Who has an end game setup?
Aug 5, 2015 at 12:23 PM Post #736 of 834
  There is a nice mixture of Netherland (METRUM OCATVE), Island/US (KGSS), (BHSE), Japan (Esoteric) and Denmark (Lyngdorf AMP).
For now i reassemble the whole stuff for new Testing the component´s on both, Loudspeaker´s and Headphones.
As a new entry i add a Totaldac D1 next week to find out wheres the difference between the DAC´s.
So the Game never end´s....

Hi Karlgerman, a very impressive setup indeed! Like it.
I am on a Mac Mini for one system, and MacBook Pro for the other. I am very curious to what you find (hear) with the TotalDAC. I have heard David61's K-01 and it is very good through his 009s and BHSE. I also have the 009s and a KGSShv (headinclouds built) but use an Audio Note 4.1 R-2R non oversampling DAC. I haven't heard my DAC next to David's though.
From my impressions I would think your D-02 is very detailed and dynamic like the K-01, the TotalDAC 'may' be more organic and warmer, maybe smoother? I would guess that is the story with my Audio Note DAC, though that has tubes in the PS and output so not exactly the same as the TotalDAC. I think the NOS sound is something to behold on RedBook when the DAC is well designed, they just sound so realistic. Having said that, the K-01 as a DAC is very very good. At this level it gets to be 'flavours' as opposed to which is better. I realised some time in my search that having tubes in at least one component in the chain is good for my tastes. 
Anyway, your findings would be most interesting. The TotalDAC is cheaper than your D-02. Arnauld has the same DAC I think?
Aug 11, 2015 at 7:03 AM Post #737 of 834
You missed a big one - Abyss
Aug 11, 2015 at 7:40 AM Post #738 of 834
TotalDAC D1-Dual + HeadAmp GS-X mk2 + Sennheiser HD800 = Pure Bliss. I am still thinking of taking the Stax route with a BSHE later on, but right now, I couldn't be more satisfied.
Aug 14, 2015 at 9:36 AM Post #739 of 834
I guess my take-away after reading all 38 pages is that end-game should mean "where are you content enough to leave well enough alone and just buy music" or when you aren't constantly asking "but what if..." or "if I added..." or "if I changed..." etc and just leave things as they are. Or put another way, when everytime you sit down to listen you want to play the "how does this sound..." game, or when new music is just as exciting as new gear used to be (even after months, or years). Or when you realize that your other cans are getting almost no usage, or when new/other cans (or gear in general) hold no interest for you. And based on that criteria, I think I've been there for a while (at least a year) with the ESP/950 and W5000 (and no I haven't gone about much "amp rolling" with these - when I first got them I tried them on probably half a dozen different amp/source setups and found that I honestly don't notice much, if any, difference so I just gave up and went with the HP out on my TEAC D/A because it's (deadly) quiet and the volume control has a smooth action (and it reduces clutter/complexity substantially)). I could honestly live with either all by itself if I had to, and consider myself fortunate to have both available.

I would agree with the post (not going to be able to find the page again :xf_eek:) that posited that it's kind of a bitter-sweet resolution - the "magic" of new gear and discovery is kind of gone, but on the other hand; there's a lot of great music out there to play around with!

I voted for "other" in the poll.

Self-quoting and responding to myself with ~18 months of additional thought, and since I saw this thread was still alive (I have, admittedly, only skimmed the interceding ~12 pages):

I posted the quoted above on 3/30/14 (or 2014-3-30 for those of you that follow ISO/RFC standards) and since then (ffwd to August 2015) I've added a single headphone to my collection, one that's actually listed up above as a separate option, the Fostex TH-900.

Do the TH-900 change my opinion? No. This doesn't mean I dislike the TH-900 - I think they're splendid. I think I could happily live with just the TH-900 if I had to, just like with the W5000 or ESP/950. They're just another way to skin the same cat. This is not saying they sound the same as, or even similar to, W5000 or ESP/950. They are different. But they aren't better or worse. Without going out and spending another $10,000-$15,000 on all of the newer summit-fi cans I haven't heard (e.g. HE-1000, Abyss, Edition 5, etc (and MAN have prices gone into orbit in the last year/two!)) I'm comfortable with my original assessment that W5000 and ESP/950 are "end of the line" for me, but will add to that that anything else will, at best, be another shade of difference, like the TH-900.

