Who Goes To Church On Sunday:
Nov 26, 2002 at 4:49 AM Post #61 of 77

Originally posted by andrzejpw
It really is depressing to think that now you're 16, and time really is flying. And who knows, you blink, and you're 80!

Trust me. I'm 44 and this year time is not going by fast enough. 34 seems so far away, 54 even farther.


Originally posted by mikeg
I've read all the divergent point of view expressed in this thread, and I'm amazed and gratified by the tolerance, mutual respect and gentleness with one another that you all demostrate. It really seems that we who enjoy headphones are really very special people. I wonder why we differ so from so many others of the human race who do such harm and whose bad deeds we see described in the daily news.

I am amazed & impressed also....
Nov 26, 2002 at 9:04 PM Post #63 of 77
MikeG: Thanks

00940: Is that anything like "Music soothes the savage breast" ?

Mr. PD: I'm 34 and time is flying for me. I wish it would slow down some.
Nov 27, 2002 at 1:56 AM Post #64 of 77
I'm not a Christian, and I've only set foot in churches for a couple of weddings. Even if I was a believer, I doubt I'd have much use for organized religion. God is omniscient, right? Why not talk to him anywhere? What need for rituals, ceremonies, trappings? These seem like needless, superstitious leftovers that can only intrude between me and God.

The only need I see for church is a reinforcement of the sense of Christian brotherhood, and maybe shoring up against doubts. I wouldn't want to participate in that fellowship. as I have a low opinion of most Christians I've met in real life (members of my family included, *sigh*.) Intolerance, fanaticism, confusion in own professed beliefs, and a rigid anti-intellectualism predominate amongst the Christians I'm acquainted with.

I want to shake such people and say "look, your faith doesn't demand this stubborn ignorance!" Just look at the Jesuits, for instance, or some of the great Christian thinkers (I've read Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, and some of the English renaissance guys.) Actually, certain Christians whose opinions I've read online have done much to rehabilitate my view of the various flocks (used respectfully, not as "flock of mindless sheep".) Lack of curiosity and an unwillingness to examine one's own beliefs are despicable in anyone, Christian or not, but these traits are characteristic of many Christians I have met.

Philosophy (especially the ancient Greek and Chinese varieties) provides me with all the spirituality I need, and I read it and ponder whenever and wherever the mood strikes me.
Nov 27, 2002 at 5:33 AM Post #66 of 77

Originally posted by gloom
.....Intolerance, fanaticism, confusion in own professed beliefs, and a rigid anti-intellectualism predominate amongst the Christians I'm acquainted with.

I want to shake such people and say "look, your faith doesn't demand this stubborn ignorance!" .....Actually, certain Christians whose opinions I've read online have done much to rehabilitate my view of the various flocks (used respectfully, not as "flock of mindless sheep".) Lack of curiosity and an unwillingness to examine one's own beliefs are despicable in anyone, Christian or not, but these traits are characteristic of many Christians I have met.

Unfortunately, much of what you say is true. There is tendency to vegitate among many, if not most, that claim the faith. Most don't know only enough of the Bible, or even what Jesus specifically said, to get themselves in trouble. But as you say there are many great thinkers as well: some most notably in this last century - C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Toilken, and Szholsinetzin (forgive the spellings). There are many other that are known mostly in Christian circles as the bulk of there writings are viewed as aimed specifically at Christians (Elisabeth Eliot, Dietrich Bonhoffer)

All I ask is that us individually - just as I have friends that are Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, Buddist, & Muslim (these are actual friends, not just "I know a _________." As a group, followers of Jesus have all the problems of any other group (the 12 deciples were a rag-tag bunch if there ever was one.) I go along with sacdlover: we aren't the answer to any of lifes problems, we just believe we know who does.

Sorry if this came across preachy - I am trying to stay analytical about it and describing it objectively.
Nov 27, 2002 at 5:44 AM Post #67 of 77
My parents/family used to be really religious but Ive never really bought it. I have a few theories about it. #1 people are insecure and just really like to think that someone is watching over them. #2 the crazy dude theory, you know the guy who REALLY saw the UFO, saw "god". #3 the santa theory, it was all started as a threat, if little jonny doesnt go to bed on time santa will bring him coal, if little jonny doesnt do this god wont like him. Im not saying religious people are wrong im just say i dont buy it.
Nov 27, 2002 at 5:45 AM Post #68 of 77
Gloom, i agree with you. As a Catholic, I feel that the education given to Catholics about their own faith is woefully inadequate. The information is there if one is willing to look. The problem is that people don't.

there are also the apathetic athiests as well as the uneducated Catholics. It seems that many people just fall into athieism. They have no reason in particular, they just don't believe.

It is a problem for all religions and ways of thought.
Nov 27, 2002 at 6:19 AM Post #69 of 77
Hum, as good former student of a Jesuit's school and really classical in my practice (in Belgium, I go sometimes to Latine Masses), I've to agree that I'm a bit confused sometimes here when speaking with US catholics. My faith includes a solid trust in rationnal thought that I failed to find here most of the time. It seems to me that the trust in the faith as practized in the US goes a bit far. It has probably something to do with the history of this country.
Nov 27, 2002 at 4:45 PM Post #71 of 77
From the Merriam-Webster Online :

Agnostic: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

Atheist: one who denies the existence of God

and just for the sake of clarification:

Religion: 1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

00940 As to your comment about the Catholisism in the US: IMHO the level of "trust in the faith" is due to the "competion" (for lack of a better word) between the differing views of Christianity, and, within the last centrury, the compeating views of other religions in general. This country has always been a breeding ground for new/different ideas and belief systems and because of this, these ideas and belief systems are constantly challanged by opposing veiws. Because of this, most people here IMHO are either adamant about what they think & believe or apathetic to any discussion.

Keep in mind that I am not Catholic, so this is what I see from the "outside", but I hold the same view of other denominations and religions in the US
Nov 28, 2002 at 3:08 AM Post #74 of 77

Originally posted by eric343
Going by those definitions, I'm an agnostic.

I'm an atheist with a somewhat agnostic bent, sadly, however most people these days think agnostic means "undecided".
Nov 28, 2002 at 3:13 AM Post #75 of 77

Originally posted by BoardC3
My parents/family used to be really religious but Ive never really bought it. I have a few theories about it. #1 people are insecure and just really like to think that someone is watching over them. .

That would be nice. I know I could use it.

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