which has more bass? HD650 or HD600
Mar 1, 2009 at 7:57 AM Post #16 of 49
HD650s have more bass and slightly more refined than HD600s, but you've to hear them for yourself to see which one is more enjoyable.

For under $300, you can get a used Gilmore Lite or ask one of those professional builder to make a CKKIII or a basic M^3 for slightly more than $300.

You'll need a DAC to connect your amp to your computer.
Mar 1, 2009 at 8:50 AM Post #17 of 49

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
so i dont have an amp..whats a good amp i can buy?..something cheap, good quality, that will last a while?..something say sub $300USD?.

and also..if i buy an amp how do i hook up my computer and the amp?..dont i need a dac or something as well? or can it be rigged to go straight?

You could go for a gilmore lite, or shameles promotion I have a citypulse ef3.01 for sale that I used to drive my HD600 when I used them single ended, before I went balanced. I would also recommend whether now or later, getting an external dac for your computer, though for the mean time you could use a mini to 2 rca chord (though it will likely be a major weakness in your system untill you do upgrade).


Originally Posted by Caution /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yea it was the rig in my sig :x Maybe it's not revealing enough? Do both of your HD6x0's have the white mesh?

I have never used a Apogee mini dac (or at least I don't remember using one), so I guess it is possibly the source or amp. I currently don't have a pair of hd650 (but have in the past), so I can't comment based on my current system. Also there is no white mesh on my current HD600's (at least that I now of), nor was ther any on my HD650's (or any others I have used). Just wishing to clarify where the white mesh would be? Also pointing out that I don't dislike the HD650's, I just prefer the sound of the HD600's.
Mar 1, 2009 at 8:55 AM Post #18 of 49
650 have more

Its commonly said that the HD600 scale better with lower end or midrange amp/systems ..
Mar 1, 2009 at 9:04 AM Post #19 of 49
is it possible to get a dac and amp all in one solution for 300 bux for now?

what do you guys think of this amp/dac?


i have not heard much bout it is it any good? i am unable to audition this sadly so im looking for input frmo you guys. either that or i was thinking to wait and just get the phones now and use em without an amp temporarily for the nextt few months and then buy one of these

Mar 1, 2009 at 9:09 AM Post #20 of 49
Meier is pretty well reviewed here, just search that model in the amp section..
Mar 1, 2009 at 9:22 AM Post #21 of 49

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
is it possible to get a dac and amp all in one solution for 300 bux for now?

what do you guys think of this amp/dac?

Meier Audio: Corda Cantate | Headphonic: Australian Headphone Specialists: Buy Etymotic, Alessandro, Audio Technica, Ultimate Ears, Talisman, Meier Audio and more

i have not heard much bout it is it any good? i am unable to audition this sadly so im looking for input frmo you guys. either that or i was thinking to wait and just get the phones now and use em without an amp temporarily for the nextt few months and then buy one of these

Benchmark: DAC1 | Headphonic: Australian Headphone Specialists: Buy Etymotic, Alessandro, Audio Technica, Ultimate Ears, Talisman, Meier Audio and more

That corda cantante is a very nice amp/dac combo that goes beatifully with the HD600's, I personally don't think much of the DAC1 though.

Though I haven't heard it I can't see how you could go wrong with a symphony http://headphones.com.au/psingle?productID=402.
Mar 1, 2009 at 9:40 AM Post #22 of 49

Originally Posted by Suntory_Times /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That corda cantante is a very nice amp/dac combo that goes beatifully with the HD600's, I personally don't think much of the DAC1 though.