So what do I take away from this (aka "what's your point, dude?")? That it's entirely possible to reach a level of satisfaction with your gear that negates constant upgrades/tweaking/etc, but still be open to, and enjoy the experience of, new gear. I haven't had any real "urge to upgrade" or "buying sprees" since the ESP/950 and W5000, and while I've on-and-off followed new releases in headphonedom, there hasn't been anything that's really gotten my blood up - that's where I'd describe "satisfaction" as living. This doesn't mean there aren't spiffy things out there, but I think I can largely take or leave them, because there's nothing that I feel needs improvement, fixing, or upgrading over where I'm already at. So any additional gear or changes is purely just playing around with a new toy for the sake of getting a new toy, like the TH-900.
Aug 14, 2015 at 11:18 AM Post #740 of 834
I am not sure I can ever reach a true End Game, but this current rig is special,

MacBook Pro with Amarra 3.03, Light Harmonic Lightspeed 10G USB cable, VPI Scout 1.1 with Dynavector 10X5 & Stillpoints LPI Long Spindle record weight.
@ALOAudio Studio Six Amplifier with L-R RCA VT-231 (6SN7 variant), Bendix JAN CEA 5992 (2), Sylvania OB2 (2) and a USAF-596 with a 2359Glenn 5U4G adapter
ALO Audio Phono Stage (Powered by the Studio Six) with Electro Harmonix 12AX7's (2) and an Electro Harmonix 6SN7
Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSDse with Femto Clock upgrade
Sennheiser HD800's with Toxic Cables Silver Widow SW22 & SW25 Cables
Aug 15, 2015 at 3:33 AM Post #741 of 834
Self-quoting and responding to myself with ~18 months of additional thought, and since I saw this thread was still alive (I have, admittedly, only skimmed the interceding ~12 pages):

I posted the quoted above on 3/30/14 (or 2014-3-30 for those of you that follow ISO/RFC standards) and since then (ffwd to August 2015) I've added a single headphone to my collection, one that's actually listed up above as a separate option, the Fostex TH-900.

Do the TH-900 change my opinion? No. This doesn't mean I dislike the TH-900 - I think they're splendid. I think I could happily live with just the TH-900 if I had to, just like with the W5000 or ESP/950. They're just another way to skin the same cat. This is not saying they sound the same as, or even similar to, W5000 or ESP/950. They are different. But they aren't better or worse. Without going out and spending another $10,000-$15,000 on all of the newer summit-fi cans I haven't heard (e.g. HE-1000, Abyss, Edition 5, etc (and MAN have prices gone into orbit in the last year/two!)) I'm comfortable with my original assessment that W5000 and ESP/950 are "end of the line" for me, but will add to that that anything else will, at best, be another shade of difference, like the TH-900.

So what do I take away from this (aka "what's your point, dude?")? That it's entirely possible to reach a level of satisfaction with your gear that negates constant upgrades/tweaking/etc, but still be open to, and enjoy the experience of, new gear. I haven't had any real "urge to upgrade" or "buying sprees" since the ESP/950 and W5000, and while I've on-and-off followed new releases in headphonedom, there hasn't been anything that's really gotten my blood up - that's where I'd describe "satisfaction" as living. This doesn't mean there aren't spiffy things out there, but I think I can largely take or leave them, because there's nothing that I feel needs improvement, fixing, or upgrading over where I'm already at. So any additional gear or changes is purely just playing around with a new toy for the sake of getting a new toy, like the TH-900.

I think that's a great take on what it means to be an end gamer in today's headfi community. I opened the doors to what I intended to be the headfi hall of fame some time ago now.
I think by making the thread endgame setup I made it very difficult to get many members but I have been introduced to some amazing setups that I would have otherwise not have had the privilege. I'm thankful to everyone who has taken the time to come in, sit down and tell us all about your journey. We can't all hope to be able to spend that much on our favourite hobby but we definitely get it.
Aug 15, 2015 at 4:12 AM Post #742 of 834
TotalDAC D1-dual > BHSE > SR009/SR007mk1 is starting to feel like end game to me :wink:. Both a question of budget and satisfaction really. What tells me I am getting there is that I am spending less time on forums and more time listening to music!

As for the D1 / NOS R2R with the BHSE and a revealing transducer like the SR009, it's really a combination to behold. There's not one day passing without getting reminded how much air / separation there is between instruments, width and depth with razorsharp placement, dynamic sound while never ever getting harsh or etched.

It's akin to pictures I may take with my Alpha 7 in a clear sky day using quality prime lens... Everything is there it seems :).

Unfortunately, I can't comment on the X01 or D02 as I only listened to the former at stores using speaker systems. i was always impressed by the resolution / amount of detail and dynamic sound.

I suspect the TotalDAC will be more about pace, fluidity and texture (there's really something about harmonics and timing when playing nos through a ladder dac). The bass may feel tighter on Esoteric but don't forget to play with the absolute phase, it's got more influence than one might think it has.

Aug 15, 2015 at 4:23 AM Post #743 of 834
I am not sure I can ever reach a true End Game, but this current rig is special,

MacBook Pro with Amarra 3.03, Light Harmonic Lightspeed 10G USB cable, VPI Scout 1.1 with Dynavector 10X5 & Stillpoints LPI Long Spindle record weight.

