro style briefcase nd hit ehm with some meassurements? Oh wait, dayng these mids are so expanded that it hurts, but HEY they're better mids..

Just godda post this again. Great song anyway. And OP, uve been smoking alot of siggaretes lately, but inside ur just a little baby. :=)


Answer what question?

When you go to a headphone store, do you try every headphone? Do you listen to all of the Bose, Skullcandy, and Fender headphones just "in case" your ears like them? I guarentee you that most head-fi'ers head straight for the AKGs, Beyers, Senns, and etc.

People research headphones to narrow down their choices, then audition them in person to see if they like them.

How is this different than using sin waves, FR graphs, and other technical data to single out headphones? Obviously you should still listen to some music on them before buying them, but listening to sin waves and specific music samples will never hurt. It will give you more information

more information = more educated decision = better decision = less chance of you disliking the headphones a week later
Aug 1, 2009 at 2:08 AM Post #253 of 258
@ konakona and bigpoppa, refer to my last post. it applies to your posts as well
Aug 1, 2009 at 2:12 AM Post #254 of 258

Originally Posted by jawang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Answer what question?

When you go to a headphone store, do you try every headphone? Do you listen to all of the Bose, Skullcandy, and Fender headphones just "in case" your ears like them? I guarentee you that most head-fi'ers head straight for the AKGs, Beyers, Senns, and etc.

People research headphones to narrow down their choices, then audition them in person to see if they like them.

How is this different than using sin waves, FR graphs, and other technical data to single out headphones? Obviously you should still listen to some music on them before buying them, but listening to sin waves and specific music samples will never hurt. It will give you more information

more information = more educated decision = better decision = less chance of you disliking the headphones a week later

This have been discussed on roughly every hifi site there is. About scientifcal meassurements in sound. Experts are actually quite angry at some stores only showing the specs of their audio system instead of allowing the buyrt to try it.

And hope you didnt take my comment seriousl like that other guy did.
Aug 1, 2009 at 2:14 AM Post #255 of 258

Originally Posted by Gbjerke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Like ive been the one making insults here. THis was a joke, which is the same this thread has become. After all of this i'd believe that most of you would have a slight sense of humor

But you act like this everywhere.


Originally Posted by jawang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Answer what question?

When you go to a headphone store, do you try every headphone? Do you listen to all of the Bose, Skullcandy, and Fender headphones just "in case" your ears like them? I guarentee you that most head-fi'ers head straight for the AKGs, Beyers, Senns, and etc.

People research headphones to narrow down their choices, then audition them in person to see if they like them.

How is this different than using sin waves, FR graphs, and other technical data to single out headphones? Obviously you should still listen to some music on them before buying them, but listening to sin waves and specific music samples will never hurt. It will give you more information

more information = more educated decision = better decision = less chance of you disliking the headphones a week later

Prove it.

By the way, as far as 'research' goes, I'd take impressions of a respected reviewer (Like headphoneaddict) over a graph any day.


Originally Posted by jawang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@ konakona and bigpoppa, refer to my last post. it applies to your posts as well

Editing the above post works a lot better than double posting.


Originally Posted by Gbjerke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This have been discussed on roughly every hifi site there is. About scientifcal meassurements in sound. Experts are actually quite angry at some stores only showing the specs of their audio system instead of allowing the buyrt to try it.

And hope you didnt take my comment seriousl like that other guy did.

That's what head-fi meets are for. Start saving up for canjam.

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