Though I haven't heard it I can't see how you could go wrong with a symphony Meier Audio: Corda Symphony | Headphonic: Australian Headphone Specialists: Buy Etymotic, Alessandro, Audio Technica, Ultimate Ears, Talisman, Meier Audio and more.

i thought it was good if it went to 192Khz?, the meier only does 96 i think..im not too educated on amps and dacs...but by the looks of it the meier is good everywhere else...im not getting all of that info although.

can someone sum up why the meier is better than the Dac1? all that info ont he page is going over my head.
Mar 1, 2009 at 9:48 AM Post #23 of 49
If you are looking for a headphone to 'build around' then the HD600 is a good choice. They will scale very well. The better the components you put behind them, the more the sound quality will jump up. They're not really going to sound anywhere near their potential out of an ipod, but they are listenable. I compared them to the Grado earlier, and with headphones, a lot of what you prefer to will depend on mood. These are great 'relaxing' headphones with a very smooth sound and will only get better as you upgrade your rig.

A relatively inexpensive amp that would go well with the HD600s is the Darkvoice 332 if you can find it used since it is discontinued. Or an EF1, which I have. It's not the 'most synergistic' match, but it performs decently with the HD600s. You'll probably need a DAC to get sounds to play out of the computer.

What I'd recommend you to do is get an EMU-0404, which is around $200. It's primarily a DAC, but also has an amp component. Just use the amp out of it until you can afford a decent amp later on. It won't sound 'as refined' as a standalone amp, but it will definitely hold you over until you can get something else.
Mar 1, 2009 at 9:48 AM Post #24 of 49

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i thought it was good if it went to 192Khz?, the meier only does 96 i think..im not too educated on amps and dacs...but by the looks of it the meier is good everywhere else...im not getting all of that info although.

can someone sum up why the meier is better than the Dac1? all that info ont he page is going over my head.

Stats are just like p*rn, you may enjoy watching it but it really has no solid base of story telling, or large truth with reality. I will tell you though that I have found all meier products I have used (the opera, cantante etc...) to have great synergy with the HD600.

I should also say the meier is not 'better' nor is the dac1 'better' in all honesty. Both are quality products and it really comes down to preference.
Mar 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM Post #25 of 49

Originally Posted by KevM2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you are looking for a headphone to 'build around' then the HD600 is a good choice. They will scale very well. The better the components you put behind them, the more the sound quality will jump up. They're not really going to sound anywhere near their potential out of an ipod, but they are listenable. I compared them to the Grado earlier, and with headphones, a lot of what you prefer to will depend on mood. These are great 'relaxing' headphones with a very smooth sound and will only get better as you upgrade your rig.

A relatively inexpensive amp that would go well with the HD600s is the Darkvoice 332 if you can find it used since it is discontinued. Or an EF1, which I have. It's not the 'most synergistic' match, but it performs decently with the HD600s. You'll probably need a DAC to get sounds to play out of the computer.

What I'd recommend you to do is get an EMU-0404, which is around $200. It's primarily a DAC, but also has an amp component. Just use the amp out of it until you can afford a decent amp later on. It won't sound 'as refined' as a standalone amp, but it will definitely hold you over until you can get something else.

hmm i think i should probably do just that..i hear EMU products are very good and should do me well temporarily do they ship internationally?..i dont know any local sellers of EMU products.
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:02 AM Post #26 of 49

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
can someone sum up why the meier is better than the Dac1? all that info ont he page is going over my head.

The short answer is that it isn't. The meier dac is simply a ti chip dac. It is the same as the diy alien dac (which you can build for $30 if so inclined).
Certainly there are far better DACs.
Just like everything the question how much are you willing to spend?
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:12 AM Post #28 of 49
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:13 AM Post #29 of 49
I don't think anyone can call the HD600/HD650 bass shy, but the Senn bass is very polite and not as slamming and fun as that of a good closed back like the D2000 or HFI 780. If you listen to a lot of hip hop and reggae I think you should be looking at the direction of those 2 headphones instead.
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:17 AM Post #30 of 49

Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule /img/forum/go_quote.gif
FWIW, I've heard mediocre things about that device overall.

What did you hear about it that was mediocre? And for its price range, is there anything superior? The thing about audio is that you will hear negative things about ANY product given different tastes.

For my purposes, it works very well. I've read several threads in the Computer Audio section suggesting that it is quite good at its price range, which was what pushed me to buy it in the first place.

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