@ALOAudio Studio Six Amplifier with L-R RCA VT-231 (6SN7 variant), Bendix JAN CEA 5992 (2), Sylvania OB2 (2) and a USAF-596 with a 2359Glenn 5U4G adapter

ALO Audio Phono Stage (Powered by the Studio Six) with Electro Harmonix 12AX7's (2) and an Electro Harmonix 6SN7

Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSDse with Femto Clock upgrade

Sennheiser HD800's with Toxic Cables Silver Widow SW22 & SW25 Cables

Wow what a superb setup. Do you transfer your vinyl onto digital or do you prefer to keep the 2 formats separate?
You missed a big one - Abyss

yes , absolutely right. The Abyss hadn't been around for long enough to count as an endgame (ie owned for a year) when I first started this. It would be included now but unfortunately the poll cannot be updated. I thought maybe another 18 months and after which I shall put a new thread in with a new poll. This can include some of the newer models like the Abyss and the HE1000
Aug 15, 2015 at 7:42 AM Post #744 of 834
I have not transferred the Vinyl to Digital. I have about 400 Albums that I enjoy very much via the VPI. OTOH, the W4S DAC-2 DSDse is a terrific DAC for my digital files. The HD800's, LCD-X's, Alpha Prime's, HD650's and Nighthawks really sing with the system
Aug 15, 2015 at 9:13 AM Post #745 of 834
I'm getting very close.  
Rig #1
With the BHSE on the way (with in the year or early next year who knows) to pair with the TotalDac and the 009s.  Right now the KGST is doing a fine job.
Rig #2
Was just completed.  The GS-X mk2 paired with the Bricasti M1 and the HD800s - Is my top rig for classical music.
Rig #3
The Pass Labs INT-30A and the Abyss - Still haven't decided on a DAC for this rig.  Looking at the La Scala mk2, Pavane, or the Yaggdrasil.  I have the La Scala home now for a demo.  I'm liking it more than the Yggdrasil but still haven't heard the Pavane yet.
All rigs are in different locations.  
Aug 15, 2015 at 9:55 AM Post #746 of 834
I'm getting very close.  

Rig #1
With the BHSE on the way (with in the year or early next year who knows) to pair with the TotalDac and the 009s.  Right now the KGST is doing a fine job.

Rig #2
Was just completed.  The GS-X mk2 paired with the Bricasti M1 and the HD800s - Is my top rig for classical music.

Rig #3
The Pass Labs INT-30A and the Abyss - Still haven't decided on a DAC for this rig.  Looking at the La Scala mk2, Pavane, or the Yaggdrasil.  I have the La Scala home now for a demo.  I'm liking it more than the Yggdrasil but still haven't heard the Pavane yet.

All rigs are in different locations.  

Impressive systems , the best of electrostats with the best in planars. How does the Abyss compare with the other 2?
Aug 15, 2015 at 9:59 AM Post #747 of 834
I have not transferred the Vinyl to Digital. I have about 400 Albums that I enjoy very much via the VPI. OTOH, the W4S DAC-2 DSDse is a terrific DAC for my digital files. The HD800's, LCD-X's, Alpha Prime's, HD650's and Nighthawks really sing with the system

How are you enjoying your nighthawks? Are they more suited to a certain type of music?
Aug 15, 2015 at 10:34 AM Post #748 of 834
I have not transferred the Vinyl to Digital. I have about 400 Albums that I enjoy very much via the VPI. OTOH, the W4S DAC-2 DSDse is a terrific DAC for my digital files. The HD800's, LCD-X's, Alpha Prime's, HD650's and Nighthawks really sing with the system

How are you enjoying your nighthawks? Are they more suited to a certain type of music?

I am working on the review for Headphone.guru. I did buy the review pair. They have their own sonic characteristics. Not like any other headphone I have heard. Almost a speaker like experience. great lows and mids. The highs are a bit dark but roll off cleanly with no edge. Very comfortable for long sessions. Over all they are a neat compliment to my HD650's.
Aug 15, 2015 at 10:47 AM Post #749 of 834
Impressive systems , the best of electrostats with the best in planars. How does the Abyss compare with the other 2?

I also had the HE1Ks.  I sold them because I liked the Abyss better.  The HD800s are top for classical music.  However, the other two ( Abyss and 009s) are very capable as well.  I just like them all for different things or different music.  I'll have more info once the BHSE comes in.  
Aug 15, 2015 at 1:03 PM Post #750 of 834
I also had the HE1Ks.  I sold them because I liked the Abyss better.  The HD800s are top for classical music.  However, the other two ( Abyss and 009s) are very capable as well.  I just like them all for different things or different music.  I'll have more info once the BHSE comes in.  

It seems that you have different opinions from Isquirrel 

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